Lebron's Post Game Antics

Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

wow, do players HAVE to do the post game interviews? does Lebron HAVE to? they couldnt get Z or Mo or Varajao?

shoot, they had Mo evens doin interviews for the Hawks
yes.. players have to.... @**# is mandatory or you get fined... UNTIL NOW
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by JD617

Funny, but James stayed on the court to make sure the Detroit Pistons and Atlanta Hawks paid respect to him. As it turns out, there's one thing allowed to happen at the end of a playoff series: Everyone bows down and kisses the King's ring. Only, LeBron doesn't have a ring. He's never won a game in the NBA Finals.

LeBron doesn't want to win more than Michael Jordan did, but Jordan could stop and shake a winner's hand. Magic Johnson and Larry Bird could, too. Julius Erving did. Kobe Bryant(notes). Isiah Thomas led a walkout after losing to the Chicago Bulls after winning two NBA titles, but Joe Dumars never followed him. He stayed and shook Jordan's hand, the way Jordan had always shook his when the Pistons had beaten him.
*ding ding ding*

If general manager Danny Ferry and coach Mike Brown privately disdain the ridiculous posing for pictures that James started with his teammates on a 13-game winning streak, the owner is believed to see the foolishness as a marketing dream.
Someone should've told James that the pregame Polaroid act was belittling and beneath a championship contender, but it never happened.

All season, the Cavaliers acted too entitled, too arrogant for a team that's won nothing. They ran out demanding that Mo Williams(notes) be made an All-Star, when the truth bore itself out in the playoffs: Cleveland has one All-Star. Nevertheless, Williams still embarrassed the Cavs with foolish proclamations and guarantees his middling talent couldn't deliver.
Got em.


/ thread
The reason why this irks me personally is that it tells me Lebron thinks he's above it all.

I think it's stupid for the league to force its players to do these mandatory interviews, but it is a rule that everyone adheres by. So it irks me whenLebron blatantly avoids a simple rule like this.

I always thought it was tasteless and disrespectful for them to do their photo op thing before games now that the article mentions it. It was very WWE-$!$.
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

Originally Posted by got shoes

EB4President wrote:

i just read on ESPN that he did not get fined for the nba for not speaking to the media. WOW

LeStern, you should be ashamed of yourselves

Why would he be fined?? He doenst owe anyone anything.. His job is to play basketball, not do BS post game interviews

Actually he does owe them post game interviews, unless injured and unable to talk if asked your obligated to speak to the media. If not the league NORMALLYfines you. A couple of players have been fined for not speaking to the media. Granted 5k or 10k is nothing to these guys, its a principle.
If Lebron has such a hard time congratulating the opposing team for a win after he loses, then why did he congratulate the Spurs after the swept the Cavs? Whydid he congratulate the Celtics last year?

Lebron is nothing but a contradicting hypocritical baby. There is nothin worst then a person who talks trash non stop when they're winning, but as soon asthey are losing you don't hear from them again.
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

If Lebron has such a hard time congratulating the opposing team for a win after he loses, then why did he congratulate the Spurs after the swept the Cavs? Why did he congratulate the Celtics last year?

Lebron is nothing but a contradicting hypocritical baby. There is nothin worst then a person who talks trash non stop when they're winning, but as soon as they are losing you don't hear from them again.
actally he didnt congratulate the celtics last year either
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

If Lebron has such a hard time congratulating the opposing team for a win after he loses, then why did he congratulate the Spurs after the swept the Cavs? Why did he congratulate the Celtics last year?

Lebron is nothing but a contradicting hypocritical baby. There is nothin worst then a person who talks trash non stop when they're winning, but as soon as they are losing you don't hear from them again.
You contradicted this statement in your own post
it wasnt like he told them to #+@* off.
not like a reporter even approached him and he walked passed them.
he just left.

whos to say they even wanted to interview lebron?
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

it wasnt like he told them to #+@* off.
not like a reporter even approached him and he walked passed them.
he just left.

whos to say they even wanted to interview lebron?
you can't be serious
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

whos to say they even wanted to interview lebron?
Are you for real? He is the Cavs star player and his team just failed. He is who everyone wanted to talk to.

He has an obligation to address the media after the game, it is part of his job.
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

If Lebron has such a hard time congratulating the opposing team for a win after he loses, then why did he congratulate the Spurs after the swept the Cavs?

Lebron is nothing but a contradicting hypocritical baby. There is nothin worst then a person who talks trash non stop when they're winning, but as soon as they are losing you don't hear from them again.
You contradicted this statement in your own post

How did I contradict myself?

My bad I thought I read earlier someone saying he congratulated the Celtics as well
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

SURE LOCK 510 wrote:

whos to say they even wanted to interview lebron?
Are you for real? He is the Cavs star player and his team just failed. He is who everyone wanted to talk to.

He has an obligation to address the media after the game, it is part of his job.

yea obviously they wanted to talk to him..

im meanhonestly, how you think the interview would have went......
dude woulda just been pissed off, whats the point... sue him
Lebron not being fined is kinda whack for reals....

