Kobe Bryant's wife files for divorce. **UPDATE** Alleged mistress on page one. **UPDATE**

31 pages
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by MJsaver

Certain threads really bring out the true character in people, and this is 1 of them.

Its only human nature to feel sorry for someone when they're life is in turmoil, why should Kobe be any different?
He's still human, so what if he's filthy rich.

I felt the same way when a coworker recently got divorced and lost custody of his 3 kids. Its just messed up, I ain't think to myself " well that's what George gets for cheating with a temp from the office".

And if u wanna be upset, Vanessa isn't the problem. Blame the ridiculous divorce laws we have in this country.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

People are taking up arms because Kobe is a superstar and has incredible wealth, all of a sudden he is unworthy of empathy. His life is in shambles right now, and people are saying "well he deserved it". Great, he deserved it. Doesn't mean there's no emotional pain for him.

People always forget that everyone makes mistakes. If you were an angel who never once did any wrong, I could see that thought process.

Referring to your first post. ..Yes, she probably finally got herself together and said can't take this %#$+*@*% no more. Doesn't mean you can never gain self-respect if you didn't have it before. She was just an extra in a video. Was she taking her clothes off and shaking her *$+?

Nope, don't care he is a superstar. Same with real life people who cheat and then get screwed for it. Why feel empathy for someone who did something vile and harms others and then having to pay the consequences for it due to their own selfishness?

Some of you actually feel bad for him because you idolize this man, some others is because you are men and see nothing wrong with what he did. Doubt you would feel empathy if an athlete or joe schmoe cheated on a loved one of yours like your sister.  
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by MJsaver

Certain threads really bring out the true character in people, and this is 1 of them.

Its only human nature to feel sorry for someone when they're life is in turmoil, why should Kobe be any different?
He's still human, so what if he's filthy rich.

I felt the same way when a coworker recently got divorced and lost custody of his 3 kids. Its just messed up, I ain't think to myself " well that's what George gets for cheating with a temp from the office".

And if u wanna be upset, Vanessa isn't the problem. Blame the ridiculous divorce laws we have in this country.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

People are taking up arms because Kobe is a superstar and has incredible wealth, all of a sudden he is unworthy of empathy. His life is in shambles right now, and people are saying "well he deserved it". Great, he deserved it. Doesn't mean there's no emotional pain for him.

People always forget that everyone makes mistakes. If you were an angel who never once did any wrong, I could see that thought process.

i just don't get how anyone can find enjoyment from another mans personal problems.  i posted it earlier and had people getting uptight over it but dudes talkin about they hope she takes all his money are clowns.

like i said before, it's one thing to hope that an athlete you don't like fails on the court basketball wise, it's taking it to a whole other level wishing bad things upon that person in their personal life.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by 0cks

Originally Posted by LDJ

Huh how isnt it one-sided, she had nothing.... I repeat NOTHING to offer he had money fame etc.... She hasnt or had anything to contribute to the relationship. It was completely one-sided. And as far as gets something they werent anticipating/expecting foolish of kobe didnt anticpate/expect this chick to be all about the paper, he didntt anticapte she would trip about him cheating because its kinda a unspoken rule that these guys go off and do their thing.
I feel like you are reaching like a mugg mugg
When you are in the dating game both sides take risks... STD's, lies, deceit etc. alls fair in Love&War. As a guy yea you never know why a chick is down for you, it could be your money, status, your look whatever, but a female takes on some risk as well. How did she know Kobe didn't just want to get in get out? 
He was scheming on her just as much as she was scheming on him, I'm having a tough time understanding how getting roofied involves both parties trying to get something from each other
Um but non of those equate money.And how many ppl get dumped, played etc and get a millionaires lifestyle out of it? How many ppl get played and as a result travel all around the world, live in multi-million dollar homes? He had his fame, his status, his image, his money, his brand, his endorsements, his reputation. And she had nothing to lose and all to game. Say they never married and it was a hit and quit it, she still wins. Ala tiger woods. She could blackmale him. Could hit the tabloids, etc... She wouldve been famous just off the fact she was messing with him ala the kardasians.

As far as scheming goes, im pretty sure kobe, with his name alone not even including his money and other assets could pull some random chick from the hood. I donty think he has to trick and connive some hood bopper.

As far as the roofie thing goes one person unbeknown to them ends upp getting duped and short end of the stick. i mean if kobe only wanted to hit please believe he could get any other random chick from the hood, with little to no effort involved. If he just wanted randoms chicks to smash, he could and it be as easy as sunday morning. So to imply he had ulterior motives is ubsurd. he was looking for a wifey, and she was looking for a comeup.

