^Exactly, it's the only reason we've finished the 7th or 8th seed rather than the 4th or 5th.
Are those throwbacks available for personalization? Im looking to make an authentic.
I really doubt it man, there was no word that adidas would produce any regular authentic throwbacks, though I expected at least the pro-cutjerseys??

Believe me, I wanted one as well.
This thread is giving me a headache How are the lakers going to sign any max players if even without kwame, mihm, or sasha we are still over the salary cap.
^My guess to keep him fresh for the playoffs, if we make it. But I have no idea why he does it while he's hitting the shots...
some good news

Lakers' Odom practices, might play Friday went awry. Kwame Brown also missed 41 games last season, Walton missed 22 and Chris Mihm missed the entire season because of injuries.

Kobe Bryant isn't overly excited about the Lakers' unexpectedly smooth start, although it speaks more to being a 12-year veteran than his unhappiness with the franchise.

He acknowledges the victories over Phoenix and Utah were noteworthy, saying they showed "a lot of will," but, at the same time, he'll point out the Lakers are only three games into the season.

Bryant has taken on a serious demeanor, saying he and Derek Fisher will continually remind teammates that a long season is still ahead. In other words, he's not doing cartwheels over a 2-1 record.

"I've seen too many games, I've been in too many wars -- Fish and I both," he said. "We understand that we've got to keep this team going. We keep the ice cold, let the young guys get excited. They should be excited, they've played extremely well.

"Myself and Fish, we keep our composure. We know it's a long season and we have to continue to kind of crack the whip and push these guys. He can do it from his end and I can do it from my end."

After games tonight against vastly improved New Orleans and Friday against rebuilt Minnesota, the Lakers travel to San Antonio and Houston next week.

"It doesn't end," Bryant said. "You've just got to stay the course. We've just got to continue to get better, especially in the Western Conference -- the hits just keep coming.",1,3042630.story?coll=la-headlines-sports-nba-lakers
TEAM LAKERS1949, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1972, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2001, 2002...

If we look on the bright side, this will give an opportunity for guys like Crittenton, Ariza, Turiaf, Kwame, and Farmar to step up even more.

We're going to need to sign a center to a small contract since Mihm is also out. Turiaf is too small.
This bites. Butterfingers or not, he is an expiring contract which holds value come trade time. Assuming Mitch gets fired and one of us get hired beforethe deadline. Still, his D will be missed. Mihm needs to step up, I assume we'll start to see Bynum getting into foul trouble early and then becoming anon factor for a while. Hopefully he'll step up on D as well.
Looks like kwame is out 1 to 2 months.....

The Lakers have their first serious injury of theseason with starting center Kwame Brown diagnosed Monday with a sprained medial collateral ligament in his left knee. Lamar Odom suffered asimilar injury early last season and missed a month and a half - 21 games - although the Lakers have not put a timetable on Brown's absence. Orange County Register

Generally speaking, sprained MCL's are aone-to-two-month proposition, even though the Lakers haven't projected Brown's down time yet. Orange County Register

The Lakers declined to provide a timetablefor Brown's return, as has become their custom on most injuries that go beyond the day-to-day variety. Most NBA players are out two to fourweeks with similar injuries, although it can be longer. The extent of the injury was revealed in an MRI exam Monday, and Brown will be re-evaluated next week.LA Times
^ I wouldn't mind CWebb, but I really don't want J.O., and I especially don't want him for Odom AND Kwame. He'll do little more for us thanKwame, so we shouldn't be giving up a lot more than Kwame.

Dude is Mr. Glass., right along with Tyson Chandler.

I hope they're looking at CWebb.

And trade Odom for RON ARTEST. They'd fill the same role, play the same position, except Ronnie's better. Exponentially.

Remember, Rodman worked out GREAT for Phil.
I would trade anyone on our roster except Lamar and Kobe for Kidd.
And even with Lamar, if they wanted Kidd for Lamar + 1 other bench Laker (except Farmar), I'd do it.
Kookcle wrote:
huh? basically anyone on the roster except Kobe and Jordan

Here's what I meant: the only starter that I would deem untradeable is Kobe. The only bench layer I would deem untradeable is Farmar.

