King of the simps, Derrick Jaxn, caught cheating on his wife

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Prenups exist, if you are a wealthy man and don't get one these days it's on you.
Sure they do. Let’s start a new marriage with “if we break up then....”. Waiting also exists

All sounds like a lose lose
Bill Simmons always said men are "just there" for weddings and they could hire stunt doubles and nobody would notice since it is the woman's day.
Your funny naw but real talk if my girl proposed to me I would politely decline but I would let her know I appreciate the sentiment..I was responding to your post saying that you would shame her..there's just certain things as a man that's non negotiable and that's one of them..I couldn't see myself letting a girl propose to me
I am waiting for some of that ageism to pop up in here, you all know the kind. It is where someone will come in and then accuse people of being too old to participate in “having fun”.
I work with a guy who took his wife's last name, no hyphenate or anything, just pure switched. He's a king of hippy white and she's Viet, name is Charlie Tran. I don't mind it. I like how lovingly and positively he speaks of her. It probably ain't for me, but there are some guys like that who look like they got lucky and really caught a gem with their wives.

Bruh, did you see that set up? She had a whole a whole crowd out there with a sign AND she was laughing. I woulda told her dumb ahh to gtfu off the ground you’re embarrassing me. I gotta be the one who proposes.
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