Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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I have been a Niketalk member for over 15 years.

I know that if I make any claim on this site about anything... I should be prepared for questions, skeptisism, or flat out hate.

I have answered every question, provided information to help clarify the skeptisism, and ignored the hate.

I documeted my cancer story from the beggining... included showing pictures of myself getting chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and almost dying.

I explain EXACTLY how I healed in multiple ways... even publishing multiple books... all while not going to a doctor for over two years.

At what point do any my words have merit?
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford thanks for the thorough response.

Can anyone else then explain why I am still alive?

I did.

And for the record... I just had a CT scan(clear) Psychological evaluations(clear) and am in the best shape of my life... two years after being given 1 year to live... and after not going to a doctor for almost 2 years.

Coincidence? Delusions?

Medical care from license/qualified/experienced medical professionals and luck.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford so a lived experience from a terminal cancer patient...backed up with a thorough explanation using medical jargon and deep psychological concepts... backed up with a clear CT scan, clear psychological evaluations, and me being in the best shape of my life... still isn't good enough?

Was it a miracle... or does nothing I say make sense? Did you read anything I wrote?

I can respect someone dismissing my claims by directly disputing the facts I present. If someone just wants to say... "You sound crazy..." that doesn't hold up.

After all of this time I am still here... still standing on my methods... and still in the best shape of my life.

Only on NT can a person attempt to provide value, and receive nothing but hate.

We are talking about CANCER here... not shoes, trinkets, or anything else.

Again... hopefully the people who need the information I am providing can find and use it.

If anyone wants me to elaborate or go into detail on anything, please let me know. I will not tap out of this conversation, because I know what I am talking about. I will continue to provide facts, insight, and truth to those who are willing to receive.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford so a lived experience from a terminal cancer patient...backed up with a thorough explanation using medical jargon and deep psychological concepts... backed up with a clear CT scan, clear psychological evaluations, and me being in the best shape of my life... still isn't good enough?

Was it a miracle... or does nothing I say make sense? Did you read anything I wrote?

I can respect someone dismissing my claims by directly disputing the facts I present. If someone just wants to say... "You sound crazy..." that doesn't hold up.

After all of this time I am still here... still standing on my methods... and still in the best shape of my life.

Only on NT can a person attempt to provide value, and receive nothing but hate.

We are talking about CANCER here... not shoes, trinkets, or anything else.

Again... hopefully the people who need the information I am providing can find and use it.

If anyone wants me to elaborate or go into detail on anything, please let me know. I will not tap out of this conversation, because I know what I am talking about. I will continue to provide facts, insight, and truth to those who are willing to receive.
-You are using anecdotal evidence, just your experience. And I did read some of what you wrote and it has left me bewildered that someone would think to that even describes a "cure" for anything

-Your methods have not been tested on anyone else, not proven on anyone else, and are not peer-reviewed. Tons of other cancer treatments have been. Some of those other treatments you used to beat cancer. You have no way of knowing your methods was the cause of your sure or the chemo and other stuff....... In fact, let me take off the kid gloves because you need to hear this, you got ******* lucky as **** that the treatment the doctors saved your life twice and for whatever reason you have now deluded yourself into thinking you have found the cure for cancer. You running around thinking you got everything figured out is dangerous. Dangerous for yourself and anyone else you convince.

-You seem defensive like I am hating on you, like I am attacking you for some reason. In reality I I think you are a good dude and I am legit concern about your mental well being, and that you have deluded yourself into thinking you actually found a cure for cancer, and are not getting regular check-ups, and that you may inadvertently cause your own death.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford in February of 2017... AFTER I had lung cancer surgery... my thorasic surgeon looked me in my face, and told me I was going to die. She told me to write my will and get my affairs in order.

I have not had any medical treatment since.

That was 21 months ago.

I know all about peer reviewed research studies. I have a psychology degree... remember?

This is what you are failing to understand: I am the study. I am the research.

I went to California, worked with the best psychologists and anthropologists in the world, and figured it out.

I found psychosomatic symptoms in my unconscious mind that I extracted and externalized. Once I did that, I no longer needed to dedicate energy to maintain a dualistic personality.

Do you think the gatekeepers of this information (I firmly believe the cure has been known) are going to let a peer reviewed study be condcuted using this method? Of course not... because it works and disrupts industry. Like Chris Rock said... there is NO money in the cure.

Since I was diagnosed with Stage IV Cancer in 2015, I have frequented every cancer forum there is. People have been using FECO Oil with my method and intentions... and it has been working for them as well. Indegenous cultures around the world have been using meditation and plant medicine as healing modalities. This is not going anywhere... but is rather becoming more prevelant.

I can only laugh when you say take off your kid gloves. You still haven't said anything. I beat cancer. I'm not worried about a guy with internet gloves on. I am still waiting on you to talk about my healing modality. What do you know about psychosomatic symptoms? Chakras? I put myself out there, and told you exactly why what I did worked.

If you have your big boy gloves on... tell me why what I am saying is crazy and delusional.

I'll wait.
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RustyShackleford RustyShackleford in February of 2017... AFTER I had lung cancer surgery... my thorasic surgeon looked me in my face, and told me I was going to die. She told me to write my will and get my affairs in order.

I have not had any medical treatment since.

That was 21 months ago.

I know all about peer reviewed research studies. I have a psychology degree... remember?

This is what you are failing to understand: I am the study. I am the research.

I went to California, worked with the best psychologists and anthropologists in the world, and figured it out.

