Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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damn bro... for real? remember this thread and the updates like it was yesterday

good to see a positive update and to see you're doing great.

The way I healed myself can be cross referenced and applied to other cancer patients. I feel like there is a force in play that will not let this information get to the masses. Serious question NT... what do I have to do for the gatekeepers to let me through?
Famb, no offense, because I am truly happy for you, but you talking kinda wild now.

You beat cancer now you claim to have a special cure that you think will work for all cancer patients. Not only that, the same mainstream treatments that helped saved your life you're kinda discounting. Plus there was the whole being held in a mental institution thing.

And I really think you should be going for regular check ups to make sure you're still in remission. Don't get arrogant and Steve Jobs yourself.

Be safe famb
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I never came through this thread a few years back. My mom was diagnosed with cancer and is currently fighting for her life...

She is on her 2nd round of chemo... the past couple years been hard but she's a fighter...

Congrats on beating it bro
OP's track record has made it pretty clear that he's delusional. Hard to say if he has full-blown psychotic episodes/schizophrenia/bipolar disorder, but he clearly holds a lot of false/nonsensical beliefs.

Saw those yellow nonskid socks in the thumbnail from the other thread and immediately thought "this dude got involuntarily committed" without having to click the video.
Update... 11/27/18

I know it may sound improbable or delusional... but I really figured out the cure to cancer.

Two years ago, I was given 1 year to live.

I have not been to a doctor in almost 2 years after being given a terminal diagnosis. I am still in the best shape of life.

The method I used to heal can be cross referenced and applied to all othercancer patients, since we are all humans that are all comprised of the same thing.

I published 2 books in reference to how I healed. They are available below,as well for basically free on the Amazon Kindle app. The information is also available on my blog for FREE... also below.

Amazon product ASIN 0692101306
Amazon product ASIN 1729156894



This is dangerous
All humans are 70 percent water.

All water holds emotion.

All water is effected by consciousness.

If I internalize emotion for my entire life, I internalize water for my entire life.

Where the water is internalized is determined by the type of emotion I internalize.

If I internalize the same type of emotion for my entire life, that emotion all gets filtered to the same place through my chakras for my entire life.

For my entire life I was an introvert... causing me to internalize my emotion(water) through my throat chakra.

If that emotion(water) is not accessed by my awarness(pineal gland), that water eventually becomes ice... or a tumor.

That is why my cancer began in my throat. It was a ball of internalized emotion... a ball of ice... a ball of lies.

Chemotherapy and radiation broke the ice.

The cancer then spread throughtout my bloodstream.

I then used plant medicine.

Plants absorb water outside of the body.

When I injested the plants, it absorbed the water.

I then externalzed it by vomiting, urinating, bowel movements, and crying.

I eventually expressed myself(confessed my lies), leading to the release of all of that negative water/emotion.

Since then, I rapidly began to heal.

In scientific terms, I found psychosomatic symptoms during medical marijuana induced meditations. Modern medicine has the intention of suppressing and sedating emotions. Medical marijuana has the intention of extracting and releasing emotion (e-motion = energy in motion). Once I released my suppressions, I no longer needed to use energy to maintain a dualistic personality... I became balanced, and I healed.

This has been working for others. The type of cancer correlates with the type of emotion that is tied to each chakra.

Does any of that sound delusional RustyShackleford RustyShackleford Comparison Ford Comparison Ford ???
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford thanks for the thorough response.

Can anyone else then explain why I am still alive?

I did.

And for the record... I just had a CT scan(clear) Psychological evaluations(clear) and am in the best shape of my life... two years after being given 1 year to live... and after not going to a doctor for almost 2 years.

Coincidence? Delusions?

RustyShackleford RustyShackleford thanks for the thorough response.

Can anyone else then explain why I am still alive?

I did.

And for the record... I just had a CT scan(clear) Psychological evaluations(clear) and am in the best shape of my life... two years after being given 1 year to live... and after not going to a doctor for almost 2 years.

Coincidence? Delusions?

Respect that you have overcome your battle. You are a warrior for sure man. Heart of a Samurai.

But I would just be careful with saying you have a non-scientifically proven answer for cancer.

That is all.
It would be one thing if I miraculously got healthy without being able to explain how.

On the contrary, I am telling you exactly how I got healthy.

I'm not exactly sure why there is so much hate... this was terminal cancer... but whatever.

If anyone wants to be funny or joke around... ok.

The information is there for those who need it and are willing to receive it

Not sure where you are seeing hate, people seem to be wanting to have actual conversation on it.

WHere exactly is it on your blog, your step by step guide to curing any cancer?
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I am very careful with my words.

Understanding cancer had to become my life, or I wouldn't have a life.

Prior to having cancer I had a psychology degree.

All humans are comprised of the same things, and all function the same.

All things considered... it would make sense that I would be able to cross reference and apply what I did to myself to other humans... and have it work for them.

I have already been doing it... for a while now... and it has been working for others too.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I am very careful with my words.

Understanding cancer had to become my life, or I wouldn't have a life.

Prior to having cancer I had a psychology degree.

All humans are comprised of the same things, and all function the same.

All things considered... it would make sense that I would be able to cross reference and apply what I did to myself to other humans... and have it work for them.

I have already been doing it... for a while now... and it has been working for others too.

I respectfully tap out of this conversation.

I doubt my words will actually be heard without being taken out of context.
jape jape if you want to use logic... I used a deductive argument.

All humans are the same(premise)

All function the same(conclusion)

That is sound.

Now if I would have used an inductive argument with a premise focused on emotion, I would have been wrong.
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