Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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This man beat cancer but lost his mind in the process

Losing my mind was the cure to cancer.

I was a schizophrenic. I literally broke my mind. When that happened, I received a bunch of light. It was too much. I could not conceptualize all of it.

Western Medicine speeds up the processing speed of the brain, or the conceptualization of the new light(information) that was received.

Cannabis slows down the processing speed.

I broke my brain in March of 2017. That was when I externalized my suppressions and confessed my lying, cheating, and all other wrong doings to the love of my life. That is why I had cancer. It took energy to hold in all of my lies to the purest human I had ever met. I will keep it all the way 100 with you NT... I went crazy.

If I said anything before and I was tripping, I sincerly apoogize(some stuff I still stand by... irrelevant to this conversation)

For the next 14 months, I lived in Los Angeles.

I went to the beach, walked, played basketball, worked out, hung out, and did whatever I wanted to do. My daughters mom (GOD BLESS HER) held me down while I got it together. I even met benballer at The Grove lol.

In between my healing activity, I started writing. I started journaling. I kept thinking. I kept smoking weed.

After a while, all of the new information that my brain received started to make sense. I was able to conceptualize it.

After I a while, I began to explain and articulate my experieince.

I intuitively knew when I confessed to my girlfriend that I had healed. I just didn't know how.

It took me 14 months, but I really did figure out how I healed.

That is when I released my book, and things started to get weird.

I go on other internet forums, which are like the equivalent of "CANCER NT" if ther was such a thing. I documented my story from the beginning. I documented myself looking BAD. I did that on these other forums too. Fast forward to me getting better. I am in LA chilling, smoking weed, and talking TALL easct cost ISH about how I publish a book talking about the cure to cancer. I did not have enough humility. I could have handled that better.

I started having random ambiguous strangers come up to me... giving me hand signals to be quiet, telling me to be quiet, up to telling me "don't end up being an Abe Lincoln." These were NOT delusions. These were real interactions.

I didn't say anything to anyone. I brushed everything off. I didn't even tell my girlfriend at the time (a professor[I am not crazy]), because I did not want to make her afraid.

Fast forward to me moving back to the east coast in September of 2018. Before I left, I went to the hospital in an attempt to get a CT SCAN. I swear to you... it was like the system wanted to do anything in its power to prevent me from getting cleared. I went to a hospital in LA... and it took me a month to get a scan scheduled. I ended up cancelling the scan because they wanted to put iodine and contrast in me... and I didn't want any of that in my body. I had multiple scans before... WITHOUT contrast. I saw how the doctors looked at me. I felt marked.

On a lighter note, the nurse bought my book off of Amazon on the spot. She understood psychosomatic symptoms and suppressions. I showed her my book, and she was convinced.

Semptember on the east coast... I again started getting these weird ambiguous threats. I again let it go.

I published my second book about cancer at the end of October. The threats got louder.

That all culminated last week. I voluntarily went to the police with both of my books in my hand... boks with my PICTURE of me with CANCER on it. I told them that I thought my life was threated because I knew the cure to cancer. They must have thought I was delusional (JUST LIKE NT, I GET IT). I had marijuana in my pocket, because it is my legal medicine. I can carry up to an ounce of weed from LAX to PHL.

They took my medicine. They then told me they were going to take me to a safe place. I was like... ok.

They took me to the hospital. They thought I was delusional because I told them I knew the cure to cancer. The crazy thing is... I DO.

I was then told I had to stay in the hospital against my will for evaluation. Now I worked in the system before... so I know how this works. I was guilty until proven innocent, and I had to prove myself before I would be free. Even though I was upset... I knew there was nothing that I could do. I knew I had to go through their protocol in order to prove myself and for them to let me go.

They held me for 6 days. No medical marijuana. I refused all other medication. I had no withdrwal symptoms. I ate double meals. I had positive interactions. I passed every test, and jumped through every hoop. The nurses gave me extra peanut butter and crackers because they knew I didn't belong there. I ended up becoming more of a counselor than a patient. The nurses were all downloading my book using the kindle app on their phones. I am talking to the doctor who is supposed to be evaluating me about the 1937 marijuana Tax Act, Purdue Pharma, the Sackler family using fake doctors, studies, and research in commercials, the opioid crisis, gatekeepers, and reforming healthcare. He knew.

When I left the facility is when I created this video...

I know it sounds crazy when I say I know the cure to cancer... but I really did have to figure it out in order to save my life.

