Ladies of has/has NT changed your perspective on guys?

Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

i think that all men are the same and they only want certain things from females. they dont respect us and treat us like we should be treated. it just seems that all they care about are assets... not personality or anything like that....

so yeah has Niketalk changed my perspective on guys, not really because i already knew all guys are dogs and they dont care about females feelings or anything beyond that...
You need to get out more often if you take yourself seriously with that comment. Not all guys are the same regardless of what you see. 20 guysdoesn't equal all. I swear some of you have no clue what you're talking about and generalize everyone because you've had [or seen] bad experiences.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by dunks87

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better now.

Didn't you join here under salty pretenses?

no sir. i know what you're getting at, but i was on here before any of "those salty pretenses" even occurred. ask P. i knew about NT before i even knew him.

No doubt. I'm not even going to touch your list
her list kinda has that "all men are dogs" feel to it. but seriously we should do the opposite. what has NT taught us about females

my list is based off of things i have observed or learned from men based on what they said here on NT. i don't think all men are dogs, but the thingsyou guys say on here sometimes indicate otherwise. clearly i don't base every opinion i have of a male from isolated threads or incidents that haveoccurred on here. i'm grateful to NT guys like i said because i have learned how to relate and get along with males a lot better. no bitternessreally.

and since there's no where near the amount of females here on NT as there are males that wouldn't be a fair comparison. since most of the stories aretold from a males perspective you don't get to hear from the female or her side of the story, so how can you draw a real conclusion when you're onlypresented with half the facts or story?
keep in mind the girls on here only know the dudes who are putting all their business out there.
QFMFT!! .. i was the nicest dude before college.. then i caught on.. chicks love the whole A HOLE routine.. so i play it..

sometimes ill make a chick hella sad or mad and ill be like dang did really jus say that? but then i realize how much girls love emotional rollercoasters

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

QFMFT!! .. i was the nicest dude before college.. then i caught on.. chicks love the whole A HOLE routine.. so i play it..

sometimes ill make a chick hella sad or mad and ill be like dang did really jus say that? but then i realize how much girls love emotional rollercoasters

that's something that i really don't understand about other girls. are you so desperate that you'll cling to a total +#+*!%%*# whotreats you like crap 98% of the time just to have him treat you half-way decently the other 2% of the time? it makes no sense and i certainly wouldn'tstand for it.
Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by dunks87

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better now.

Didn't you join here under salty pretenses?

no sir. i know what you're getting at, but i was on here before any of "those salty pretenses" even occurred. ask P. i knew about NT before i even knew him.

No doubt. I'm not even going to touch your list
her list kinda has that "all men are dogs" feel to it. but seriously we should do the opposite. what has NT taught us about females

my list is based off of things i have observed or learned from men based on what they said here on NT. i don't think all men are dogs, but the things you guys say on here sometimes indicate otherwise. clearly i don't base every opinion i have of a male from isolated threads or incidents that have occurred on here. i'm grateful to NT guys like i said because i have learned how to relate and get along with males a lot better. no bitterness really.

and since there's no where near the amount of females here on NT as there are males that wouldn't be a fair comparison. since most of the stories are told from a males perspective you don't get to hear from the female or her side of the story, so how can you draw a real conclusion when you're only presented with half the facts or story?
true, i dont actually think that you believe that all men are dogs, your post just sounded like that.
actually NT has showed me that men actually have feelings.... from all the "girl problems" threads... because i thought men had absolutely nofeelings at all besides hunger and horniness...

um i learned to never ever send a man pictures because he will show everyone... also don't %$** around because guys will air me out

i learned how to see through "lines" and how to see when a guy only wants relations

i learned a lot actually just havent wrote it down so i forget

thanks NT
i dont think NT can teach you much about MEN

sex deprived 14 year olds? yea.... but not men
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Originally Posted by dunks87

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better now.

....NT has not changed my perspective on guys, most of my friends are guys anyways, so half of the stuff (especially when having to do with girls) that comefrom some of you, is well expected (then again, some is just off the wall, and has me dying)...but nothing that would make me feel different about guys ingeneral. The only thing is, there are a lot of "immature", "closed minded" guys on here that I have learned to just ignore, becauseyou're not worth my time (in arguing).
Ya'll ain't show me anything I wasn't already previously aware of. Only naive females find themselves appalled by thee malarchy & happenstanceson Niketalk.

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by kyrac2

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

all guys are dogs
Not all of us

But you should know by now that ALL #!@@%# is dogsBetter to have a rich Pit than a broke German Shepard, uh![/little brother]

Still have to give you the

i don't think that i just wanted to say that

at your avy
My mans execution of the Alonzo Gif was timely, fit perfectly, and almost mimicked my exact reaction when i was reading dunks list

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Some times I feel ladies are cheating when they read what guys really think on here, ssssshhhhhh, they arent suppose to know this!

Im Sayin....

Over all, i think if girls were wise then they would take much of what they read on here with a grain of salt.
Originally Posted by THICKHOTGIRL

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by THICKHOTGIRL

nothing surprises me

*sees avy................

sigh...this is why i don't post much
Maybe you should just change your absurd username.

I don't hear much worse from Niketalk than I do my own friends. I've learned some things, though. Like men seem to believe that all women want to havetheir children, and will do terrible things to condoms to make that happen.

This thread is comedy.

I'm in class so I'm not even gonna attempt to get my quote on.

First off any body male or female who thinks they've learned something about the opposite sex via experiences on this site, let me just say I feel sorryfor you. I've learned a lot during my stint on NT however, I can't imagine how messed up my perception on life would be if I wasn't able todifferentiate between what holds truth on this forum verses reality.

A lot of you have said things based off actual real life experiences. Stuff happens, !$%* goes bad, etc etc. To let a handful of experiences completely alteryour view on one half of the population is ridiculous and shows a tremendous lack of maturity. Learn from your experiences, use them to your advantage, butdon't let them turn you so bitter that you completely give up on the opposite sex. If you allow that then eh, you deserve what you get. From some of theseresponses it's fairly easy to tell the girls from the women and the boys from the men, and I'm not necessarily talking about age.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by THICKHOTGIRL

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by THICKHOTGIRL

nothing surprises me

*sees avy................

sigh...this is why i don't post much
Maybe you should just change your absurd username.

I don't hear much worse from Niketalk than I do my own friends. I've learned some things, though. Like men seem to believe that all women want to have their children, and will do terrible things to condoms to make that happen.
thas bcuz its true

but seriously what was that girl thinkin with that username, if you can claim that ur THICK & HOT, you had better have some pics that show that.
i thought she was a troll with that wack user name.

so we got 2 bets that that mad chick got cheated on. you think she will ever let us know if that's the case?
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