Rasheed "Both Teams Played Hard" Wallace is rolling in his grave right now....
KickzLikeKarateFlickz wrote:

Originally Posted by bryanne2210


Lost respect for Dwight, than you sir, are blinded by Lebron's individual talents. I, for one, have more respect for Dwight because he came out and delivered when he said they, THEY would go the finals because he's tired of the Lebron/KOBE talk and MAKE THE HATERS BELIEVE...Again, my friend, watched the video and slowly, and I mean slowly watch as some of the CAVS players on the floor walk to the exit but stop to give respect where it's due. PLUS, LEBRON himself is not denying it so why even bother coming here posting that !*+!#@@+ about DWIGHT chucking the 3.

Also, let it be known that if it wasn't for that 3 he made they would've been swept. And listen to the interview as he said that he knew it was going in *coughs* !*+!#@@+*coughs* THEN, watch that video and watch ARENAS chucking the 3 with his arms open even before it hits the bottom of the net. And that my friend is the difference of reaction knowing that three is going to drop or praying that it drops...

you must be blind, slow or dumb....you can clearly see Lebron was heading towards dwight....the exit is in the opposite direction...its not that serious my whole point is I thought dwight showed less sportsmanship than bron by jacking up a three for no apperant reason at all and it didnt even matter if he made it or not

dude, not to burst your little bubble there, buddy..but you might want to slow down on calling names and make sure where the exit was !!! Trust me onthis, CAN YOU PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH that video AGAIN AND AGAIN and tell me if the direction of the exit is over on the bench WHY is the wholeteam moving to the other side ??? HAHHAHAH I'm slow, dude, get off his %$++... didn't he give the "public" the explanation on why hedidn't want to shake hands. SO WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU COMING OFF AS HE IS INTENDING ON SHAKING HANDS, HOW SLOW ARE YOU ?
Originally Posted by SURE LOCK 510

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

SURE LOCK 510 wrote:

whos to say they even wanted to interview lebron?
Are you for real? He is the Cavs star player and his team just failed. He is who everyone wanted to talk to.

He has an obligation to address the media after the game, it is part of his job.
yea obviously they wanted to talk to him..

im meanhonestly, how you think the interview would have went......
dude woulda just been pissed off, whats the point... sue him
Im just saying, it is part of his job.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by jordanpheen

westcoastsfinest wrote:

DeadsetAce wrote:

^ you're right...you can be classless and still be the best in the L
word...hes the best player but no sportsmanship

yehh he can do all the charity and camp for kids...but were not talking about that...were talking about him not showing any type of sportsmanship

hes second best player

you know whos the best...

i was just trying to make a point...but yeah i think he's second best

Keep LeBron's inability to cope with this loss separated from the discussion about who is the best player in the league.. Well, it's not really a discussion anymore considering LeBron proved that he is the best over the regular season and then set an exclamation mark on that proof with his 35, 9 & 7 averages in the playoffs... And being the only one from his team to elevate his game. LeBron's supporting cast on the other hand proved that they are trash not worthy of the overrating they received over the regular season. The guy you wish was the best player in the league had not one but two players play better than whoever you consider to have been the second best player for the Cavs these playoffs (for me Delonte West).

You can say all the negative stuff you want about how he behaved after the Cavs loss, but keep on dreaming if you think that it will help you disprove that he somehow isn't the best player in the league. 35, 9 & 7 baby. He averaged the same amount of points that Kobe did in 05-06, the season his fanboys always bring up to show that he can average monster numbers if he can do whatever he wants.. Except LeBron averaged almost double the amount of assists and rebounds Kobe averaged that year.
Kobe averaged 35 for the whole season, LeBron didn't even do it for half a season
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Lebron not being fined is kinda whack for reals....

Rasheed "Both Teams Played Hard" Wallace is rolling in his grave right now....
and he got suspended for that
is dudes in here cryin about a interview

the reason the nba didnt fine him was just so it wouldnt be something more then it is

dudes on here jump at everything he do only cuz he dont do dumb *$+% and is low key so when something do happen you dudes feel you have to say something aboutit

ok he didnt shake hands.......and since when do you have to do that i also think yall over lookin the fact that he was mad at his team which shows that hewasnt just being a %#%!# about lossin
The Cavs losing was more painful to Lebron than Orlando winning, that basically how LBJ felt and it showed. It really isn't a big deal but ESPN just needsmore media time for Lebron......
"M.J. had stopped, shook my hand and hugged me three straight years that we had beaten them in the playoffs," Dumars once told me. "There was noway I walking off the court without shaking the Bulls' hands."

.... jordan was getting beat down too ...

so he decided that after he was just happy to be in the finals and lost to the spurs that he is above losing +#%$$ ... i hope he never wins w/ the crap he isstarting to pull ...


Its hilarious how many people in here talkin about how many kids look up to him and such..

Like you care, thats just to justify all the hate youre dumping on dude and to sound politically correct...


*not a cav's fan & LBJ isnt my fav player*
So basically,

Some people don't like that he did not congratulate the Magic.

Some people don't like that he did not talk to the media after the game.

Some people don't like that he left his team.

Some people don't like his "crap excuse" for the above actions.

Some people don't like the combination of all things listed above.

Some people don't like some of his actions but don't mind the other actions.

Some people don't care at all.
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