**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Don't even wanna watch any more games. What's the point if they're just gunna trade Dlo for Melo this summer :smh:
If you're the Lakers, you just hope that magic doesn't start chasing bad decisions, picks, etc.

I would not be surprised to see Lakers brass now not hesitating on giving up youth, picks, cap space, etc. all because they wanna land that star that Jim and Mitch did not which could be fatal.

The Lakers have a lot of young talent and it's a long game with the roster they have now. If Magic really would have pulled the trigger for boogie like reports are saying, then Ingram would be gone by now. That type of logic is dangerous moving forward.
"Lakers fans want a superstar

let's trade for D Rose and Melo, then the fans will be happy

What can possibly go wrong?"

This is what I'm afraid of
I saw the finish line as like 2019/2020. Now Idk what might happen. I'm expecting the 2003-2013 Knicks clownshow.
Keep Melo and Rose as far away from the Lakers as possible
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You keep bringing up Ryan, but you do know a big reason Dlo was drafted was because of Ryan right?
Btw, source? They always say these decisions like drafts and FAs are group decisions
Joey Buss and Ryan West lead the scouting department.
You keep bringing up Ryan, but you do know a big reason Dlo was drafted was because of Ryan right?
Btw, source? They always say these decisions like drafts and FAs are group decisions
Joey Buss and Ryan West lead the scouting department.
You keep bringing up Ryan, but you do know a big reason Dlo was drafted was because of Ryan right?
Btw, source? They always say these decisions like drafts and FAs are group decisions
Joey Buss and Ryan West lead the scouting department.
I believe it was in one of Ding's hitpiece/agenda filled articles (
) about how Ryan was really into Russell's one motion shooting motion and he was a big reason why they selected Dlo. 
Every day you act like picking him was the biggest mistake ever. You've moved goal posts from Okafor, to Mudiay, to Booker etc. I'm just going by what you say here and am just reminding you the guy you have been bigging up to be GM is a huge reason why we "blew" that draft pick.
That's not true. I think Porzingis and Booker are better than Dlo, I've never liked Mudiay or Okafor. My point everyday is that Dlo doesn't have the basketball skills that warrant him to be a #2 pick. He's slow, unathletic and mentally weak.
Go look at your old posts. I'm not going to post them. Never liked Mudiay 
. You've changed your opinions as time went on to move the goal posts (as most of us do, no one is guilt free of this), but the agenda is clear as day. 

None of this matters, I just had to call out the dissonance in bigging up Ryan and hating on Dlo. 

We're good. Time will tell. 
Seems there isn't much middle ground.

Either you love the move or hate it.

Taking a wait and see approach. I see both arguments and understand all concerns.

Really thought we would have kept Mitch around in some fashion.

Appreciate a lot of what Mitch did during his time but understand sometimes you have to move on.

Just praying we don't become the Knicks....
It's too late. We're already the Knicks :lol:

I agree tho, I'll give them time. Not holding my breath however.
It's too late. We're already the Knicks

I agree tho, I'll give them time. Not holding my breath however.
at least we're not the Kings

man, kings covered  for the knick mess and now

we got the sportsworld looking at us and not in a good way..

Ramona Shelburne ‏@ramonashelburne 6m6 minutes ago
I've heard Magic intends to move quickly though. Hence Pelinka, who comes highly recommended by Kobe, as a prime option.

***** ****** ********* ******** **** ************* ******* ****** ******** **** *********

**** Jeanie, Magic, AND Kobe. **** **** ***** ******

Stupid ******************
I think letting go Jim was the right move....I still would have kept Mitch until the end of the season though
Earvin Magic JohnsonVerified account
I'm impressed w/ the Chicago Bulls starting Rondo, Butler, Wade & MCW off the bench they have the 3rd best group of guards in the league...

What could go wrong? :smh:
What am I missing? Magic gana gut this roster because he sent out some dumbass tweets? All he's said in his interviews is that this is going to be long process, that the FO needs to evolve with the game, that he wants to put a bunch of great basketball minds around him and wants the final say when they present him an offer. 

I'm as questionable as the next guy about Magic, but I'll believe what he says until he proves otherwise. 
Magics tweets on Rondo, Okafor, Brandon Knight & MCW make it very easy to feel like the sky is falling.

As long as he hires some smart people I'll be cool. But if he's making ALL the decisions then the lakers are ******. Straight up. All I care about is who gets hired now. And Kobe's ex agent is not the name I wanted to hear.
Why do this nooooooow
Everything will be rushed and not thoroughly thought out
Just dont make any moves. I am hoping for NO moves. NONE
Wait until you hire a team plz
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