Lebron's Post Game Antics

Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by alvin314159

Originally Posted by hella handsome

kobe said it best. EXPERIENCE will make you come back harder and you will be much hungrier after defeat. will lebron come back next year with the cavs and motivate his team like kobe has? who knows. but watching this series, i feel as if he shouldnt give up on the cavs yet. the team needs to grow stronget together. if he gives up on his team, he doesnt deserve it. his team didnt support him enough to pull through with the series. his team needs to work harder and he needs to continue to work hard with his team to come back next season and take it all.

Check out the video.. even after getting blown out in the NBA Finals, Kobe still approached Garnett and showed respect.
I hope this wasn't directed at me. Why is everyone trying to make Kobe out as a saint? I don't get it. This is exactly why I laughed at the first guy's comment
That's exactly what people are saying. Kobe's not a saint. He's an ultra competitor and he still shook the hands of the people who handed his !@$ to him.
I can see your point. I didn't see it that way but I understand where your coming from.
Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Man I've talked to my boys, people at the courts, and read this damn post. I'm outraged by the pass people give Lebron.

I'm starting to wonder have any of ya'll played competitve sports and been part of a team...or do you just watch stuff on tv and blog about it. If you never been in a locker room or team bus on at least the varsity hs level then shut your mouth.

1. After every series both teams drop the tough guy acts clear the air and shake hands as men...as competitors....it shows respect to the next man winner or loser. Everybody deals with failure different but this is not exceptable. I've seen other great players in damn near tears and still suck it up and show respect. He ran like a baby no excuse.

2. The only time I can remember somebody doing this is the Piston bad boys....them dudes hated Mike....had the Jordan Rules...it was damn near fist fights every game....their leader had a personal beef with Mike. AND GUESS WHAT that's still no excuse to head to the locker room. They showed their true colors as classless punks who couldn't show respect.

3. Even the Pistons walked off as a team. This guy LeBron walked off all by himself.....that shows he thinks he's bigger than the game. Bigger than the Magic, bigger than the Cavs, bigger than the league by not even speaking to the media.

4. Now he comes out of hiding with this interview. He still didn't show Orlando respect and admit they lost to a better team, sorry Lebron but if you lose 4-2 I don't wanna hear "somebody had to lose" like both teams flipped a coin to advance to the finals. You lost cuz the other team beat you fair and square. It ain't about sending Dwight a damn email it's about shaking everybody on Orlando team from Stan Van Gundy to JJ Reddick.

5. Then this guy compares a team sport to a fight! Sorry Lebron but even UFC fighters take a L and show respect to one another. Gettin your face busted on PPV is worse than any buzzer beater. This is a sport....bad comparison. The eastern conf finals aint throwing hands in the club buddy. He actually said "I can't lose to someone and shake their hand". If that sits well with you then you a stan. I'm the most competitive person you might ever meet. I done almost fought teammates. When I was little I used to cry in the car on the way home after a L but I always dapped up the winner. Hell today I spazzed on my own lil bro for not playing any defense....in a church
Competitive fire is internal and has NOTHING to do with the next man.

So basically I'm amazed that he's acting like this and his fans are actually standing by his side. Face it Lebron aint as humble as ya'll think. He speaks in 3rd person, he has a ceremony before everygame, and he can't show respect when he loses. Nobody even Mike was and ever will be bigger than the game. I wish some of ya'll witnesses would stop drinking the kool-aid and just admit he's wrong on this one. Dudes acting like it's blasphemy or something!

dead on. and i still don't understand why people think he's humble...i mean, the man has "chosen 1" tattooed on his back for christ's sake. i love to watch lebron play, he is an absolute freak physically and athletically, but he has some attitude problems.

not to start a comparison...but i find it funny how the media paints kobe to be egomaniacal, etc. and everyone listens listen, and lebron acts arrogant as hell but the media says he's humble, so everyone acts like he's humble.
Give me an example where the media paints kobe out to be an egomaniac.

you're joking, right?

ever since kobe has come into the league people have been saying he's arrogant, has a big ego, he's cocky, he's full of himself, etc. people hated on the fact that he had a press conference to announce he was going to the L outta high school, and people hated on him for wearing sunglasses to that press conference. people said that LA wasnt big enough for him and shaq because of his ego. but let's not turn this into a thread about kobe.

when playing a game, you show respect to your opponent, win or lose. it's disrespectful and sets a bad example to say "oh, i don't like to lose so +$%# the other team". and for him to leave without his team, ESPECIALLY when people praise him for how much of a team player he is? i can understand being frustrated, but c'mon lebron, you're a grown man, act like it.

