Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Hatred breeds hate. Just because Sterling has piece of **** views and is ignorant doesn't mean we should start spewing hate in response to his hate. Being happy for his illness is as trashy as his racist views. I don't care if this guy's a monster, scumbag, whatever, we'll never have world peace on this planet while we feel the need to point fingers at other people for the poor (and sometimes vile) choices they have made. We're not here to judge. We're here to love. Rise up, don't let this fool and the media drag you to a lower vibration.

You're right. I should of said "God will punish him for his deeds". Which would include burning in the pits of hell for all eternity.
If you wish a slow, painful death on someone, you have issues. Period.

It's one thing to want someone that is physically harmful or harbors ill will towards others to be incapacitated. It's a completely different thing to wish a certain type of death on someone.

If that logic doesn't register with you, then damn.
Bruh...some people need to be rid from this world. And he is one of them. It's people like him that make this world the way it is
If you wish a slow, painful death on someone, you have issues. Period.

It's one thing to want someone that is physically harmful or harbors ill will towards others to be incapacitated. It's a completely different thing to wish a certain type of death on someone.

If that logic doesn't register with you, then damn.
Bruh...some people need to be rid from this world. And he is one of them. It's people like him that make this world the way it is
And people like you help.
Only way to change the world is to be the change yourself. It all starts with each of us. Stop engaging negativity and hatred. Be aware of your thoughts and actions. Focus on positivity and love and eventually, there won't be anymore tools like Sterling on this planet.
Only way to change the world is to be the change yourself. It all starts with each of us. Stop engaging negativity and hatred. Be aware of your thoughts and actions. Focus on positivity and love and eventually, there won't be anymore tools like Sterling on this planet.
Unfortunately the mathematics of our universe dont work that way

View media item 950083
I dont want to turn this into "that" type of thread, but believe me, I get what you're saying. My thoughts arent of hate but IMO, the only way to rid evil is to "destroy" it
Only way to change the world is to be the change yourself. It all starts with each of us. Stop engaging negativity and hatred. Be aware of your thoughts and actions. Focus on positivity and love and eventually, there won't be anymore tools like Sterling on this planet.
Unfortunately the mathematics of our universe dont work that way

View media item 950083
I dont want to turn this into "that" type of thread, but believe me, I get what you're saying. My thoughts arent of hate but IMO, the only way to rid evil is to "destroy" it

How do you destroy evil? By wishing it to hell? By hoping it dies slow and painful?

Does professor X wish all humans would die? What would Jesus do? Does MLK Jr wish white bigots would die?
Yeah, I mean, look, I get it, but that's an easy way out. By wishing to eradicate evil through possibly evil actions, you're only allowing the possibility of a new evil to come to life. The only way to turn things around is to just be there with love. I'm telling you guys, it's possible to change this planet, but it needs to be done one by one and with patience. If we can all convert one shortsighted person that's caught up in his/her conditioning, we can bring forth world peace. The first step is awareness. If we're all aware of our thoughts, of our actions, of the way we handle our emotions, of how we spend our time and money, and we took the steps forward to be light and airy, to be positive and happy, to raise ourselves to higher vibrations, we'll be taking our peers up alongside us and our utopia will be born.

You could call me crazy, but people thought the Wright Brothers were crazy for trying to make man fly.
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Yeah, I mean, look, I get it, but that's an easy way out. By wishing to eradicate evil through possibly evil actions, you're only allowing the possibility of a new evil to come to life. The only way to turn things around is to just be there with love. I'm telling you guys, it's possible to change this planet, but it needs to be done one by one and with patience. If we can all convert one shortsighted person that's caught up in his/her conditioning, we can bring forth world peace. The first step is awareness. If we're all aware of our thoughts, of our actions, of the way we handle our emotions, of how we spend our time and money, and we took the steps forward to be light and airy, to be positive and happy, to raise ourselves to higher vibrations, we'll be taking our peers up alongside us and our utopia will be born.

You could call me crazy, but people thought the Wright Brothers were crazy for trying to make man fly.

I see what your trying to say and i agree having a positive outlook will better an individuals life.... But in reality The world has not been built like that since the inception of man there has been anger, resentment, hate towards other people and other things. If we are talking society of today there is absolutely no coming into a positive world without literally the earth starting over, 1000's of years of separation & division have insured that there will always be people conditioned to think or live a certain way. There is also the fact that some people just don't have that same compassion for others, is it an ideal though NO, is it a very cold reality yes.

It's hard for someone to not feel hatred in a world that revolves around monetary values & attaching your soul to religion, which in itself is a division.
lol@using a white blood cell diagram to support your "destroying evil" argument...

some of yall need to take a writing/debate class
lol@using a white blood cell diagram to support your "destroying evil" argument...

some of yall need to take a writing/debate class
Im not gonna sit here a type pages upon page trying to make a point. 99.9% of the time, the others mind wont be swayed.

