**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


After watching Lebron today I'm 100% sold on getting him (if he wants to come). If he commits to playing in the post he'll be an ultra efficient 25 ppg PF for years to come. He's just too big and too strong. We don't need him to be a primary ball handler which will allow him to save energy

Zo/ Draft Pick
Bron/ Kuzma
Free Agent Center (hopefully one who can shoot)/Zubac/Thomas Bryant
I don't see a downside to Lebron signing with us. He'll most likely sign a two year (with a player option on the second year). It's not like we'll be signing him to a 4 year deal. We'd be instant contenders if PG comes too and by the time he's done here, BI, Kuzma and Zo will be close to their primes and they'll carry us into the future
Member when y’all said we should trade Julius and move forward with Nance
They really weren't that far apart going into the season. Julius always had the higher ceiling, and Nance looked like the perfect glue guy. Julius put in crazy work and improved, Larry didn't.
Lol ok.

I think you also disagreed with me last year when I said I would trade Randle for Jokic.

You've been very high on him, I get it.
I don't see a downside to Lebron signing with us. He'll most likely sign a two year (with a player option on the second year). It's not like we'll be signing him to a 4 year deal. We'd be instant contenders if PG comes too and by the time he's done here, BI, Kuzma and Zo will be close to their primes and they'll carry us into the future

If you don't see a downside, you may need new eyes
Flashback time:

Damn... 18 years ago just seems like yesterday.

BShaw and Big Shot Rob were such clutch in this game.
That series is the perfect example why PG isn't a real #1 option. He should do great with us though cuz of the ball movement and the pace. He won't have stand around and wait to ISO.

this is what I've been saying. But if he can play within our Lonzo system (this is a big question mark), we'll be a top 6-8 team in the West
If we resign JuJu and bring in PG-13, that still leaves us needing a center and backup PG. the anticipation is killing me
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