Latinos that DONT KNOW SPANISH (so annoying)

being AMERICANIZED in the sense im talking about is just flat out,self hate.
i know a lady right now who unofficially changed her name to sound more american ( i.e richie valens)
she says she is white (at least when no other family is arround) and denies just everything about her...

cuando tiene el nopal en la frente... lol
Its great to speak your ethnic language, but how could you honestly be mad at someone who lifes in the United States of America for not knowing how to speakit? What should really matter is if they themselves are ok with it...because not knowing a language besides English in the US will not affect your life.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Latinos that don't speak english is annoying as well.

At least try.

Thank you. This is America why the hell should you speak spanish?
Yeah, I don't understand how some people can live in America their whole lives and not speak a word of English.
I can understand spanish perfectly but I sometimes have problems speaking it

and I suck at writing it

america this and that... i dont care whos happy with themselves about not knowing something
they should know... im sure your feelin the same way i feel when i read " speak english in america OR ELSE"
about every thing im writing but eh....

however this may sound,i dont think this thread or topic is really for anyone other than ethnic people.
ya i said it lol... so what,cry me a river.

loosing your culture is weak.
denying your culture is weak.
i dont feel bad, it annoys me and i think they should just off themselves.
Originally Posted by ThaPeoplesChamp

being AMERICANIZED in the sense im talking about is just flat out,self hate.
i know a lady right now who unofficially changed her name to sound more american ( i.e richie valens)
she says she is white (at least when no other family is arround) and denies just everything about her...

cuando tiene el nopal en la frente... lol
if ur culture is so important, why did you come to this country in a place where it isnt upheld? Go back
anyone else feel me on this?
i got a few friends who's spanish SUCKS
but at least it SUCKS and they TRY.
and im cool with that... mines not PERFECT either.

a few reasons on WHY they MAY not speak spanish.

1.your mixed (i can understand)
2.your 3rd generation or something (understandable i guess) CHOOSE not too (not cool)
4.your parents are americanized (weak)

anyways,im super light skinned but i'm cuban/mexican.
people confuse me for a white guy everytime they meet me.
but both my parents were immigrants so
i had NO choice BUT to learn spanish.

it's just annoying because i just see it more and more everyday
and it just seems like a lack of culture.
i understand if YOU werent taught or it wasnt spoken in your house,
but then that just makes your PARENTS lames.

lol let the flames begin.

*$#?! Both my parents speak fluent spanish, but the both grew up in the US and were both fairly americanized all their lives, so we didn'tspeak much spanish in my house at all. I was exposed to the culture, but I grew up here in the US, so there's no reason I should HAVE to know spanish. Ispeak some, but that's not even the point. I never understood that about latin culture and why some people get on this high-horse about being bi-lingual. You don't see people who's grandparents are from Germany getting $#!&* because they don't speak German.
Originally Posted by HisRoyalFreshness69

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

Originally Posted by SIZE TENS

Latinos that don't speak english is annoying as well.

At least try.

Thank you. This is America why the hell should you speak spanish?
Yeah, I don't understand how some people can live in America their whole lives and not speak a word of English.
word to Miami,

yes, the city
you've been redeemed^

shes SUPER SEXY...

but i'll tell you what... if she didnt speak
spanish i wouldnt wife...

Plane ticket to Mexico isn't too much, you can even drive or walk down there if you don't like America or if people that are "Americanized"bother you. Just roll out.
My god this is a dumb thread. How is it annoying that AMERICAN BORN latinos can't speak Spanish? There are a number of reasons why there are latinos thatcan't speak the language. I'm a third generation Cuban American and I don't know the language. My grandmother chose not to teach her childrenSpanish but rather let them learn English. The only Spanish they were exposed to was from their grandmother and that was in very small doses. I've triedlearning the language but I just can't get it. Do I care? Not really. I'm in touch with my latino roots.

For the Latinos and people of other nationalities that live here for decades and don't know basic English is worse than me not knowing Spanish. Get out ofhere with that nonsense.
AMERICA did not have or should not have an official language because english was certainly not the first language spoken here. So no, no one should beobligated to speak english, of course it helps to learn it but obligating people is just absurd.
Originally Posted by JStar25

Plane ticket to Mexico isn't too much, you can even drive or walk down there if you don't like America or if people that are "Americanized" bother you. Just roll out.
Originally Posted by ThaPeoplesChamp

you've been redeemed^

shes SUPER SEXY...

but i'll tell you what... if she didnt speak
spanish i wouldnt wife...


yes gif
I try really hard to work on it, mother and father speak fluent Spanish and English, but they have always talked to me in English. My Spanish isn't great,but I won't starve either.
you know whats annoying, spanish people that always speak spanish,in america... even though they know how to speak perfect english ... they still speak spanishto eachother.

btw, i am half spanish.
What the guys is trying to say is that it's shameful when Latinos deny their culture and purposely refuse to speak Spanish. I agree.

Josebronx also makes a very good point. Read it.
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

AMERICA did not have or should not have an official language because english was certainly not the first language spoken here. So no, no one should be obligated to speak english, of course it helps to learn it but obligating people is just absurd.
It may not be official, but it is so predominant that it is official.
Jesus Estrella = JSTAR?

your exactly the person im talking about... STAR,REALLY?

get yo tacobell-hot-sauce-is-too-hot-for-me- veggie burrito- stiff dancing- cant-order-food- sponge-bob-pinata-havin-"um,sorry no es-pan-yol"- davematthews band lovin- still-dont-know-what-pitbull-means-by-"CULO"- never been to a quince- Cancun trip takin- never seen anepisode-of-sabado-gigante-!*% UP....
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