Okay, I was wrong about Kobe and his media perception. But at the same time why are people making this out to be bigger than what it is? LeBron messed up. He was mad and he probably let his emotions get the best of him. Does that make it okay? no. But people are saying he thinks he's bigger than the game and that he's bigger than his teammates. Where did they get this from? What other examples besides this one time suggest that. If his teammates and the people around him say he is a great teammate how can we say different.

C'mon man open your eyes....

1. Chosen 1 tat
2. Witness tat on leg....whole witness nike campaign
3. Whole chalk ceremony
4. Openly calls teamates "supporting cast" in interviews
5. Frequently speaks in 3rd person
6. says things like "I guess I spoil you guys when I score 40 and 50" to the media
7. Can't admit the Magic are better and deserve to be in the Finals
8. Included himself in his 5 fav athletes GROWING UP

Nothing wrong with having confidence or swag. Nothing wrong with being an entertainer. But LeBron acts like he does no wrong.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Man I've talked to my boys, people at the courts, and read this damn post. I'm outraged by the pass people give Lebron.

I'm starting to wonder have any of ya'll played competitve sports and been part of a team...or do you just watch stuff on tv and blog about it. If you never been in a locker room or team bus on at least the varsity hs level then shut your mouth.

1. After every series both teams drop the tough guy acts clear the air and shake hands as men...as competitors....it shows respect to the next man winner or loser. Everybody deals with failure different but this is not exceptable. I've seen other great players in damn near tears and still suck it up and show respect. He ran like a baby no excuse.

2. The only time I can remember somebody doing this is the Piston bad boys....them dudes hated Mike....had the Jordan Rules...it was damn near fist fights every game....their leader had a personal beef with Mike. AND GUESS WHAT that's still no excuse to head to the locker room. They showed their true colors as classless punks who couldn't show respect.

3. Even the Pistons walked off as a team. This guy LeBron walked off all by himself.....that shows he thinks he's bigger than the game. Bigger than the Magic, bigger than the Cavs, bigger than the league by not even speaking to the media.

4. Now he comes out of hiding with this interview. He still didn't show Orlando respect and admit they lost to a better team, sorry Lebron but if you lose 4-2 I don't wanna hear "somebody had to lose" like both teams flipped a coin to advance to the finals. You lost cuz the other team beat you fair and square. It ain't about sending Dwight a damn email it's about shaking everybody on Orlando team from Stan Van Gundy to JJ Reddick.

5. Then this guy compares a team sport to a fight! Sorry Lebron but even UFC fighters take a L and show respect to one another. Gettin your face busted on PPV is worse than any buzzer beater. This is a sport....bad comparison. The eastern conf finals aint throwing hands in the club buddy. He actually said "I can't lose to someone and shake their hand". If that sits well with you then you a stan. I'm the most competitive person you might ever meet. I done almost fought teammates. When I was little I used to cry in the car on the way home after a L but I always dapped up the winner. Hell today I spazzed on my own lil bro for not playing any defense....in a church
Competitive fire is internal and has NOTHING to do with the next man.

