LAKERS @ nuggets 12/05 ESPN

Good game Lakers
I blame this loss on AI.

Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually shouldhave put up some more shots.

You guys will say it was Dirty Snake guarding AI that changed things. But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.
AI spends way too much time lobbying with the refs. Just play ball MFer. Sure, at times he has a point. But dude seems to take it to the point that it throwshis game off.

Nuggets are bums, btw. Easily the biggest bunch of underachievers in the League for the past few years. The season is still young, but something tells meit'll end the same way for them that it has for the past few years.
You guys will say it was Dirty Snake guarding AI that changed things. But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.

Didn't they say that George Karl told AI to pass the ball? That's where the Nuggets f'd up.
Got to give it up to AI. Played his heart out for 3 hours, fortunately Kobe had the 4th
Game. Like i said, AI could have quarters 1-3, but the 4th definitely belonged to Kobe.
This was a great win for us. Coming off of a back to back I thought we didn't have much of a shot.

I just hope we can keep this up. We have golden state friday and I don't care what anybody says they are a good team.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I blame this loss on AI.

Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually should have put up some more shots.

You guys will say it was Dirty Snake guarding AI that changed things. But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.

cough cough, hehe i keed i keed

it was ariza gaurding AI early in the fourth, gave kobe some minutes to do some damage on O, kobe did lock down the last 5 mins.

good game AI, great game lakers.
Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually should have put up some more shots.
thats what I thought. He had 23 shots at the END OF THE 3rd QUARTER. And he ends up with 27?! [Ma$e] WOW [/Ma$e]
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

no matter what the outcome of this game is I want Odom gone

Agree x a million. Dude plays like a bum out there, I'm tired of waitin for his under-achieving%!!%. Ship him outta here PLEASE
AI kept them in the game, but by doing so, kept his teammates out of the game at the end when he finally decided to pass to them.

Kobe and Ariza didn't have LOCKDOWN D on AI, but they sure did force him to pass more often than he did in the first 3 qtrs.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I blame this loss on AI.

Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually should have put up some more shots.

You guys will say it was Dirty Snake guarding AI that changed things. But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.
dude, he had 49 pts. shut up and stop downplaying the lakers. they played good team defense on AI, he didn't find a shot he felt comfortable with.
Anyone remember about 4-5 seasons ago they put Kobe on AI in the 2nd half and he scored 2 pts?

That's really all you have to do is put someone taller on him that he can't shoot over. It's just not necessary until you feel like he is going tobeat you down the stretch, it's a well-known tactic employed but lots of teams.

LOL @ people actin' like he can just keep shooting over them anyway.
But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.

the lakers were getting the ball out of his hands with double teams.
it seemed that he was also very tired as he played every minute of the game.
great win by the lakers.
great game by ai.
camby and AI coming through for my fantasy bball team and the lakers still get the win


came through big and are appreciated.

btw, Lame-ar gets no love for this win
he can kick rocks

good game Nuggets/AI fans.
Bynum and Vlad played great tonight and the team did a great job in the third when kobe went out. Even with the win, Odom still frustrates the hell out of meand so does Luke. They make some bonehead plays at the worst times. Kobe was great in the 4th even though he started out shooting to many jump shots. I feelbad for AI. Dude had a great game but was no where to be seen in the 4th. With that said, great win for the Lakers.

HAPPY 1000th TO ME!!
Man, one of the best games I've seen in a while. Iverson's performance was wasted.

fire George Karal already. For the love of God.
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