To say she was with him for him and not the benefits makes no sense. She had nothing, and didnt have anything going for her in life to live the life she currently does with him. So what risk did she take really. Oh the i could get hurt, i could get played. Well im pretty sure she has been hurt and been played waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before kobe came into the picture. And she wouldve been hurt and played if she never met kobe. thing is she never woulda got played and the results end up her never worked and never have to work a day of her life, and being in a financial situation that 95% of ppl dram of and will never reach.
I guess we can agree to disagree. I feel sympathy for roofie victims because they do not cause the adverse action to be taken against them... I don't feel sympathy for Kobe because HE chose to upgrade a hoodbooger, HE antagonized her by cheating on her (say what you want, it had to be humiliating for her to sit next to dude at that "I'm innocent" presser) again & again and only now he's getting his comeuppance... 
Really you are operating under the pretense that when someone marries up they lose their ego/self-esteem and just allow themselves to be treated any which way... this is simply not the case. Peoples standards of living are adjustable as is their self-worth, she's been living like a rockstar since she was 19. 5 star hotels to her are probably like a birthright at this point. At the end of the day people have ego's, no one's gonna go out like chump sayin "I ain't %%%
Whether he should pay her half or just a penny is debatable. To me there's nothing debatable about putting a roofie in someone's drink.
Why are people still speaking about prenups? All prenuptial agreements are void after 10 years in California, anyway.

And cot damn, so many emotions filling my body after looking at Kobe's alleges concubine.. ansdlkansdlc liwhqoifjqwefhklwjfbklajsbflkawefna
Originally Posted by MoreUptempo

Why are people still speaking about prenups? All prenuptial agreements are void after 10 years in California, anyway.

And cot damn, so many emotions filling my body after looking at Kobe's alleges concubine.. ansdlkansdlc liwhqoifjqwefhklwjfbklajsbflkawefna

Damn. Reminds me not to get married in Cali.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by MJsaver

Certain threads really bring out the true character in people, and this is 1 of them.

Its only human nature to feel sorry for someone when they're life is in turmoil, why should Kobe be any different?
He's still human, so what if he's filthy rich.

I felt the same way when a coworker recently got divorced and lost custody of his 3 kids. Its just messed up, I ain't think to myself " well that's what George gets for cheating with a temp from the office".

And if u wanna be upset, Vanessa isn't the problem. Blame the ridiculous divorce laws we have in this country.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

People are taking up arms because Kobe is a superstar and has incredible wealth, all of a sudden he is unworthy of empathy. His life is in shambles right now, and people are saying "well he deserved it". Great, he deserved it. Doesn't mean there's no emotional pain for him.

People always forget that everyone makes mistakes. If you were an angel who never once did any wrong, I could see that thought process.

i just don't get how anyone can find enjoyment from another mans personal problems.  i posted it earlier and had people getting uptight over it but dudes talkin about they hope she takes all his money are clowns.

like i said before, it's one thing to hope that an athlete you don't like fails on the court basketball wise, it's taking it to a whole other level wishing bad things upon that person in their personal life.
Jealously and hate is  powerful

31 pages though

If dude was cheating(not that a good number of pro athletes don't) then she has every right to leave. I don't think she deserves nearly the amount of money she'll get out of this but if you act up repercussions will come.
I don't respect Vanessa more or less than I do kobe.

She should have left during that whole fiasco.

After that point, she is just as complicit in turning a blind eye as he was in his "transgressions" (cause really, whats monogamy?
And yall call me a Kobe stan. The haters are in here more than the stans smh.

I don't blame you guys though, this @$@% was all over the news and the spanish news LOL
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by voodoo

True, but Kobe isn't the one who filed for divorce and there has been no indication that he is a bad father. 
So, cheating on your spouse doesn't make someone a bad father?  There are countless kids out there who harbor some sort of resentment towards their father/mother depending on who cheated (and if it was the cause of the parent's split). 

voodoo, really? So because Kobe gave her a healthy and rich lifestyle, that outweights the cheating? NO. Kids or no kids involved. How about the fact she was by his side providing him support and being there for him?

MUTUAL RESPECT supercedes everything. He did not respect her and treated her like +%!% for cheating. They had a mutual and monogamous agreement to remain faithful to each other. RESPECT is above all the most important virtue to posess in ANY human interaction, without it everything else fails. Shows where some of you put your values and priorities if you believe that money and riches is above respecting someone else. 

Gold digging women who put up with their husband's unfaithfulness and infedility lack self-respect and stay just for the money. Tiger Wood's wife and Vanessa FINALLY leaving did it right.

Don't know why some of you feel bad for him. He is the %@@%!@! that signed no pre-nup and couldn't keep it in his pants. Yup, he deserves it.
Yes, everything Kobe gave her outweighs his cheating!  Think about it like this... assuming Kobe & Vanessa met and only dated for ~6 months then went their separate ways.  Where would they be?  Kobe would still be an NBA All-Star and Vanessa would be... Vanessa who?? 

