**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Read man :lol:

In that completely unrealistic scenario, after a Hield trade, and waiving/renoucing everybody, they would've had a little over 20mil to give DDR.

And then still another 7.4 mil for Caruso. Or THT I suppose.
So I actually read the article. Sure, if the 55 things that they said needed to happen actually happened then yes! It would have worked

But let’s think realistically

We coulda had Hield Caruso tht kcp 22nd pick AND shroeder if we wanted. That was a for sure thing - not a wild fantasy where 19 things had to line up.

If derozen came out and told LA he would take 15 mill and thus comfortably allowing us to give 10 mill to tht or Caruso then sure but he clearly went for the highest number possible. The clippers were also ready to offer up a similar deal to him 15-20 and he ran to the money. Think of the years too. Maybe lakers wanted to give him 2 years instead of the many more he got in Chicago.
With all that said if we traded for Hield. Who knows the dominos that may have transpired. Maybe Schroeder signs a 1/10 mill deal. Caruso tht come back. Kcp and pick get traded for another wing or point guard etc. this is all on lebron. He got convinced by Russ Westbrook and hypnotized him lol

Whatever. Who cares. We ******* suck.
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Brosizzlew30.23 Brosizzlew30.23 thank god we used our hardship signings on 5’3 IT and two g league point guards that barely played. Meanwhile Melo playing 30+ minutes at center vs the likes of Ayton, Claxton, towns lol and DJ steals money

Brosizzlew30.23 Brosizzlew30.23 thank god we used our hardship signings on 5’3 IT and two g league point guards that barely played. Meanwhile Melo playing 30+ minutes at center vs the likes of Ayton, Claxton, towns lol and DJ steals money

Did someone just say Greg frk'n Monroe lmaoooooo

Wasn't 50-year old Monroe on the Pistons well BEFORE Drummond? LOL

We need a competent BIG badly, can't say it enough.

Ntm AD and his frail body ain't gonna last playing center 60% of the time
Hold up this dude really said we expect 25, 15, and 15? Like he thinks we're mad because he's not getting enough touches/putting up stats and he should be doing more?!

someone slap some ******* sense into this dude, Bron, Vogel, Kobe, anybody
what happened to that baddie ref from last year than dudes were schemin on. Joint from the luka meme
Hold up this dude really said we expect 25, 15, and 15? Like he thinks we're mad because he's not getting enough touches/putting up stats and he should be doing more?!

someone slap some ****ing sense into this dude, Bron, Vogel, Kobe, anybody
And that's why he's a dumb basketball player

IQ completely nonexistent.
Did someone just say Greg frk'n Monroe lmaoooooo

Wasn't 50-year old Monroe on the Pistons well BEFORE Drummond? LOL

We need a competent BIG badly, can't say it enough.

Ntm AD and his frail body ain't gonna last playing center 60% of the time
We’ve had really good complimentary centers the last 4-5 years that we seem to just give away for no reason

Lopez- three point shooting drop coverage playing big they can block shot that’s more than capable of 15-20 mins of effectiveness. Traded for him and then lost him with nothing in return. Lost asset at the least.

Zubac- improving young asset. Blocks shots. Can score. Great hands. Rookie deal. Sure he got paid the following summer but we had his rights and so we can pay him whatever without sweat. We ain’t the damn pacers. Traded for muscala lol

McGee- I get why we traded him since we lost Howard and needed a big body to guard jokic. Then we realized the mistake, signed Jones and then trashed him for Drummond lol. Traded McGee for literally nothing. Salary dump.

Jones- see above

The center merry go round will continue as Howard and DJ both won’t be back (likely). Howard looks slower and DJ should be working at RadioShack by now.

Honorable mentions: small ball center Kieff Morris.
We’ve had really good complimentary centers the last 4-5 years that we seem to just give away for no reason

Lopez- three point shooting drop coverage playing big they can block shot that’s more than capable of 15-20 mins of effectiveness. Traded for him and then lost him with nothing in return. Lost asset at the least.

Zubac- improving young asset. Blocks shots. Can score. Great hands. Rookie deal. Sure he got paid the following summer but we had his rights and so we can pay him whatever without sweat. We ain’t the damn pacers. Traded for muscala lol

McGee- I get why we traded him since we lost Howard and needed a big body to guard jokic. Then we realized the mistake, signed Jones and then trashed him for Drummond lol. Traded McGee for literally nothing. Salary dump.

Jones- see above

The center merry go round will continue as Howard and DJ both won’t be back (likely). Howard looks slower and DJ should be working at RadioShack by now.

Honorable mentions: small ball center Kieff Morris.
Nah, DJ belong in the kitchen Souplantation right down the street.


They still got Radio Shack? :lol:
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Lakers trade hypotheticals

Any way we can trade for Caruso? I think a guy like that would fit well with Lebron. Can someone do a photoshop of him in a laker jersey?
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