**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Literally the same things were said about BI to some degree. He gained strength which made him more confident and they also tweaked his shot. Zo will be fine. You've been real bipolar lately lol.

I’m up and down like the NASDAQ. All these 4 points and 2-15 games are wearing on me.
You should only take 12 threes in a game if you're either scorching hot or your name is Steph or Klay. How is it even possible to shoot 1 for 12? Like...how?
Imagine having Rondo as our back up Pg as opposed to ennis. Wish he took our one year deal.
Yup, pointed that out the other day. BI couldn't finish at all his first and turned his main weakness into a major strength in one off season.

We'll see if Zo works as hard as BI did, this summer will be big.

I don't know how Zo will make time to work on his game and body between his rap tour and Facebook show.
I don't know how Zo will make time to work on his game and body between his rap tour and Facebook show.
I use to think this too about athletes but if he practices 6 hrs a day. Sleeps 12hrs. There’s still 6 hours in the day for rest and music. Relax folks.

IT was shooting 3s at 11pm after missing the game winner vs Heat. It did nothing bc he was worse the next game.
So let’s say we don’t land PG or lebron and just sign Randle. We don’t make the playoffs again, do we fire Luke?
So let’s say we don’t land PG or lebron and just sign Randle. We don’t make the playoffs again, do we fire Luke?
depends on the progression of the team
i say no but the FO will be under as much pressure as luke and luke may be the fall guy cause he wasnt "their guy"
If we win 43 games next year but miss the playoffs, hell no I'm not firing Luke. If he we only win 30 something again I'm still not firing him but he would be the hot seat.
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