So basically I'm amazed that he's acting like this and his fans are actually standing by his side. Face it Lebron aint as humble as ya'll think. He speaks in 3rd person, he has a ceremony before everygame, and he can't show respect when he loses. Nobody even Mike was and ever will be bigger than the game. I wish some of ya'll witnesses would stop drinking the kool-aid and just admit he's wrong on this one. Dudes acting like it's blasphemy or something!

dead on. and i still don't understand why people think he's humble...i mean, the man has "chosen 1" tattooed on his back for christ's sake. i love to watch lebron play, he is an absolute freak physically and athletically, but he has some attitude problems.

not to start a comparison...but i find it funny how the media paints kobe to be egomaniacal, etc. and everyone listens listen, and lebron acts arrogant as hell but the media says he's humble, so everyone acts like he's humble.
Give me an example where the media paints kobe out to be an egomaniac.

you're joking, right?

ever since kobe has come into the league people have been saying he's arrogant, has a big ego, he's cocky, he's full of himself, etc. people hated on the fact that he had a press conference to announce he was going to the L outta high school, and people hated on him for wearing sunglasses to that press conference. people said that LA wasnt big enough for him and shaq because of his ego. but let's not turn this into a thread about kobe.

when playing a game, you show respect to your opponent, win or lose. it's disrespectful and sets a bad example to say "oh, i don't like to lose so +$%# the other team". and for him to leave without his team, ESPECIALLY when people praise him for how much of a team player he is? i can understand being frustrated, but c'mon lebron, you're a grown man, act like it.

Okay, I was wrong about Kobe and his media perception. But at the same time why are people making this out to be bigger than what it is? LeBron messed up. He was mad and he probably let his emotions get the best of him. Does that make it okay? no. But people are saying he thinks he's bigger than the game and that he's bigger than his teammates. Where did they get this from? What other examples besides this one time suggest that. If his teammates and the people around him say he is a great teammate how can we say different.

C'mon man open your eyes....

1. Chosen 1 tat
2. Witness tat on leg....whole witness nike campaign
3. Whole chalk ceremony
4. Openly calls teamates "supporting cast" in interviews
5. Frequently speaks in 3rd person
6. says things like "I guess I spoil you guys when I score 40 and 50" to the media
7. Can't admit the Magic are better and deserve to be in the Finals

Nothing wrong with having confidence or swag. Nothing wrong with being an entertainer. But LeBron acts like he does no wrong.
I agree that LeBron has an ego but does that make him a bad teammate? I'm neither a LeBron fan or a LeBron hater. I couldn't care lesswhether he fails or succeeds I'm a suns fan. I just think people are blowing this out of proportion.
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Originally Posted by boholkicks

Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by boholkicks

come on now we all know that mj shot on ehlo is way better than lebrons shot..... lets just get that point straight....

I'm not sure if you watched the NBA Countdown where they discussed LeBron's shot vs. MJ's, but I remember the panel being split on which one was better. Actually, I think the only person who stuck with MJ was Brent Barry. An impressionable fan was left to think that Lebron's shot at the very least equaled MJ's.

there is a reason why it is called "The Shot"... not only was it the game winning shot but also a series winning shot knocking out the cavs out of the playoffs...

lebrons shot just basically kept the cavs alive for a game...
he's agreeing with you that MJ's shot is better. He's just saying that in NBA Countdown, with the exception of Brent Barry, they were saying LeBron's was better.
Does that really surprise anyone though?

ESPN is a slurp machine, these so called "experts" are more wrong than right 90% of the time.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

You dudes are pitiful. Until the day comes that he actually EVER signs with NY, Shut the +*+@ up.

You think if he wins the Championship with Cleveland next year, hes going to leave? Get a damn Life. Stop D'Riding Cleveland.

Its sad because i was born in Brooklyn, NY. Yea, Brooklyn made me. But you dudes are THIRSTY


First time I've REALLY seen someone mad on the internet....

*edit* and TGB....I agree w. all of your points...well said.

On the basketball court, there isn't an ounce of humility in LeBron's body. Not even in defeat could he do what 99.9% of all other NBA cats do after aseries ending loss. We can undersand you're salty after getting your %#@ handed to you...but, this would be a non-issue if dude would have even done adead fish handshake and THEN gone to the locker room.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Man I've talked to my boys, people at the courts, and read this damn post. I'm outraged by the pass people give Lebron.

I'm starting to wonder have any of ya'll played competitve sports and been part of a team...or do you just watch stuff on tv and blog about it. If you never been in a locker room or team bus on at least the varsity hs level then shut your mouth.

