Lebron James had to apologize for quoting "jewish money" lyrics

but dont they run a majority of media
whats wrong with folks saying it
Owning a majority isn't the same as owning everything and if you read further you'd see I'm talking about those who try to spin that in to some global conspiracy where Jews control everything and are trying to get rid of white ppl with the use of black ppl.

Then there's a lot more crazy out there insidious conspiracy theories about the plans of Jewish ppl that "run everything".
Owning a majority isn't the same as owning everything and if you read further you'd see I'm talking about those who try to spin that in to some global conspiracy where Jews control everything and are trying to get rid of white ppl with the use of black ppl.

Then there's a lot more crazy out there insidious conspiracy theories about the plans of Jewish ppl that "run everything".
are u jewish???
if not u cant speak on it
cause u dont know what they have planned
If you're a minority, there's no such thing as a "positive stereotype." They amount to backhanded praise, routinely used to undermine, discount, and disqualify the target group. "Positive stereotypes" serve to justify, and distract from, White Supremacy. They are, often, used to justify prejudice and resentment that, too often, manifests itself as hate crimes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...are-still-on-the-rise/?utm_term=.0a1df74cd361

This is not Youtube. We are not going to allow our community to be misused to proliferate bigoted conspiracy theories.

It is possible to challenge relative privilege and ethnic queuing in American society without turning yourself into an unwitting ally of White Nationalists.
James Baldwin demonstrated as much fifty years ago: http://movies2.nytimes.com/books/98/03/29/specials/baldwin-antisem.html

If anyone can't handle that, then I suggest you goose step over to Gab and commune with Alex Jones and the "Proud Boys."
da gripes actually comes from da bible...

Loans and interest in Judaism

The subject of loans and interest in Judaism has a long and complex history. In the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament of the Christian Bibles), the Book of Ezekiel classifies the charging of interest among the worst sins, denouncing it as an abomination and metaphorically portraying usurers as people who have shed the borrower's blood.[1] The Talmud dwells on Ezekiel's condemnation of charging interest.[2][full citation needed]

The Torah and Talmud encourage lending money without interest. But the halakha (Jewish law) that prescribes interest-free loans applies only to loans made to other Jews. Jewish law allows making loans with interest to persons who are not Jewish


basically alot of cultures view jewish manipulation of certain financial institutions as malicious, perception wise or naw...

yeah like i said, racial minorities that specialize in money lending are prime targets for persecution, and jews have historically specialized in money lending so naturally bunch of groups have these resentments.

jews have migrated a round bunch so yeah there are different flavors of anti semitism but around the same theme of money and finance.

american white supremcy is a specific narrative that involves jewish people spreading racial discord in order to distablize a christian nation. during the civil war people in the south believed jews were profiting off the civil war and funding black malitias (they weren't), or during the civil rights movement they thought jews were actually the puppet masters behind black resistance. (they weren't) ect ect.

anti semitism is an important part of americna white supremacy. in a way thats unique to other countries.
If you're a minority, there's no such thing as a "positive stereotype." They amount to backhanded praise, routinely used to undermine, discount, and disqualify the target group. "Positive stereotypes" serve to justify, and distract from, White Supremacy. They are, often, used to justify prejudice and resentment that, too often, manifests itself as hate crimes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...are-still-on-the-rise/?utm_term=.0a1df74cd361

This is not Youtube. We are not going to allow our community to be misused to proliferate bigoted conspiracy theories.

It is possible to challenge relative privilege and ethnic queuing in American society without turning yourself into an unwitting ally of White Nationalists.
James Baldwin demonstrated as much fifty years ago: http://movies2.nytimes.com/books/98/03/29/specials/baldwin-antisem.html

If anyone can't handle that, then I suggest you goose step over to Gab and commune with Alex Jones and the "Proud Boys."
i dont think anyone in here REALLY believes in the "jewish conspiracy"
but do u believe that the jewish community controls alot of institutions
and if so
how would acknowledging that be negative
im seriously inquiring
school me
It’s not assumptions, it’s facts. So you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about because you haven’t done your research. So this convo is over until you do your own research.

