**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

No to PG
Trade for Whiteside
Ennis is a cornerstone

Young Nuggets Melo didn't even really carry those teams though.

I mean he had a sorta passed his Prime AI who just didn't fit in well at Denver. But he still had a pretty damn good team with KMart, Andre Miller, JR Smith, and Birdman when they made it to the WCF in 2009 against the Lakers.

Melo just got the rep as a guy who could carry a team because he played well for Team USA in the Olympics lately.

Chauncey Billups led that team! :pimp: Came in his first year and took them to the conference finals.
Whiteside is pretty frustrated in Miami. Maybe he goes for cheap?
No. He played like straight a** in the playoffs. What happened to him? Doesn't matter.
He's not gonna take the Lakers' money to "find himself".
Keep Brookie. Plays solid D, stretches the floor (for "PG" and Julius), cheap.
If we had rondo as our back up this past year and we were heathy in that last stretch of games we would have made playoffs. Back up PG is vital
No to PG
Trade for Whiteside
Ennis is a cornerstone


Remember this is NT where Laker fans on this thread want to hold onto young talent for 10+ years to see if they reach their potential and see if they turn into at least all-star caliber players :lol:

Last year it was D'Lo getting shipped out that made dudes on here leave this thread and basically turn in their fan cards.

This past season Clarkson got dealt and his fan base on here is still upset.

If Randle isn't brought back this off season this thread is going implode :lol:
we all know Randle is a different case. he is actually something valuable in the league.
BI made a huge jump in production and play this season. waiting for him to flourish and giving him 3 more years is necessary barring
I think we can all agree at least at this point that the Clarkson and Nance trade is for the best.
For those who think we should consider getting Boogie.


They found that from 1988 to 2011, 18 National Basketball Association (NBA) players suffered a tendon rupture. Of those, seven athletes never returned to play another game.

The overall performance of the 11 players who did return to basketball declined after their injury.

Of course medicine has made alot of advancements over the years so these studies aren't as relevant as they once were but it still shows that is a huge risk. It's unlikely we'll see the same Boogie ever again and even if he does come back 100%, it'll be 2-3 years.
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