**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Derozan and PG are same tier players IMO... although I give the edge to PG.

Never understood how much people hate on Demar
Saw this trade on RealGM. What y'all think? It's definitely a pipe dream but its interesting. Definitely in the "sell out for stars" school of though. It would allow us the have line-up of Lebron/PG/Ingram/Wall but the idea of paying John Wall $40m 5 years from now is scary though.

Wizards trade:

John Wall & Jason Smith

Lakers trade:

Lonzo Ball, Josh Hart & Loul Deng,

Why for Washington: They reset their franchise with a young piece good enough to rebuild on the fly with Beal, Porter & Oubre.

Why for Lakers: They get a legit star without sacrificing ANY cap room --- and strengthening their opportunity to put a super team together. While losing Ball & Hart stings, being able to use Deng's salary to bring in a star is a coup for Magic.
If the lakers did THAT of “which will not be mentioned”, I would legitimately abandon my fandom.

DD can be better offensively but he's mentally weak just folds when it counts
partially true. but not really. Dude shows up when it's needed and has been pretty good in the clutch.
he just hasn't been given the right situation to flourish. Put him in SAS or GSW and watch him cook.
Lol at that trade

I have to apologize for yesterday’s post. I made fun of those who said they wouldn’t taken Derozan on the Lakers when he was a free agent. I made that comment like a fool after watching him play well in first half but seeing as how he shriveled up in pressure and made stupid decision after stupid decision, I was quickly cursing at the tv. He is cheeks to the ultimate degree. Shows you how weak the east is that the Raptors are 1st team out there. I seriously think when healthy, this years Lakers team can take them in a seven game series.
Wall is not what this team needs.

Just add PG. Let the young guns continue to grow. Trading away young talent is not what the NBA does now.

Add PG. See what the market is for Randle and hope nobody gives him a max offer. I really hope we can get Brook so he can continue to space the floor for randle.
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