I really did conceptualize all of the information I received. I moved back to PA, got my family back, and am chilling.

I am now trying to give away what Iearned, and I still get the NT shade.

It's all good though.

Like I said... the message and the information will get to those who need it.
I copied and pasted this excerpt below but you get the point :smile:

Real cures exist right now for diabetes, cancer, heart disease, depression, osteoporosis, and many other so-called "diseases." They are simple, straightforward, and readily available to virtually everyone. You possess a device in your pocket or at home, that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man for free.
Our modern medical establishment works hard to deliberately censor this information. Organized medicine simply doesn't want people to know about the free cures, the simple prevention strategies, and the zero-cost treatments that reverse chronic disease.
Why? Because our system of modern medicine thrives on sick people. Drug companies, doctors, surgeons and hospitals are all pocketing a fortune by financially exploiting sickness and disease across our population. They gain power, money and control by treating sickness, not by making people healthy. And that's why all the talk you hear about health care never mentions making people any healthier. It's only about shifting the responsibility of who pays for disease.
You see, organized medicine doesn't want people to realize they're powerful. Today's system of medicine wants people to feel powerless and victimized. And every piece of information you're told through advertising, doctors' offices and the manipulated media is designed to reinforce your powerlessness and keep you dependent on a system of money-sapping drugs and surgical procedures.
There are evils in action right now, today, in our own cities and nations. There are drug companies burying medical studies showing their drugs are killing more than 100,000 Americans each year. There are bureaucrats at the FDA conspiring to further rig their system of control in a way that promotes dangerous prescription drugs while discrediting medicinal herbs. There are government officials at the EPA who are right now supporting the use of dangerous pesticides.
Each of these is an evil action, and there are many more evils now being perpetrated in the name of medicine. There are doctors knowingly performing medically unnecessary surgical procedures on helpless patients, drug companies outright bribing doctors to boost prescriptions for their high-profit drugs, and FDA officials protecting a drug racket monopoly that makes sure U.S. citizens can't buy their prescription drugs from Canada or Mexico.
There are disturbing racial disparities in health care, lobbying efforts by food companies to prevent honest food labeling, and unholy alliances between drug companies and the mainstream press that result in the outright censorship of honest information about health that could literally save millions of lives.
There are real answers for you: answers to life-long health. Answers that can show you how to be free of disease, free of all prescription drugs, free of pain and suffering, and free of the lies and deceptions of food companies, drug companies and the whole backward system of organized medicine and those answers are available to you right now, through thousands of free articles.
You'll never get healthy by doing what everyone else is doing. They're all diseased! Look around. Our nation's health, both mental and physical, is crumbling. We're the most diseased population in the history of the world. And if you want to be diseased for the rest or your life, just keep doing what everyone else is doing: eating junk foods, taking prescription drugs, undergoing chemotherapy and actually believing the FDA, the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association and other "disease organizations."
If you want to be healthy, on the other hand, you have live outside the box, so to speak. If you want different results, you have to be different. You have to do something different. And you gradually find yourself discarding all your old distorted beliefs and replacing them with new truths about health, nutrition and the powerful healer found within.
If you truly desire to be a free human being -- free from the mind confusion of prescription drugs and harmful foods -- the answers are available to you right now. But don't expect to find the answers in traditional sources. You'll never learn how to be healthy by listening to your doctor. (We're spending billions on health care and we're sicker than ever!) You won't learn the truth about health from the FDA, nor the USDA. There's no health information of value in the mainstream newspapers, news programs or magazines.
The answers to chronic disease are all around us: in the sunlight, the water, the trees... even the weeds in your back yard. The answers are also within us, found in our own immune systems, our own biology and our own mind/body connections.
We are living, breathing healing machines, and your task is to simply remind yourself of your true healing nature.

Cancer is USUALLY preceded by an unexpected emotional shock. #1 So resolving emotional & spiritual issues like forgiveness is very important as well as what needs to be done emotionally.( ) #2 Also studies have shown that microbes/fungus plays a huge role. So means making sure we eat healthy organic foods (free of sugars & simple carbs) & clean filtered or spring drinking water, so that we are NOT feeding the cancer. #3 Heavy metals can be a major player. Do you have toxic root canals or amalgam fillings or others like aluminum, mercury, cadmium, ect.(which can make for a perfect environment
for parasites.) So consider doing a parasite cleanse. #4 Exercise especially rebounding is GREAT for moving the lymphatic system.
#5 Consider that many cancer patients are also deficient in vitamin D3 & K2, and C plus the following minerals, Iodine, selenium, magnesium, & zinc. #6 Take a big deep breath and slow down. Things do NOT happen overnight. Do NOT let fear control what you do. You are loved by your Creator, and with faith and hard work you can beat this. If your body created a tumor your body can remove it.
Simple, inexpensive, & powerful…/malignant-melano…/…/bill-henderson-b…/
Along with another powerful protocol:

Modalities that go well with Budwig are apricot kernels, beta glucans, & essiac tea all found here:


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I don't think anyone in the world would be upset if you had a scientifically supported cure for cancer.

