Kobe Bryant wins 2007-2008 NBA MVP

i wouldnt have given it to him because his attitude at the beginning of the season, but he did a hell of a job this season so yeah good for kobe.

im pretty sure CP3 will get it another year.
I know this is going to be taken the wrong way, but... why are people 'so happy'? Dude ain't going to share the trophy with you or anything.

And if it's because he's your favorite player... I mean... Kidd's my favorite player, and if he would have won it 3 years ago like I thought he should have, I wouldn't have been elated, ecstatic, or even a little bit excited. Or even happy.

I don't get how people can say they are soooo happy and all excited and stuff.

Just an honestly curious question (so please take it that way).

Those of you who are excited or happy, why are you so excited or happy?
people can't be happy for him?
it's the same as getting excited every time your favorite team wins.

When did I say people can't be happy for him? 'Why are you happy?' does NOT mean 'You can't be happy.'

'Why are you happy?' simply means 'Why are you happy?'

That's all.

Like I said, I was just curious; wanted to see some reasons from people that said they were excited, thrilled, and happy. That's all.
But..... it would be a travesty if Kobe never won one.... so I suppose congrats to KB

But damn did CP3 have a season, and a playoff.... and.... damnit.
this thread isnt as bad as i thought it would be....well except for shuges rape comment smh
how did Paul get robbed?

if he wanted MVP he should have won the West.

maybe he shouldn't have lost 4 of their last 6 games in the middle of the tightest playoff race ever.
maybe he shouldn't have gotten outplayed by Deron Williams and had more than 4 points on his home court.
maybe he shouldn't have lost to the Kings, a MUCH inferior team, instead of winning and getting the #1 seed.
just maybe.

this race was extremely close up until the end of March, but Paul's individual and team performance dipped and he made the decision a lot easier fromthere.

there should be no complaints from CP3 fans, it's undeniable that he was clearly beaten out for the award down the stretch
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I know this is going to be taken the wrong way, but... why are people 'so happy'? Dude ain't going to share the trophy with you or anything.

And if it's because he's your favorite player... I mean... Kidd's my favorite player, and if he would have won it 3 years ago like I thought he should have, I wouldn't have been elated, ecstatic, or even a little bit excited. Or even happy.

I don't get how people can say they are soooo happy and all excited and stuff.

Just an honestly curious question (so please take it that way).

Those of you who are excited or happy, why are you so excited or happy?

...because he's been the best player in the league for the last so and so years and he's well deserving of this award. I'm sure a championshipwould mean MUCH, much more to Kobe but if you're a fan of his, you're happy for him.

This should NOT have been his first MVP award but w/e...homie finally got his. No one is running around the block screaming his name out or about to throw aBBQ for his MVP award tomorrow, but people are just happy for the kid. That's all.
First off,

Congrads to CP3 for having a great season. Your time is coming. He is the best point guard in the NBA right now and for a long time. I am glad my kid is goingto grow up seeing him play.

I am glad kobe got the award but....

I am telling you he will crack a smile but this award is not what he is worried about. He wants a chip and that what I want him thinking about.

Good job kobe...now fetch me a chip!
Congrats Kobe.

Well deserved. But the MVP don't mean crap.

There's only one thing that matters in my opinion.


A Championship > MVP all day every day.
I can't stand Hobe, but it wouldn't be right if he didn't get one nba mvp. Lakers will lose next round
Ska I know what you are saying...but yeah it probably will come off as hating.

Same question can be asked to those who don't like it..."why are you so mad"?
This should NOT have been his first MVP award but w/e...
Yea it should. If you think otherwise you're simply kidding youself, and have no clue what the precedent of the award has been over the lastcouple decades. This year(and this year only) he had the complete package that warrants serious consideration.

Now, whether that precendent in particular is fair or not is up for discussion.
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