Ladies of has/has NT changed your perspective on guys?

NT proved what I already thought/knew there is only a handfull of good dudes(I forget their screen names but I know when they post) and the rest of ya'llare
(for lack of other words)
ok, there may be ONE guy that is different from the others but it takes a lot to find that guy and keep him... but my view still stands... to most thepopulation of men
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

i think that all men are the same and they only want certain things from females. they dont respect us and treat us like we should be treated. it just seems that all they care about are assets... not personality or anything like that....

so yeah has Niketalk changed my perspective on guys, not really because i already knew all guys are dogs and they dont care about females feelings or anything beyond that...
You know they're exceptions to the rule
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

The chicks here on NT are just as superficial as the dudes on here..

Its no different, a lot of women are good women, just like the fellas. Then you have the other bunch who are selfish, pretentious, and insecure. I'm prettysure a lot that we witness here on NT is embellished to the nth degree because a lot of these guys are liars, attention ++##@%, and or young. Naturally, womenwill come off as slightly more mature, but at the end of the day, they're still women.
Originally Posted by Little Sneakr Princess 23

ok, there may be ONE guy that is different from the others but it takes a lot to find that guy and keep him... but my view still stands... to most the population of men
^ Maybe you need to adjust your standards in men
He's right.

There are many good guys in society.
A lot of dudes post a lot of malarkey up here trying to get e-fame so you can't go by what everyone posts. There are some stand up guys up here tho
(no bromance)
For me, I have noticed that a lot of you have some skewed views on women and life in general. I hope it's because a lot of the people here are young andhavene't experienced a lot on their own. I've said on more that one occasion that if I had a son, I'd never let him come here for fear he's bebrainwashed

I know that NT does not represent the majority of men out there. This is a very specific demographic, and it shows.
There is so much you can get from a messageboard..All I know about men is through real life and experiences. But over here, the crowd does seem younger a bit,and the topics I see posted, it is the usual what boys or some men talk about on a regular basis.

It is just like us JJB girls...That board does not represent what all girls or women are like and it certainly does not give an accurate or better picture ofwhat women are like.
It's cool to see the "men" perspective on things .

It's a lot of "skewed" vision of women .

A lot of "immaturity".

Also , not enough "real-life takes on real-life things".

You're most likely not going to marry a 10 .

Sex isn't everything .

We won't like you more because you beat our +#@ .

Stuff like that .
man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better no
1. False
2. True. Why girls do that anyways? If you're tryin' to get a message across, a statement works way better than a hint.
3. False and True. Whipping it out = Lawsuits. Replacing girls = All purpose contingency plan.
4. True. Mostly.
5. TRUE.

Man, there's a lot of numbers on that list. I'm really too lazy to keep goin' through with all that.

Cue that Alonzo pic one mo gain' for all the girls saying that the dudes on here have skewed perceptions of women. I don't wanna let that ride, butright is right.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better no
2. True. Why girls do that anyways? If you're tryin' to get a message across, a statement works way better than a hint.
3. False and True. Whipping it out = Lawsuits. Replacing girls = All purpose contingency plan.

2. i hate how girls do that dumb #%#$. if you want me to know something, then just tell me damnit, dont drop hints about it, just say it. itreally isnt that difficult

3a. Whipping it out in the wrong situation=Lawsuit. Whipping it out in the proper situation=smash session.
3b. Replacing girls necessarily= all purpose contingency plan. Replacing girls unnecessarily= causes girls to become bitter & spiteful towards men
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

man where do i begin....
1. none of ya'll can be trusted
2. ya'll really can't tell if a girl likes ya'll even through our subtle hints/ or can't decipher the true meaning behind a text either from over or under analyzing the context of it. ie. "what's it mean when a girl says she wants to chill" or "get to know you better"
3. ya'll think "whipping it out" or finding someone new to smash is the answer to any problem
4. ya'll are insecure too, well some of you.
5. i've learned that i have to spell everything out for guys to get my point across
6. i've learned to be an ahole cause ya'll can't appreciate kindness
7. ya'll think all females are liars or tools; so if we're virgins we're lying and if we've been with more than 3 guys we're dirty @!!@%*
8. ya'll can't take what you dish out
9. ya'll are just as confused about us as we are about ya'll
10. ya'll gossip way more than you let on in "real life"
11. i have a better idea of what guys think about, before, during and after sex.
the list could go on and on...but thanks to you guys i know how to relate to males a lot better no
2. True. Why girls do that anyways? If you're tryin' to get a message across, a statement works way better than a hint.
3. False and True. Whipping it out = Lawsuits. Replacing girls = All purpose contingency plan.
2. i hate how girls do that dumb #%#$. if you want me to know something, then just tell me damnit, dont drop hints about it, just say it. it really isnt that difficult

3a. Whipping it out in the wrong situation=Lawsuit. Whipping it out in the proper situation=smash session.
3b. Replacing girls necessarily= all purpose contingency plan. Replacing girls unnecessarily= causes girls to become bitter & spiteful towards men

I was thinkin' whip it out in typical NT fashion. Ex: "This cute girl smiled at me like she does to everyone else. What should Ido?"
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

blackmagnus514 wrote:

lol @ this topic

this was a trap to see how many chix would respond

They did come out the woods though, i recognize Kneesh, Solewoman, Weekend Girl, that's about it...

edit: I never knew Fanatic15 the mod was a she
I was thinkin' whip it out in typical NT fashion. Ex: "This cute girl smiled at me like she does to everyone else. What should I do?"

Or. "Hey guys, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 months and I really love her more than I have ever loved anyone. I think we will be married one dayBUT, this girl in 3rd period dropped her pen by me, and I think it was on purpose cuz she smiled, so should I break up with my girlfriend for her? I know yallsay to whip it out first, but it was cold in class and I didn't want the teacher to see lulz!"

edit: I never knew Fanatic15 the mod was a she

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

I was thinkin' whip it out in typical NT fashion. Ex: "This cute girl smiled at me like she does to everyone else. What should I do?"

Or. "Hey guys, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 months and I really love her more than I have ever loved anyone. I think we will be married one day BUT, this girl in 3rd period dropped her pen by me, and I think it was on purpose cuz she smiled, so should I break up with my girlfriend for her? I know yall say to whip it out first, but it was cold in class and I didn't want the teacher to see lulz!"


Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

blackmagnus514 wrote:

lol @ this topic

this was a trap to see how many chix would respond

They did come out the woods though, i recognize Kneesh, Solewoman, Weekend Girl, that's about it...

edit: I never knew Fanatic15 the mod was a she

gad damn. how u dont kno bout Nawth, RATxAxTAT, dunks87, mscambell(whatever her sn is) mytemouse, man its a nice lil group of em on here now
i lied, I know about mytemouse and dunks87 i guess i didn't see their replies, if i remember correctly dunks is bad as hell
Realtalk. The female population is multiplying. Keep this
up and dudes gonna get determined to make summits happen.
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