I do!

That is the point of all of this. I did not have to write a book. I had this on my blog for free. People wanted a tangible good... aka a book in their hand.

So I gave them 2.
I have a CT scan. Clear psychological evaluations. Two published book telling you exactly how I did it using your Western Medicine terminology.

What else can I do?
Then you should be able to provide excellent studies demonstrating that nature cures cancer better than conventional treatments.

I am the lived experience.

Photosynthesis = Meditation
From my blog:


I documented my experieince from August of 2015 to today... from chemotherapy, radiation, opioids, terminal diagnosis, lung cancer surgery, to expression, to marijuana, to healing... to HOW I healed(books).

B boris for your consideration...

Climate change is consciousness change. Water holds emotion and is effected by consciousness. We are water. We are light. Trees are nuerotransmitters. Our pineal glands are the sun. We were all conceived as sperm... which is really light surrounded by water... or consciousness surrounded by emotion. Do the correlations... and you have the answer to climate change.
This was my first post of this thread... 8/6/15...

I'm 34 years old, and just recently found out I have cancer.

I never smoked cigarettes, weed, and don't drink

I had an earache, and the ear specialist couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He had me get a pet scan, and turns out my lymph node was cancerous and had swollen up, causing it to pinch nerve that caused ear pain. Also found a tumor on the base of my tongue.

I had a biopsy, and it was determined the cancer devolped as the result of me contracting HPV.

Ish is crazy. I have to do 3 chenotherapy treatments and 35 radiation treatments. I am having surgery to get a feeding tube placed in my stomach tomorrow because the doctors say the effect of the radiation won't allow me to eat.

I take methodone, oxycodene, steroids, and all other kinds of drugs.

I love NT and have been a member for over a decade (classyfreshman was my old name). I need NT to show me some love and hopefully influence the universe to get me better. I have two kids and a lot to live for.

I also want to let people know that this HPV is real, so protect yourself when you are doing your thing. I was married for ten years and felt like i made good choices, but it still can happen to anyone.

So NT I ask you to share your stories, give me some positive energy, make me laugh, something...


Chemotherapy is no joke. There is nothing in this world that can help me explain how I felt after receiving chemotherapy. I got Chemo on 8/17. I was pretty much in and out of consciousness for the next 5 days. I had to go back to the hospital twice because I was so dehydrated. It was the worst feeling in the history of earth. I could feel every sensation, vibration, smell, through my body.

With all of that being said, I am getting through. 28 more radiation and 2 more chemo treatments left. I have lost all taste in my mouth, but I am still able to swallow. I lost 10 pound after chemo but I gained back 3 since. The fight has begun, and I am fighting.

My family started a gofundme campain. ANY #NT help would be appreciated.

Description... Kyle Kostic is a 34 year old man who was born and raised in Allentown, PA. Despite dealing with some challenging circumstances in life, as a man Kyle has taken on the role as a helper, leader, and someone who was always interested in the betterment of others. Kyle is the devoted father of two great children, coaches youth sports, has written an inspirational book, and has worked as a helping professional throughout his adult life.

Due to recently being diagnosed with Stage IV head and neck cancer which has spread to his lymph nodes, Kyle is now in a position where he unfortunately needs to be helped. Anyone who knows Kyle knows that he is reserved, quiet and someone who would rather give than receive. The circumstances that have come with this cancer and the toll it has taken on his body during his treatment have left him no choice but to seek funding for the continuous mounting medical costs and day to day life necessities. Kyle has a positive attitude, a good spirit, and the will to get better so he can continue to be a positive contributor to the lives of others. Any help during this trying time would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you.
I went from all of that above, to literally NOTHING.

They scanned me, took my urine, and took my blood.

The cancer metastacized to my bloodstream, and that is what was supposed to kill me.

All clear.

