LAKERS @ nuggets 12/05 ESPN

i dont understand why Ann Iverson has on a jersey that says "Iverson's Mom" should say "Allen's Mom" cuz she is also anIverson
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually should have put up some more shots.
thats what I thought. He had 23 shots at the END OF THE 3rd QUARTER. And he ends up with 27?! [Ma$e] WOW [/Ma$e]


Anyone watching the game will see that he was just passing in the 4th trying to set up Melo and JR.

You guys gotta understand... A player like AI who brings the ball up and has control of it as much as he does can shoot anytime he wants to. It's not likehe's Kenyon or Camby, guys who need another player to get them the ball in their comfort zones.

I can assure you Ariza and 24 had little impact on him not scoring in the 4th.

Good win for the Lakers and a horrible loss for the Nuggets.
Good game LA, terrible game Denver. AI(did his thing), Melo, k-mart, how can you be as bad as you are with so much potential
Come on AI, you might as well have sat out the 4th, you let me down, didn't come thru when we really needed you too!!
Lake Show

props to AI for that show he put on... Farmar got merked out there

24K cold blooded

AI can score all the points he wants in the first 3 quarters, whats most important is what you do the last 5 minutes of the game... and boy am i glad that KobeBean Bryant is on my team when those last 5 minutes come rolling through.

Kobe...what can i say about this guy, how about:

Cold Blooded

Now, hold your horses Ska, before you get upset im not done yet. Im not just giving credit to Kobe, im just appreciating his greatness.

Now, to praise the rest of our team... WHAT A PERFORMANCE

Rad Man... WOW
Big shots vlad rad, much appreciated
Bynum...great 4th quarter D
...this kid is gonna be great.

Everyone did WELL... when kobe was out, we kept the game close and didnt let Denver just expand any type of lead too bad.
Im very proud of all of our players, it was a balanced game, most people shot well, field goal percentages were off the chain.
I know its one game but this is one of those games that shows u that when we put our minds to it, we can play some solid basketball.

Very proud of my lakers, i love every single one of them...even Sasha sometimes

Wow im still hyped...what a game!! This is why i love laker basketball, always have my heart pounding at the end.

Good game!!

Laker fans, Feelin' You!!
Good win. And on a back-to-back too

Kobe with the clutchness down the stretch.

Great game by the supporting cast. They did their jobs tonight.

Props to AI. Dude was just unconscious...luckily, we kept it close and pulled it out at the end.
Happy 1k WM and a nice win for the Lakers.
I think AI ran out of gas in the forth quarter. There is so much one person can do, he needed some help with the scoring.
Our bench kept us in the game when Kobe and Odom were in foul trouble in the 3rd. Nuggets weren't able to take advantage during that stretch. Radmonivicwas balling and I like what Ariza did out there...very active.
Good game. Radmonavich was lighting it up. Kobe came through late. Great game by AI.
It all comes down to consistency and this squad doesn't have it. Hopefully things will get better.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL


AI can score all the points he wants in the first 3 quarters, whats most important is what you do the last 5 minutes of the game... and boy am i glad that Kobe Bean Bryant is on my team when those last 5 minutes come rolling through.

Kobe...what can i say about this guy, how about:

Cold Blooded

Now, hold your horses Ska, before you get upset im not done yet. Im not just giving credit to Kobe, im just appreciating his greatness.

Now, to praise the rest of our team... WHAT A PERFORMANCE

Rad Man... WOW
Big shots vlad rad, much appreciated
Bynum...great 4th quarter D
...this kid is gonna be great.

Everyone did WELL... when kobe was out, we kept the game close and didnt let Denver just expand any type of lead too bad.
Im very proud of all of our players, it was a balanced game, most people shot well, field goal percentages were off the chain.
I know its one game but this is one of those games that shows u that when we put our minds to it, we can play some solid basketball.

Very proud of my lakers, i love every single one of them...even Sasha sometimes

Wow im still hyped...what a game!! This is why i love laker basketball, always have my heart pounding at the end.

Good game!!

Laker fans, Feelin' You!!

co-sign..same thing i wouLdve said!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iverson could have gotten 60+ and they would have still loss, doesnt matter how much he scores....their Defense is like an teamdefense. its pathetic...even with a DPOY

its not like they were winning with Iversons scoring....denver trailed practically the WHOLE game. So you think he would have shot them to victory? last time icheck the lakers aren't the raptors that kobe lit up for 81.

**kobe shot them back to victory for those who don't remember**
I can't believe some of yall are bashing AI...he played the whole game..and carried them the whole game...he just ran out of gas the 4th quarter..and JonBarry brought up a good point.... when AI was goin off carter was running the point but in the 4th Iverson had the bring the ball up too..

Not to mention Kobe was on him for most of the 4th...Kobe is one of the best defenders in the game...and not to mention they started throwing double teams athim the whole 4th...

How can yall say the loss is on AI...if it wasnt for AI they would've lost by double digits just like last game...

But ne ways...this team still just refuses to play any kind of d.. They'll most likely get a 7th or 8th seed...and then they'll play the Suns or Spursand have to dip after the first round again...unless they decide to play defense and stop turning the ball over so much...

first of all...props to AI who put it on our PG's tonight. it's too bad i can't the same for his teammates.

i honestly thought they would blow us out since this was a back-to-back game. they proved me wrong again and the bench held their own in the 3rd quarterdespite kobe sitting out during that entire time.

i'm impressed with the W.....but seriously Lamar is straight up garbage and they need to dump him soon! his poor decision making on offense almost cost usthe game.
Nuggets D is absolutely disgusting. They need to get it together.

AI ran out of gas playin the whole game.

Great game by the Lakers

And please for the love of god, Fire George Karl. He doesn't even have any plays for a half-court set.
Dude just sits there the whole game.
Originally Posted by BlowDaWhistle

I can't believe some of yall are bashing AI...he played the whole game..and carried them the whole game...he just ran out of gas the 4th quarter..and Jon Barry brought up a good point.... when AI was goin off carter was running the point but in the 4th Iverson had the bring the ball up too..

Not to mention Kobe was on him for most of the 4th...Kobe is one of the best defenders in the game...and not to mention they started throwing double teams at him the whole 4th...

How can yall say the loss is on AI...if it wasnt for AI they would've lost by double digits just like last game...

But ne ways...this team still just refuses to play any kind of d.. They'll most likely get a 7th or 8th seed...and then they'll play the Suns or Spurs and have to dip after the first round again...unless they decide to play defense and stop turning the ball over so much...


its Denver's fans that blaming the loss on AI, lakers fans are just happy we won
I cant believe i stopped watching after halftime to go watch a show with my cousin.. i knew they would win but i dint think it was going to be exciting.. boome!!

great win lakers!!!

lol when was the last time we won a back to back road games?? hahah
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