LAKERS @ nuggets 12/05 ESPN

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Glad my prediction of a Denver blow out victory was wrong.

Iverson was on fire but once the Lakers starting sending two men after him its like his teammates didnt know they were playing too. I mean someone like Najarahad some good looks while JR Smith was bricking his. The Nuggets should of worked the ball more and had better shots when Iverson stopped scoring.
Ugh. I like to blame the refs for certain losses, and in this case it would be when Denver had the 4 point lead with like 3 minutes left when Kobe fouledIverson on the 3 point shot leading to the turnover.

Credit to the Lakers for the good jumpshooting from the roleplayers and interior D.

But Nuggets somehow manage to score insane amounts and let the opponent keep up with them. The rotation was too slow all game, and even mediocre teams seem tohave their best shooting nights of the season against us. Whatever, George Karl won't get fired unless they go on a big losing streak WITH Nene and ChuckyAtkins in full health. Atkins sucks but he'll still take the PG load off Ivy.
good win by the lakers. both these squads need to improve on their D or they will get bounced come first round. but kobe
when it counts. AI was a killin tonight but he was just tired in the 4th.
Originally Posted by vanexellent

Glad my prediction of a Denver blow out victory was wrong.

Iverson was on fire but once the Lakers starting sending two men after him its like his teammates didnt know they were playing too. I mean someone like Najara had some good looks while JR Smith was bricking his. The Nuggets should of worked the ball more and had better shots when Iverson stopped scoring.

Its very easy to play D on Denver....if you double team AI you have 3 guys left to cover the other 4 positions...but...Camby is a non-factor on offense, 0pts. so you only really have 3 guys to cover 3 guys. Plug Bynum in the middle, with arms reach of 2 players... and let your guards chase the perimeter. Simple and effective.

On offense, you drive and dish and let your shooters spot up, because the whole Denver team don't play closeout defense...particularly Melo. Melo hasto play shirt tug defense on Luke Walton in the 1st, that really shows you his defensive skills (and Sasha throat check), Luke with his first step is slowmotion for other players.
Great team win by the Lakeshow, Bean was clutch again in the 4th and the Space Cadet, Fish, and Beastum (my new nickname for Bynum) were great. Scrotum however
dude has the worst jumpshot in the league outside of Shawn Marion. Glad I saw more Ariza, less Sasha. Let's see if they can take this momentum in whatis sure to be another no defense game vs. the Warriors. Oh and A.I. killed it but the Lakers team D on him in the 4th was phenomenal.
AI should be happy he got so many touch calls to go in his favor especially in the 3rd quarter to even make it a close game.
good win yall...

looks like you guys'/the nuggets/ and us are tossing around the 7th and 8th spots in the west right now...
Iverson was flopping.

I'm an Iverson fan, but dude was flopping.

Sick game for him, though. And actually, I'm glad that his scoring slowed down as his flopping went up. He was more aggressive in the first half, stayingon his feet and hitting shots. Then the second half, particularly the 4th quarter, he thought that maybe his awesome night had come from the free throw line.But it hadn't. It came from making buckets.

Kobe in the 4th = *appreciated*

My dude D-Fish wearing the right jersey again =
I am so, SO glad this dude is back.

Vlad Rad finally earning a damn paycheck by doing what the heck he was brought in to do =
+ *appreciated*

Perfect game for me: Iverson went OFF (he's on my fantasy team), and the Lakers win.
Wow. I didn't realize this game had four players from the '96 draft....AI, KB, Fish, Camby.

All had a solid game except for Camby, but he dominated the boards.
I'm starting to like this Bynum kid. Vlad finally doing something. D-Fish plays smart basketball. We need 1 more piece...somehow, someway.
The #@%+*+# lakers are always on tv...I love it tho
mann, i have YET to watch a whole lakers game this season, the cable where im at SUCKS.........i cant wait to get home this weekend and catch somelaker games, along with packer games, can never get enough of either

on a side note, good w..........tough back to back next week, vs spurs thursday then at GS friday
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I blame this loss on AI.

Honestly, I didn't see anything that the Lakers did to stop him in the 4th. He just STOPPED SHOOTING. Son tried to play unselfish when he actually should have put up some more shots.

You guys will say it was Dirty Snake guarding AI that changed things. But I disagree. AI just tried to pass too much in the 4th.

Please tell me you're kidding about this. AI was nice last night, but how you gonna complain about him not shooting enough in the 4th, yet if Kobe wason fire and still shooting you would be calling him the biggest ball hog of all time. That makes no sense.

Iverson was the reason the Nuggs didn't get blown out again.

Good win last night, glad we could get the back to back on the road, those are always nice.
You guys see San Antonio do Dallas WITHOUT Duncan? That isn't good for the rest of the league. I think that's a bad sign for the rest of the league.
shughes, lakers did everything to stop AI in the 4th last night. having 2 guys around him even on the damn perimeter.

kobe had a TON of help to stop AI's penetration
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