Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

he didn't just cheat on his wife

he was infected with hiv with a pregnant wife

Sterling cheated on his wife and didn't get AIDS.
Magic cheated on his wife and caught AIDS

Magic didn't intend to catch AIDS.

How exactly are they any different

One is too old to have kids?
Sterling cheated on his wife and didn't get AIDS.
Magic cheated on his wife and caught AIDS

Magic didn't intend to catch AIDS.

How exactly are they any different

One is too old to have kids?
Man, you've got to let Rhino go.  Logic is a language he doesn't speak.
ya, i get that you give him a pass for it

and no - the civil rights movement is not worthless because of magic johnson's promiscuity
or did mlk test positive for the hiv while his wife pregnant?

like i said - yall please stop spinning my words, adding stuff - then going off on a tangent
so the cheating isn't really that bad its the fact he contracted aids? That's basically the only difference. Both cheated...both try to improve/do for the community both cheated on said wives.... one contracted hiv one didn't... so that's your defining difference as to why one should be listened to and the other shouldn't?

It isn't a pass its a past. Your saying because of a mistake he made 25+ yrs ago you don't take him seriously and wont listen to him. So I ask how is he making a mistake any different then anyone else? Then you? A mistake is a mistake...period, or are you holding his mistake in a different light because he contracted hiv? It seems and comes across as if cheating is meh to you...but if you get a std/hiv etc... then it makes the act of cheating waaaaaaaay worse then what it is?

It kinda reminds me how ppl look at thieves in a different light based on what they stole or how much they stole... like as if some stealing isn't as bad as others based on the items or amount of money being stole.

No one is adding words... you said you cant take him serious cause he cheated and contracted hiv... I said well mlk cheated on his wife.... to which you said it is different because he didn't contract hiv. So based off your own words they cheating is whatever to you its not that bad... the contraction of a disease is what makes it bad.
and i'd like to make one more point if i may:

...to say oh he cant speak on injustices and systematic white racism because 25+ yrs ago he cheated on his wife and got aids makes absolutely no sense.

i never said that
magic can say whatever he wants - i just don't have to listen

is this how you see everything?
and i'd like to make one more point if i may:
i never said that
magic can say whatever he wants - i just don't have to listen

is this how you see everything?
So basically your saying you listen to no one? Unless you can name a person you know who has never did anything wrong or made a mistake. If the basis of your statement is I wont listen to him cause he made a mistake. Lets be real it has nothing to do with his mistake...its YOUR personal feelings and judgment about cheating and contracting hiv? If it was just as simple as cheating or making an error of judgment then you wouldn't be listening to teachers, your parents so on and so forth. You would more or less be a closed minded know it all
you conflate everything & you're not concise enough

just making it known so you are aware of it
its pretty concise and simple.... you wont listen to the man because he contracted hiv while cheating... had he just cheated it wouldn't be as bad (seeing as you said mlk words are valid and he cheated on his wife)... but the hiv makes it sooooooooooo much worse and invalidates in your eyes anything he has to say. Doesn't get any simpler...(although that makes absolutely no sense) then that.
Sterling coming wit Dat Ad Hominem Fallacy!!  Oldest trick in the book
Someone's knee deep in Philosophy 101
Im sorry but I cant have sympathy for a dude that had wild unprotected sex while partying with prostitutes during his days with the Lakers.
For that fact I never liked Magic as a player.
Sterling might be delusional but what if the thing he said about Magic calling him to tell him not to do anything, he will help him?
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Although Sterling is scum, Magic is a POS though.

Btw :lol: at anyone who says Floyd is racist
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Im sorry but I cant have sympathy for a dude that had wild unprotected sex while partying with prostitutes during his days with the Lakers.
For that fact I never liked Magic as a player.
Sterling might be delusional but what if the thing he said about Magic calling him to tell him not to do anything, he will help him?
no one is saying have sympathy for him lol..... what was said is his past actions doesn't negate or change the fact that magic has done positive things in terms of minorities and contributed to medical research. To say oh he hasn't been/done anything positive for a.a. an minorities in general because he has hiv makes no sense.

and what does his off court actions have to do with his on court actions/skillset and abilities? was his passing not as sharp and crisp? was his understanding and foundation of the game of basketball somehow became hindered because he contracted hiv. Sounds like you aren't really much of a fan of the sport moreso..a fan of certain players/individuals based on their social status/acceptance and likability...rather then their talent skillset and abilities in said sport.

and as far as him calling...for as much as his conversations have been recorded (over two yrs) the one conversation that can some sort validity he just happen to not record that one...that is if the convo even occurred.
when Sterling called em', "THOSE AIDS" ... I lost it lol.... that **** sounded so funny 

old people are hilarious.. they have no filter... they have no time to be processing the **** they say 
"Those AIDS"


He said "Those AIDS" like it was some fruit in the grocery store. "Those AIDS over there, how much are they?"
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when Sterling called em', "THOSE AIDS" ... I lost it lol.... that **** sounded so funny 

old people are hilarious.. they have no filter... they have no time to be processing the **** they say 

These were my exact thoughts watching the interview
when Sterling called em', "THOSE AIDS" ... I lost it lol.... that **** sounded so funny 

old people are hilarious.. they have no filter... they have no time to be processing the **** they say 
cant lie I was like lol wut.... I swear the most humorously honest ppl ive ever encountered are old racist white men...esp southern ones. some of the ish they say with so much conviction etc be pure gold.

ill never forget this girl I once dated and her dad was like man fathers day in the ghetto is like February the 29th.... half was hurt...half was like wanting to bust out lol...
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