I found psychosomatic symptoms in my unconscious mind that I extracted and externalized. Once I did that, I no longer needed to dedicate energy to maintain a dualistic personality.

Do you think the gatekeepers of this information (I firmaly believe the cure has been known) are going to let a peer reviewed study be condcuted using this method? Of course not... because it works and disrupts industry. Like Chris Rock said... there is NO money in the cure.

Since I was diagnosed with Stage IV Cancer in 2015, I have frequented every cancer forum there is. People have been using FECO Oil with my method and intentions... and it has been working for them as well. Indegenous cultures around the world have been using meditation and plant medicine as healing modalities. This is not going anywhere... but is rather becoming more prevelant.

I can only laugh when you say take off your kid gloves. You still haven't said anything. I beat cancer. I'm not worried about a guy with internet gloves on. I am still waiting you to talk about my healing modality. What do you know about psychosomatic symptoms? Chakras? I put myself out there, and told you exactly why what I did worked.

If you have your big boy gloves on... tell me why what I am saying is crazy and delusional.

I'll wait.
What you are saying is crazy and delusional

Very crazy and delusional
Take them antipsychotics meds. And whatever else you got prescribed. You need to go back to the ward. For at least a month. And get a legit discharged from the hospital.
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People have spent their entire lives researching cures for cancer, but this dude on NT found it ezpz.
RustyShackleford RustyShackleford I see you have tapped out.

You are sticking to your crazy and delusional stance... rather than referencing the facts I presented.

I said I used a combination of meditation and plant medication to extract and externalize psychosomatic symptoms from my unconscious mind... leading to me no longer needing energy to maintain a dualistic personality... and you say that is "crazy and delusional."

The more you respond, the weaker your "argument" gets.
B boris I figured out the cure because my life depended on it.

It would have had to be someone to have had a lived experieince in order to conceptualize and articulate this experieince.

The cure would have NEVER been found in a lab.
B boris I figured out the cure because my life depended on it.

It would have had to be someone to have had a lived experieince in order to conceptualize and articulate this experieince.

The cure would have NEVER been found in a lab.
I'm sure no cancer researcher has ever survived cancer.
Bosa Bosa the only medicine I take is legal medical cannabis.

Is that the next argument... attack the medicine and not the results?

What about my health everyone?
I haven’t been to general in a long time, but I’m glad homie from twitter linked me to this, this right here is gold :lol:
I don’t see why it’s so hard to believe the man. Meditation and energy channelling has been around centuries. Which directly coincides and is correlated with healing.
Think about Monks, and the energy they channel. Its scientific fact that their brain waves are hundreds if not thousands of times stronger and more active than an average person like me or u. Why is that?

He stated that the meds “broke the ice” for him, which initially started the healing the process, and got the ball rolling. But his practices have helped him get better and better. And stay better. I believe this completely. Have you ever heard the saying Mind, body, spirit? It’s hard to believe in 2018, bcuz these practices are outdated, but there is plenty of stuff to read up on regarding the issue.

I am completely sober.
Out of curiosity, I'm interested to see what you've written in your books that you mentioned. Also, what were you on about in your November 2nd blog post? It makes no sense.
All humans are 70 percent water.

All water holds emotion.

All water is effected by consciousness.

If I internalize emotion for my entire life, I internalize water for my entire life.

Where the water is internalized is determined by the type of emotion I internalize.

If I internalize the same type of emotion for my entire life, that emotion all gets filtered to the same place through my chakras for my entire life.

For my entire life I was an introvert... causing me to internalize my emotion(water) through my throat chakra.

If that emotion(water) is not accessed by my awarness(pineal gland), that water eventually becomes ice... or a tumor.

That is why my cancer began in my throat. It was a ball of internalized emotion... a ball of ice... a ball of lies.

Chemotherapy and radiation broke the ice.

The cancer then spread throughtout my bloodstream.

I then used plant medicine.

Plants absorb water outside of the body.

When I injested the plants, it absorbed the water.

I then externalzed it by vomiting, urinating, bowel movements, and crying.

I eventually expressed myself(confessed my lies), leading to the release of all of that negative water/emotion.

Since then, I rapidly began to heal.

In scientific terms, I found psychosomatic symptoms during medical marijuana induced meditations. Modern medicine has the intention of suppressing and sedating emotions. Medical marijuana has the intention of extracting and releasing emotion (e-motion = energy in motion). Once I released my suppressions, I no longer needed to use energy to maintain a dualistic personality... I became balanced, and I healed.

This has been working for others. The type of cancer correlates with the type of emotion that is tied to each chakra.

Does any of that sound delusional RustyShackleford RustyShackleford @Comparison Ford ???

Proud of you combo gd combo gd

Many people will see you as delusional, but they just don't understand, and thats okay. We're all at different stages/learning curves in life. Some will remain ungrounded until the day they die.

I personally always believed the best way to heal yourself is by simply returning to nature. True healing and purification requires alignment. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and energies need to find balance. This means spending time in mother nature, eating raw organic foods/plants/herbs that come from the earth, which will allow your body to become more in tune and harmonic with nature itself. This is how true healing takes place. Breath work/meditation are all very important. Respiration is the life of man. Food is also very important. As i said already, foods from earth that will nourish you and provide vitality. Also, I always pray to my water before drinking it, because I know if I do, it will give me love in return. :smile:

I'll never forget the first time I saw this movie and this scene. I couldn't stop laughing hysterically while everyone looked at me like I was a crazy person.
I found it funny because its true. You truly can heal yourself through belief and I can't say this enough. The human mind and body are so powerful.

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