Still waiting on that list of Unknown companies that made billions that you know of.

Then prove it :lol: YOU provided a link with no proof and now I'm the one that needs to do my own research :rofl:

Here's the list of the 10 top richest Billionaires of 2018. The only one that publicly identifies as Jewish is Zuckerburg...
  1. Jeff Bezos | Amazon | $112 billion
  2. Bill Gates | Microsoft | $90 billion
  3. Warren Buffett | Berkshire Hathaway | $84 billion
  4. Bernard Arnault & family | LVMH | $72 billion
  5. Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook | $71 billion
  6. Amancio Ortega | Zara | $70 billion
  7. Carlos Slim Helu & family | telecom |$67.1 billion
  8. Charles Koch | Koch Industries |$60 billion
  9. David Koch | Koch Industries | $60 billion
  10. Larry Ellison | software | $58.5 billion
At first I was like what’s the big deal? But after thinking about it, it’s not anyone’s place to tell a group of people what to be offended by and what not to be offended by. If you’re not part of that group, just respect their wishes. What I live by.

Even though on the surface it’s a compliment (and 21 meant it in a good way) the stereotype has a lot of negative connotations.
ehh idk bout that b, ill take big penis, and dominicans all kill @ baseball stereotypes all day :lol:
Stereotypes of "hyper-sexuality" have been deployed for centuries to portray Black people as base or bestial. Such stereotypes have been frequently used to justify rape and lynching.

but do u believe that the jewish community controls alot of institutions
This very premise implies some sort of collusion.
At first I was like what’s the big deal? But after thinking about it, it’s not anyone’s place to tell a group of people what to be offended by and what not to be offended by. If you’re not part of that group, just respect their wishes. What I live by.
i think everyone believes that
but we are just tryna get a grasp on whats so offensive about it
i can respect that its offensive and not say it
but enlighten me on why u know what i mean
give me some context and lets have dialogue about it
but dont they run a majority of media
whats wrong with folks saying it

They wanna s
Then prove it :lol: YOU provided a link with no proof and now I'm the one that needs to do my own research :rofl:

Here's the list of the 10 top richest Billionaires of 2018. The only one that publicly identifies as Jewish is Zuckerburg...
  1. Jeff Bezos | Amazon | $112 billion
  2. Bill Gates | Microsoft | $90 billion
  3. Warren Buffett | Berkshire Hathaway | $84 billion
  4. Bernard Arnault & family | LVMH | $72 billion
  5. Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook | $71 billion
  6. Amancio Ortega | Zara | $70 billion
  7. Carlos Slim Helu & family | telecom |$67.1 billion
  8. Charles Koch | Koch Industries |$60 billion
  9. David Koch | Koch Industries | $60 billion
  10. Larry Ellison | software | $58.5 billion

Lol you still haven’t done your research. Top 500 not top 10. Also I said companies not people.
Y'all really in here arguing with a troll

Methodical Management Methodical Management i’d like to report ahat ahat for harassment. Thanks.
are u jewish???
if not u cant speak on it
cause u dont know what they have planned

I'm talking about conspiracy theories and crazy conspiracy theorists that believe in and perpetuate them.

I don't have to be Jewish to point out a group of crazy bigoted ppl making **** up cuz they're white privilege feels threatened.

But if you want to rock with the tiki torch dudes and the like go ahead.

Stereotypes of "hyper-sexuality" have been deployed for centuries to portray Black people as base or bestial. Such stereotypes have been frequently used to justify rape and lynching.
It's crazy to me it's about to be 2019 and some of these black ppl (not even the young dudes) are this ignorant to how "positive" stereotypes get spin and twisted to negatively effect black ppl.
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