Keep it simple and keep it moving
Yeah, I mean, look, I get it, but that's an easy way out. By wishing to eradicate evil through possibly evil actions, you're only allowing the possibility of a new evil to come to life. The only way to turn things around is to just be there with love. I'm telling you guys, it's possible to change this planet, but it needs to be done one by one and with patience. If we can all convert one shortsighted person that's caught up in his/her conditioning, we can bring forth world peace. The first step is awareness. If we're all aware of our thoughts, of our actions, of the way we handle our emotions, of how we spend our time and money, and we took the steps forward to be light and airy, to be positive and happy, to raise ourselves to higher vibrations, we'll be taking our peers up alongside us and our utopia will be born.

You could call me crazy, but people thought the Wright Brothers were crazy for trying to make man fly.

I see what your trying to say and i agree having a positive outlook will better an individuals life.... But in reality The world has not been built like that since the inception of man there has been anger, resentment, hate towards other people and other things. If we are talking society of today there is absolutely no coming into a positive world without literally the earth starting over, 1000's of years of separation & division have insured that there will always be people conditioned to think or live a certain way. There is also the fact that some people just don't have that same compassion for others, is it an ideal though NO, is it a very cold reality yes.

It's hard for someone to not feel hatred in a world that revolves around monetary values & attaching your soul to religion, which in itself is a division.
Valid points. It's a process to correct all the damage that has been done over the years, both to the planet and humans. The conditioning is real, and admitting what you have thought was normal and ok is wrong is very difficult for people. But I like to believe that anything is possible. That with time, people can change and realize what matters. In order to do that, though, people need to be unplugged from the media and that is challenging. People need to realize that spirituality resides within us and throughout the entire universe. There isn't that necessary need for an organized religion since we could reflect inwardly and give thanks on our own. But for every person that is understanding and willing to be aware and do the right thing, there's like 10 people ignorant and content with the way things are. It may take years, but by teaching, and showing compassion to others and not engaging their negativity, it can be done.
Valid points. It's a process to correct all the damage that has been done over the years, both to the planet and humans. The conditioning is real, and admitting what you have thought was normal and ok is wrong is very difficult for people. But I like to believe that anything is possible. That with time, people can change and realize what matters. In order to do that, though, people need to be unplugged from the media and that is challenging. People need to realize that spirituality resides within us and throughout the entire universe. There isn't that necessary need for an organized religion since we could reflect inwardly and give thanks on our own. But for every person that is understanding and willing to be aware and do the right thing, there's like 10 people ignorant and content with the way things are. It may take years, but by teaching, and showing compassion to others and not engaging their negativity, it can be done.

:smokin I do hope that one day people will take this approach I HOPE, as you said knowledge is key and the ability to think outside of your views is integral, you don't have to agree but the ability to atleast look at something from another perspective and UNDERSTAND, is something that is missing.

It's a very angering subject because i truly believe that we are all born to love and empathize with one another a very very Small but powerful group of institutions created a system where one must feel the power to rule over others.
Can't say I'm glad he has cancer but at the same time I can't say I have any sympathy for him either.

Especially how he did that other coach with cancer and when its decent people who end up getting cancer who deserve the sympathy instead of sterling.
No such thing as racism without power. The thing yall think is racism by black folks is called PREJUDICE. Prejudice ONLY becomes racism when you have the "power" to stop or prevent others from doing/not doing something simply based off of your prejudices.
No such thing as racism without power. The thing yall think is racism by black folks is called PREJUDICE. Prejudice ONLY becomes racism when you have the "power" to stop or prevent others from doing/not doing something simply based off of your prejudices.
Where do you people come up with this crap?
Where do you people come up with this crap? :lol:

It's actually a pretty straight forward and logical thing to understand. Don't know where you ppl learn in order to not be able to comprehend.

Let me guess, a dog that only barks at certain ppl is racist too?

If I don't like anyone with brown hair, yet I don't have the power to actively inflict my prejudice of brown haired people in the infrastructure, policy, laws, curriculum, etc then what difference does it make whether I like brown haired people or not? Most would simply tell me that it's my opinion and oh well. It only becomes a problem when I can make brown haired ppl suffer.
Where do you people come up with this crap?
It's actually a pretty straight forward and logical thing to understand. Don't know where you ppl learn in order to not be able to comprehend.

Let me guess, a dog that only barks at certain ppl is racist too?

If I don't like anyone with brown hair, yet I don't have the power to actively inflict my prejudice of brown haired people in the infrastructure, policy, laws, curriculum, etc then what difference does it make whether I like brown haired people or not? Most would simply tell me that it's my opinion and oh well. It only becomes a problem when I can make brown haired ppl suffer.
how many white people have the power to do this?
Where do you people come up with this crap?
It's actually a pretty straight forward and logical thing to understand. Don't know where you ppl learn in order to not be able to comprehend.

Let me guess, a dog that only barks at certain ppl is racist too?

If I don't like anyone with brown hair, yet I don't have the power to actively inflict my prejudice of brown haired people in the infrastructure, policy, laws, curriculum, etc then what difference does it make whether I like brown haired people or not? Most would simply tell me that it's my opinion and oh well. It only becomes a problem when I can make brown haired ppl suffer.
Racism is a form of prejudice based on the color of a person's skin. It's that simple.

All this "Blacks can't be racists they can only be prejudiced/bigots talk" is idiotic.

It doesn't even help your point because RACISM IS PREJUDICE. RACISM IS BIGOTRY.

The fact that you can believe that it isn't and state it as if it is fact is mindboggling.
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