Lamar Odom Fighting for His Life Found Unconscious at Nevada Brothel

Master P just addressed everything and he kept it SUPER real. It is worth a look

what's your definition of real?

my man P said kobe didn't really care about Lamar because he didn't get him a contract on the Lakers. how tf is that keeping it super real?

:lol: What?

what are you confused about? did you not see the video?

Wasn't confused about anything, bro. Only flabbergasted and :rofl: by the pure stupidity of the suggestion from Master P.

So dude's dumb *** suggestion is that after he blew out with two others teams, helping Odom means making the Lakers sign him so he can have a couple more million to blow on drugs and hookers. Not to mention the Lakers would have to pay luxury tax on that deal

Percy needs to shut the hell up

People tried to help Lamar, he didn't want their help

Or...OR...modern medicine is incredible and BOTH can be true. Jesus Christ. Ya'll think he's being taken care of by a witch doctor out in the Nevada desert, or some ish? He's in the ICU at a Las Vegas hospital. A hospital that deals with all sorts of trauma. They didn't form a prayer circle around him, they kept him alive through artificial means, and now he's breathing on his own. You know how often that happens? Literally every day, at every hospital around the country.

For someone who called out the rest of this thread for talking about washed up rap mogul, you followed it up by saying literally the dumbest thing in this thread.

Dude go sit down somewhere! I know how long the brain can survive without O2 so dude apparently was somewhat breathing at the scene even if they were agonal breaths. No way in hell dude was unconscious not breathing all that time. If it was the former then of course he can be brought back.

You can fly in Dr. Seus but if your brain has been deprived O2 for hours, you are done and/or will have severe brain damage.

If he has recovered, it's safe to say dude was breathing at the scene with a pulse. That doesn't take any specialized doctor, you can bring that back with ACLS then to icu...that's standard.
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Since when does unconscious mean not breathing? Everything that I saw just said he was unconscious at the scene, which means passed out. Hopefully he'll make a full recovery and get the help he needs.
hopefully he recovers and returns to the court to win comeback player of the year :smokin
hopefully he recovers and returns to the court to win comeback player of the year
he would need to rehabilitate for at least a year and a half.
It was a year or two ago when Jerry Lawler had a heart attack and I think he stopped breathing for a few minutes. It was looking real bad. He was able to get medical attention right away though since he was at Raw. His recovery is pretty amazing and he seems ok.
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he would need to rehabilitate for at least a year and a half.

it would be nice just to see him step on the court alive even if its just for one game type of ceremony. i think it would help him greatly on his recovery
Dude is on dialysis and may need to be on it for a while. People in dialysis usually only live for like 10-12 years.
I just hope he's eventually able to walk, talk and lead a somewhat normal life with this ordeal serving as his  "rock bottom."

Many who have near death experiences come out completely different. Hope that's the case.
*makes mental note not to refer to doctors doing an amazing job as a miracle on NT*
[quote name="CALI J 360"]I don't wanna listen to a junkie talking sports...[/quote]Not sure 'junkie' is fair, but I'm also not one of these types to hurry up and label someone something.

Son has a problem, absolutely.
[quote name="LIONBLOOD"]I don't know what third world bible belt state some of y'all are from that every damn thing is a miracle.[/quote]"I don't know how this is happening, so... it's a miracle!" = "I don't know, therefore... God!"
I think we need to still remain cautious but hopeful, he's not out of the woods yet... he's still in critical condition.
This is the last thing I want to see before going under the knife
Listen man all I was saying is I don't think the dude who made that comment was trying to discredit the great job the Doctors have done been keeping Lamar Odom here.

The word miracle is not that big a deal and has more than one definition. I didn't even think about prayer circles or someone crediting God when he said that. One of the definitions of miracle is "an amazing product or achievement, or an outstanding example of something" and thats the definition I thought of first when I read that comment. If 

anything its a credit to how great these doctors are and the fact that they get up every day to do what they do and what they have dedicated their life to, their work is an amazing product or achievement their work is a miracle by that definition.
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