I'd be willing to move anyone else.
^ I agree completely, jbone. If I had to choose between Farmar or Odom, you take Odom.

But... but, but, but... that raises a pretty serious logjam at the 1.

Currently, Fish starts, the Farmar is 2nd on our depth chart, then Sasha.

Getting could would do what? Move Fish to 2nd on our PG depth chart, Farmar to 3rd, and Sasha would move to a permanent 2?
Anyone else tired of Chuck saying the Lakers aren't for real? Charles stay hating on us.
dyyhard wrote:
who would rather have Caron than Lamar on the squad?

It's not so much that I hate Lamar or anything. I just like Caron better. I liked him as a Laker, and he's 2nd on the list of people I wish we couldhave kept since the 4-HOFers split up (Fisher was #1, but we've got him back).
Kookcle wrote:

Oh man, the right side of that picture brings tears of joy to my heart.

Cook made me want to punch babies, man.

Mo: best of luck to you, bro.

Dwight (Howard): don't complain about not getting rebound opportunities. If these 2 play the rest of the season with you, and you're not the reboundingchampion at season's end, that's your own damn fault.
Re-sign Kwame?

Who the heck suggested that?

For a good deal?! Listen, if the deal is more than $1 (as in one dollar, as in 100 pennies), then it's not a deal worth taking.

Kwame, Smush, and Sasha are three DEFINITES that need to go.

We're one-third of the way there.

But subtracting Kwame and adding JO would simply be a matter of replacing one headache with another. The headache from Kwame is that... well, he'sterrible. The headache from JO would be that he's been injured a lot, and seems to be continuing that this season. At 29, dude's well past his prime.Not all players are past their prime at 29, but he is. The road to being a role player has begun for JO.
damn i thought it was a max of 8 weeks, but i misread and its at LEAST 8 weeks. cant believe this man
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Possible Options: Kurt Thomas or Pj Brown.

I think we're lacking that veteren pf/c - either one of these guys would be a solid pickup.

Would love to pick up a pf/c and sg.

Thats what we need. I really wish we wouldn't have resigned mihm. PJ brown would be good for us and I really like Kurt thomas but there really is no wayto gte him. He makes 8 mil a year. An who does PJ play for? ESPN has him listed as being a bull but I can't find him on their roster.

All I know is this is going to be a hell of a off season. According to ESPN we have 5 players who contracts are up in the summer (ariza, brown, mihm, turiafand vujacic). We have to try to keep ariza and turiaf IMO but if we don;t trade brown what do we do with him? Lamar contract is up when kobe can optout. I hope we can trade lamar this off season (unless we win a chip or something) but his contract might help us land a really soild 2ndoption.
"It was pretty scary because it felt like my knee twisted all around. Luckily I'm all right," he said, his knee encased in a heavy brace.

"I didn't hear any pops. I'm able to put weight on it and it doesn't really hurt. Just when I bend it, it hurts."

Oh my god, thank goodness... It can't be that bad now right? right???
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

hell yea Mitch, lookin like a genius right now...ariza better now get injured, he can fly...Lakers haven't had some big that can fly in a long excited

Don't jinx him
I'm still bitter about that Caron trade

You, me, other fans and Kobe.

I honestly didn't see it coming, I was so excited for the future, and then Mitch drops the bomb on us.

Odom or to others, Odumb

With time, and chemistry.... What could've been.
This is just a rumor but: Lakers acquire Julian Wright from NOH for Sasha Vujacic and 1st rounder

Personally I like it but I doubt it will actually happen. We already have too many SF on the roster

This is the same place that reported the Mo/Cook trade as well, so I guess we'll wait and see.

But do the Lakers really need another SF? Ariza doesn't even play, or have a significant role on the team yet.

If it's true, Christmas has come very early for me, first Cook, and hopefully now Sasha. Add Mihm to that bunch, and it's my early B-day present.
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