1. After every series both teams drop the tough guy acts clear the air and shake hands as men...as competitors....it shows respect to the next man winner or loser. Everybody deals with failure different but this is not exceptable. I've seen other great players in damn near tears and still suck it up and show respect. He ran like a baby no excuse.

2. The only time I can remember somebody doing this is the Piston bad boys....them dudes hated Mike....had the Jordan Rules...it was damn near fist fights every game....their leader had a personal beef with Mike. AND GUESS WHAT that's still no excuse to head to the locker room. They showed their true colors as classless punks who couldn't show respect.

3. Even the Pistons walked off as a team. This guy LeBron walked off all by himself.....that shows he thinks he's bigger than the game. Bigger than the Magic, bigger than the Cavs, bigger than the league by not even speaking to the media.

4. Now he comes out of hiding with this interview. He still didn't show Orlando respect and admit they lost to a better team, sorry Lebron but if you lose 4-2 I don't wanna hear "somebody had to lose" like both teams flipped a coin to advance to the finals. You lost cuz the other team beat you fair and square. It ain't about sending Dwight a damn email it's about shaking everybody on Orlando team from Stan Van Gundy to JJ Reddick.

5. Then this guy compares a team sport to a fight! Sorry Lebron but even UFC fighters take a L and show respect to one another. Gettin your face busted on PPV is worse than any buzzer beater. This is a sport....bad comparison. The eastern conf finals aint throwing hands in the club buddy. He actually said "I can't lose to someone and shake their hand". If that sits well with you then you a stan. I'm the most competitive person you might ever meet. I done almost fought teammates. When I was little I used to cry in the car on the way home after a L but I always dapped up the winner. Hell today I spazzed on my own lil bro for not playing any defense....in a church
Competitive fire is internal and has NOTHING to do with the next man.

So basically I'm amazed that he's acting like this and his fans are actually standing by his side. Face it Lebron aint as humble as ya'll think. He speaks in 3rd person, he has a ceremony before everygame, and he can't show respect when he loses. Nobody even Mike was and ever will be bigger than the game. I wish some of ya'll witnesses would stop drinking the kool-aid and just admit he's wrong on this one. Dudes acting like it's blasphemy or something!

/thread ...
it was a bad move by him. Not the worst thing a player has done, doesn't mean he is a terrible teammate or guy, but a bad decision and then trying tojustify it just made it look worse. He won't make this mistake again
Honestly i would have walked my a-s off the court to, for the entire series im the only one putting points on the board, having that drive to win achampionship while the rest of my team playing straight buns. Yeah its bad sportsmanship but yo if i were in Lebron's position I would have done the samething, thats has to be the most frustrating thing to win 66 games, sweep 2 teams be predicted to go to the Finals and potentially win... to lose a series withonly 1 payer showing effort.

Its not even about giving a pass, we all can sit here and say well i would have shook my oppenants hand yadda yadda...bs. I would have been on some Kanye"F you negros im outta here" Kobe, MJ would have all done the same thing you know the passion they have for the game. He just let his emotions getthe best of him, everyone has at some point of their life whether it was sports, at work, school and etc
My biggest issue with this whole situation is him not traveling back with his team.

His followers talk about how loyal he is this and that and how much family means to him, but he threw that all out the window when he leaves his team that hesthe leader

You do that whole powder clap non sense and the whole photography crap, but you can't handle losing? #%*$+

When you a team you ride together, you die together, win or lose you do it as 1, and Lebron obviously doesn't know that as a leader
I didn't go through the whole thread !!! But a lot of you folks are forgetting the point, Lebron is feeling like he is bigger than the game &everybody else and only a few people brings him back to earth. But this is not entirely his fault, Lebron is a media production, as a company you know you aregoing to get paid if you have Lebron on your side. Unfortunately, because all of his business people are his friends there is nobody who stops him and puts himon the side when he does something wrong. My only problem with what he did and he is doing is that MILLIONS OF KIDS are looking up to him, and I think"sportsmanship" is and should always be one of the many things you teach children to never forget. And besides, nobody will ever know who or howLebron really is, only himself. I mean we all know that nobody in the Cavs camp will ever say anything bad about him because they know they will lose minutesand top dollars.
Anyways, it's not like we can all get an answer,hopefully in the future somebody will have the balls to ask him why he didn't congratulate the Magics, only then we will find out why until then let'sjust consider what he did and call it as it is a "%+%%! move"
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

My biggest issue with this whole situation is him not traveling back with his team.