You can't be so naive to think that a woman with NOTHING who accepted the advances of a pro-athlete really cared about how faithful he would be.  She cared more about the wealth & status more than she did about Kobe as a man.  Kobe married a woman who probably wouldn't want anything to do with him without his money & fame... knowing that I don't see how he could ever be truly satisified with her.  There was thousands of women lined up that would've happily given Kobe two (or more) kids... there was no line of multi-millionaires waiting to share their fortune with Vanessa.  Kobe gave her everything and what has she given him in return?  Nothing!  Unless we include a petition for divorce and request for spousal support.  Women have a strange way of showing gratitude towards someone who gave them everything they ever wanted and more. 

Nobody's Perfect.  If Vanessa expected to him to fullfill her every need and stay completely faithful to her when she has nothing to offer him in return...  she has one hell of a strong sense of entitlement.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

voodoo, really? So because Kobe gave her a healthy and rich lifestyle, that outweights the cheating? NO. Kids or no kids involved. How about the fact she was by his side providing him support and being there for him?

MUTUAL RESPECT supercedes everything. He did not respect her and treated her like +%!% for cheating. They had a mutual and monogamous agreement to remain faithful to each other. RESPECT is above all the most important virtue to posess in ANY human interaction, without it everything else fails. Shows where some of you put your values and priorities if you believe that money and riches is above respecting someone else. 

Gold digging women who put up with their husband's unfaithfulness and infedility lack self-respect and stay just for the money. Tiger Wood's wife and Vanessa FINALLY leaving did it right.

Don't know why some of you feel bad for him. He is the %@@%!@! that signed no pre-nup and couldn't keep it in his pants. Yup, he deserves it.

But if emotions outweight money and riches then why would she or anyone for that matter ask or want money/alimony. You basically said feelings and emotions supercedes finance right? So why would you want or request money. Will money erase what happen....? Will money heal the pain? And as far as money over respect, that ship is sank. You do realize she was a video pro prior to marrying him right? So self-respect over money lol... she gave that up for a few hundred bucks and a chance to meet snoop dogg 2short and the eastsiders.

Its funny ppl say they have all this pride and dignity and respect and money cant buy my principles. Yet have a ideal and figure about how much they want to be compensated for those so call principles.

And as far as being by his side how so? Her involvement and her association didnt make him the man he is today, and it damn sure didnt make him the player he is today. So just spending someones money, being around them 20% or so of the time equals being by their side. You make it seem like he went through rough times and she was his rock. Or he was sick and on his death bed or something and she was by his side. Hell she has a maid live in nanny etc so she isnt even their by the side of her kids, so ......

Cause she isnt in school, she doesnt work, so what really is the purpose need to have someone living with you 24/7 and taking care o your kids for. Im almost willing to bet she didnt really genuinly love him. It was he is nice cause he does nice things for me aka spoil me with money and monetary things, show me a world ive never seen and never would have seen. And is a cool guy so hell ill get with him. Trust if he wasnt who he was and didnt/couldnt provide those very things you said dont really matter, she never woulda gave kobe the time of day.

It's not feelings and emotions, it is VIRTUES. Now tell me, would you stay with a woman that cheats on you constantly, has no respect for you and is not loyal to you? What do you think is your self-worth to allow someone to trample and do that to you? This not only goes for a significant other, but also "friends" that disrespect you. In order to build an actual respectful relationship, if you truly value yourself, you would not put up with disrespect, infedelity, and disloyalty.Just because this man has money and buys her the world, it means his riches supercede him disrespecting her?

So does her being a video extra make her not respect herself? I never said I agreed to her getting half.

Ok well virtues then. If virtues outweight money and cannot be compensated with money, then why would you or anybody want or expect money for it. Example if someone murdered my kids, no amount of money could erase that void, and no one could give me any amount of money to erase that void. But this is not the case with her and most ppl who divorce. Its basically saying oh i refuse to accept cheating, nothing can be said or done to ease the pain or help me get over it.......................................oh i get how much... Cheating what, I am hurt by who again.

And if my old lady was to cheat on me... One it would depend on the situation, cause sleeping with someone doesnt neccesarily mean they dont love you and dont care about you. And if it was all about virtues, where was these so called virtues 8+ years ago when the alledged rape charge occured?

So basically its oh im hurt, I cant bare to live with the pain. I could take 5,6,7,8 years but 9 is where I draw the line. Its nothing that can be done to get me over this pain. Um 100+ million dollars..... Oh wipes tears, I guess I could learn to get over this distraught and very very tramatizing situation.
Outside of the first page, I haven't read anything else in this thread. At 32 pages, are there any lulz in the previous pages or just serious conversations?
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