I spent 6 days in a locked psychological unit and I did not have one issue, without one drop of medication. I was observed by nurses, counselors, and doctors. I was given multiple evaluations.

All clear.
Look man, ima keep it 100 with you. You sound as delusional as i did when i went thru psychosis. To the point i felt i was God. And even told myself these delusions were real when i was going thru that(not getting into details) . Happened again in 2016. Why? Because i got cleared and started smoking weed again after a year. I stopped that smoking weed stuff. Now im back to normal. And please dont say some conspiracy crap what normal is and what not. I had those gawt damn yellow socks u got on in that video. Stop smoking weed because them chemicals ******* with your brain. Im not going to get into detail cuz this a public forum. But bro. Put the weed down b. Real talk.
B boris for your consideration...

Climate change is consciousness change. Water holds emotion and is effected by consciousness. We are water. We are light. Trees are nuerotransmitters. Our pineal glands are the sun. We were all conceived as sperm... which is really light surrounded by water... or consciousness surrounded by emotion. Do the correlations... and you have the answer to climate change.

Speak your peace and keep it moving bro. Those who have the eyes to see will get it. The Jesus virus is real and most people don’t see the trickle effects it’s had on the way people think even if they don’t believe in Jesus. Your average person is looking for someone to save them or give them direction because that’s how most of us have been groomed in the west. Put your average male in the woods right now and he’d struggle to feed himself. If dudes don’t even know how to do primal stuff like feed themselves, they’re gonna struggle thinking for themselves. If isnt Jesus saving them, science gots them covered (I am not writing science off completely, but I do understand it’s become a religion and a large part of the science presented to the masses is stuff that has been carefully orchestrated with an agenda in the mind.) At the end of the day the universe is mental. As you’ve stated cancer and all diseases are a malfunction of the mental faculties. The universe and the body is all music, hence the term organs. Disease arises from things that are out of tune with the universal song. Rather then take accountability for the neurosis of the mind, it’s easier to blame supposed genetics and hereditary causes. It’s really no different then blaming the devil for poor decision making. Glad you healed yourself bro. If you wanna dig into the issue further I’d suggest you do some research on simulacra’s and I think you’ll see the cancer connection pretty easily.
A woman that had breast cancer reached out to me on a forum we both frequent. She admitted that her husband was controlling, manipulative, and mean to her. She told me that she cheated on him. She told me that the beggining of her cheating correlated with the time she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She read my book, she is a nurse, and told me she got it. She told me that she was internalizing her true feelings in reference to the emotions that correlate with the heart chakra... and that her mind was at "dis-ease" in reference to what to do. She understood that her cheating on her husband was her psychosomatic symptom. She understood that it took energy to hold in. The correlations match. I had throat cancer because I held in my lies. She had breast cancer because she held in her lies in reference to love. I have multiple examples of these same correlations with multiple people, emotions, and chakras.
the paranoid delusions got you involuntarily committed, not the belief that you cured your cancer.
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Look man, ima keep it 100 with you. You sound as delusional as i did when i went thru psychosis. To the point i felt i was God. And even told myself these delusions were real when i was going thru that(not getting into details) . Happened again in 2016. Why? Because i got cleared and started smoking weed again after a year. I stopped that smoking weed stuff. Now im back to normal. And please dont say some conspiracy crap what normal is and what not. I had those gawt damn yellow socks u got on in that video. Stop smoking weed because them chemicals ****ing with your brain. Im not going to get into detail cuz this a public forum. But bro. Put the weed down b. Real talk.

did you have DPD? (depersonlization disorder.. it's when you have both 'depersonalization' and 'derealization'...)

i smoked weed and went nuts lol ppl told me "it's all in your head" blahblahblah, like a decade ago. i was 18, **** was scary. i thought i was permanently 'stuck' in that mode. took me 2 years of googling how i felt to end up on a cannibus or drug forum where finally i saw somebody mention 'depersonlization', i read it up, and was like damn this is EXACTLY it. it eventually faded away though. haven't smoked weed since 2010, it just doesn't work with my system. it's weird because when you read up what it feels like to be high off of angel dust (PCP), it's the same thing except you're stuck feeling that way. I guess, people take PCP to get a temporary high or an something that temporarily induces DPD in them.
I don't think anyone in the world would be upset if you had a scientifically supported cure for cancer.

This isn’t true. Many people that stay rich off of making people sick would be furious.

Think about the food we eat, and how it’s processed. why do it to people if it isn’t to make us sick ?
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