Ladies: If your boyfriend left for the military, is it over?

Wouldn't date a military man in the first place and if he makes that decision while we're dating, have a nice life. I have military family, may Godbless them, but that's not the life for me.
Originally Posted by 540JFan12


Do you?

it would be over. i work with guys from the military that are married...and what they do when deployed is a shame. I think people in the military just marrybecause they dont want to be alone when they come home. but if he was doing like the reserves or he could come back to the area in which we lived then id hangin there. thats like asking us to hold on while hes locked up...
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

it would be over. i work with guys from the military that are married...and what they do when deployed is a shame. I think people in the military just because they dont want to be alone when they come home.
What happens in Iraq stays in Iraq...unless of course you take pictures, save them on your laptop, and then leave the laptop in the guard bunkerwhere someone puts said pictures on their flash drive and distributes them.

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some ofthese women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some of these women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
It's called self-control and self-discipline...not that hard.
even if they stay together...the navy goes out to sea for 6 months at a time....military is a double edge sword.
its hard enough having to deploy for 15 months, but to know some grimey punk is gonna try to target my chick just because they know im temporarily out thepicture gets me so HEATED!!!!
My dad knocked up his girlfriend when he was 19. They had a shotgun wedding, he dropped out of college, and he joined the Navy. He did 6 years in the Navy, andduring that time his wife cheated on him, and they ended up getting a divorce.

My wife's grandfather served in the Marines from 1955 until 1981 (I believe). Times were different back then. He did three tours in Vietnam, and I wouldhighly doubt there was any infidelity. But who knows?

My future sister in law has a friend who has been dating a Marine for 3 or 4 years now, and he just got deployed to Afghanistan. She gave him an ultimatum,either you're proposing to me before you go, or we're finished. Haven't heard any recent news about it.
funny, the rumor is that women in the military are loose


some ridiculous percentage of women in the military get raped.(someone find the figures)

think about it.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

No it wouldn't be a wrap ... but why would he go if he know he's in LOVE with this certain person?

When you're in a relationship like that ... it is no longer about self, it's about yourself AND that person.

By bettering himself and securing a future for himself and his potential family, he's being selfish?

I'm thinking about joining the air force, and although it would be hard for my relationship, OTS is temporary.

I look up to my parents when it comes to this, because my dad moved to America to join the military while my mother was still in Jamaica...and they made it through. Best decision my dad ever made, because his family was taken care of.
hot girlxuniform=
I hear some trifling stories about women left at home while their man is out working for the country. That is all I will say about that
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some of these women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
It's called self-control and self-discipline...not that hard.
How do you control something you don't understand
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some of these women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
It's called self-control and self-discipline...not that hard.
How do you control something you don't understand
By just not doing it, there's no way to justifywomen cheating on their husbands simply because they aren't around for a small amount of time, they know what they're doing and they know it'swrong.
If they need it so bad they can handle it themselves.

For the dude bragging about banging a soldier's wife while he's defending the country...... you aren't @+@@.
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some of these women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
It's called self-control and self-discipline...not that hard.
How do you control something you don't understand
You don't have to understand how something works on such a small level, such as chemical, to control it. I am a woman, I can control mysexual urges.
That makes no sense at all ... Since when is knowledge an excuse ...... It's understandable if some of the cases stated in here are the exceptions, butit's quite the opposite ..... When you see a pattern of behavior, that's when you take a step backward and try to understand why they happen
I'll even give an example from my life
A couple of years ago I was attracted to this very attractive woman in my "English" class .. Who I later found out was married ..... Now at the timeI lived under the pretext of, one of the impossible things in my life would be to have sex with a married woman, it was also against my morals too do so..
I don't know how the topic came up but she started talking about her husband and how she had to train him before they got engaged and later married .. howat the time she also was seeing a much richer man before and sporadically during her relationship with her now husband, while she was attempting to decide onwho to spend her future with
Now at this point when I met her, they were trying to have a child .... So I was like cool, then she was absolutely unavailable ..... But the contrary was true... She would make advances [that i'm not going to get into], that at that point in time made it quite clear that I had to make a choice so thingswouldn't get awkward
Also to add on too this story I also got the gist that she was again sleeping with her ex also ...
So at the time I didn't understand why would a woman attempting to have a kid with her husband, also search out other men too
Then I read Sperm Wars a year or two later, and one particular section stood out ..... It was about how if subconsciously a woman infers anyweakness/deficiencies in the genes of her mate when she is ovulating/ trying to conceive, it [her subconscious mind] would control her hormones to eitherincrease feelings of attraction, in other worthy Alpha males while decreasing attraction with said mate (husband/boyfriend) [ not cutting it out completely]......
Anyways if you read the book you could get the whole story .... But the example I have used I've seen repeated in my life and people I know [I don'tmean that exact scenario] ..... whether the person was married, had a bf/gf or whatever
Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312
son shut the #*!@ up with all of that dumb +%!% you're saying.

you're basically excusing all women's promiscuous behavior as something that they just have no control over.
We still have conscious choice over our actions regardless of what cyclic hormonal changes might be taking place.
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

Not to toot my horn but threads like these reminds me why some of you guys need to read up on human sexuality ....... For example one the reasons why some of these women cheat is because when she's having regular sex her body produces a chemical called oxytocin (sp), that makes her body crave it more .........
rd up on Red Queen and Sperm Wars
It's called self-control and self-discipline...not that hard.
How do you control something you don't understand
You don't have to understand how something works on such a small level, such as chemical, to control it. I am a woman, I can control my sexual urges.
Hmm ....... there is truth to what your saying but I don't think it applies to the scenario that's being discussed here ...... I'm notsaying that, that one hormone would drive you into a sex maniac, but it does come into play when we're talking about separation for months, years at a time...... When one is in the midst of a hormonal/sexual hmm not peak lets just say time of their life

Originally Posted by GoinHam

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312
son shut the #*!@ up with all of that dumb +%!% you're saying.

you're basically excusing all women's promiscuous behavior as something that they just have no control over.
Let me ask you something where did I say choice is not a factor .. ........ Let me state so you could understand WHILE CHOICE IS A FACTOR ......there are underlying elements that skew those choices which is what I have stated before

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Our entire life is influenced by chemical changes in our body. Doesn't excuse us from giving into them. So it leads to understanding, that's fine, but the bottom line is we can control our actions.

Yeah you do but what are those decisions based upon
Also in all my post I inferred that it was understood that choice was the underlying constant in this thread and I didn't have to state it ... I was simplyattempting to point out that beneath those choices are so many factors we don't understand or comprehend ..... some of which are largelychemical/biological ..... Not to give an excuse for those choices but too understand why they were made
Also I attempt to find and understand the why, since their are typically a given pretext of supposed reactions to any given situation
You can communicate in basic training.

I was writing letters home like every other day, called home about once a week...

Air Force that is...
Our entire life is influenced by chemical changes in our body. Doesn't excuse us from giving into them. So it leads to understanding, that's fine, butthe bottom line is we can control our actions.
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