His followers talk about how loyal he is this and that and how much family means to him, but he threw that all out the window when he leaves his team that hes the leader

You do that whole powder clap non sense and the whole photography crap, but you can't handle losing? #%*$+

When you a team you ride together, you die together, win or lose you do it as 1, and Lebron obviously doesn't know that as a leader
And his "team" or lack thereof didn't show up so the feeling is basically mutual. They don't show up for him so he justreciprocates the gesture.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

My biggest issue with this whole situation is him not traveling back with his team.

His followers talk about how loyal he is this and that and how much family means to him, but he threw that all out the window when he leaves his team that hes the leader

You do that whole powder clap non sense and the whole photography crap, but you can't handle losing? #%*$+

When you a team you ride together, you die together, win or lose you do it as 1, and Lebron obviously doesn't know that as a leader
And his "team" or lack thereof didn't show up so the feeling is basically mutual. They don't show up for him so he just reciprocates the gesture.

Not riding on a team plane reciprocates what goes on during a basketball game? People are delusional.

Fact is, It's a lame move...there's no way you can slice it. Even if Lebron averaged 104 points for the series and the Cavs as a team averaged105...that has nothing do with not riding back on the team plane or congratulating the other team. The Lakers/Nuggets had a physical series that could havecome to blows and them dudes had no problems slapping fives at the end and moving on. Take your L and move on. This ain't got nothing to do carrying ateam...
Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Pure class act right there.

at the fact this is coming from a Kobe fan.

this ain't about picking sides.......didn't Kobe even dap up Dahntay Jones? hmmm.....Remember Raja? hmmmmmm.....I know for a fact he prob hate them dudes with a passion but he sucks it up and does his JOB! What if Kobe ran off the court after the Suns came back from 3-1?
I'm not picking sides I'm just saying...This is the same dude that aired out his teammate when he thought no one was watching. real classy. Like I said I'm not in agreement with what LeBron did but don't act like everyone hasn't messed up. He is going to make mistakes he's a human being. Just like Kobe has made mistakes. Just like Jordan did. etc.

i see what your saying, but some people are blinded with the fact that Bron can't be/is wrong. I'm sorry he is not OUR savior
lmfa0 @ skip
they showing him videos of him shaking hands w/ the spurs after he lost ...
scoop had some good points
Originally Posted by got shoes

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by 5dividedby4

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Pure class act right there.

at the fact this is coming from a Kobe fan.

this ain't about picking sides.......didn't Kobe even dap up Dahntay Jones? hmmm.....Remember Raja? hmmmmmm.....I know for a fact he prob hate them dudes with a passion but he sucks it up and does his JOB! What if Kobe ran off the court after the Suns came back from 3-1?
I'm not picking sides I'm just saying...This is the same dude that aired out his teammate when he thought no one was watching. real classy. Like I said I'm not in agreement with what LeBron did but don't act like everyone hasn't messed up. He is going to make mistakes he's a human being. Just like Kobe has made mistakes. Just like Jordan did. etc.

i see what your saying, but some people are blinded with the fact that Bron can't be/is wrong.
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

it'll be interesting to see what he adds to his game next season
more confidence in his post up game

People making mountains out of molehills. Every one is supposed to take losing the same way?
....He had no real help, mainly pissed at his teammates
Dudes seem to have it misconstrued, people that sympathize with Lebron aren't saying what he did was right, it was indeed poor sportsmanship and wrong,nobody's slurping him or saying he can't do no wrong... im just speaking for myself that I probably would have did the exact same thing.
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