Lebron's Post Game Antics

I can't believe LJ used the "competitor" excuse to justify the sore loser in him. even if you are a competitor, you have to show grace in winningand LOSING. because as everyone knows, it is easy to accept a win, but it is harder to accept a loss. I really believe that true character is shown when timesdon't go your way, so therefore I have no choice but to stamp LB a *+%%*$%@ sore loser.

Wow, this tread went well beyond what I thought. I think all the hype is finally starting to backfire.
Originally Posted by mjmoney23

Wow, this tread went well beyond what I thought. I think all the hype is finally starting to backfire.

It was already bad but LeBron had to add fuel to the fire with his dumb excuse and made this thread worse.
If I averaged nearly 40, 10, and 10 I would have been very upset to have lost as well. BUT you have to pay respect where its due. If I were the Cavs I would bemore disrespected though. I didn't watch the game, but if he didn't talk to his teammates or ride home with them then that's an ingredient fordisaster. Bad move on LJ's part, and bad part on the NBA for not fining him. Sure the NBA thinks he's the golden child, but rules are rules, especiallyif it does say in their contract that they HAVE to do interviews. It's unfortunate because if someone like Sheed were to do this he would be fined up anddown because of his prior infractions, but because LeBron hasn't done anything he's granted amnesty? This is where I see an unfair bias in the NBA withrespect to their disciplinary actions. Same goes for when they tossed Ron out of the game during the Lakers series when he didn't even commit a flagrant.There's just inconsistency throughout, which sucks because the postseason has been entertaining as hell. In the end I think after these finals the NBA hasto go back to the drawing board and fix these flaws that have been exposed.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

about the kobe walking off from game 7 of suns-lakers... he did talk to the media after and also remember that the lakers and suns HATED each other... and bell was trying to knock kobes head off in game 5, nash was whining and starting fights...it was a mess... but he still spoke with the media and took responsibliity and showed leadership.

Forreal? So this is all about the fact that Lebron didn't speak to the media rather than not showing a mutual respect to his opponent?

Its not what it is all about. It is one of the parts that makes this whole situation bad for LeBron.

1. He didnt shake hands with his opponent after the game, which shows his lack of respect for the Orlando Magic.
2. He blew off the the post game interviews, which shows his lack of respect for the NBA and his childish ways of handling defeat.
3. He didnt address his teammates before leaving the arena by HIMSELF not the team, which shows a lack of respect for his team.
4. He didnt apologize for anything and gave some crap excuse justifying it, which shows that he feels he did no wrong.

This topic is very black and white. LeBron is/was wrong, and he sees nothing wrong with what he did. If you are the best (2nd) player in the world, you have a job and responsibility to the NBA, your team and the sport of basketball. If you mess up along the road, fine. But at least be sympathetic about it and show you have the ability to handle the tough situations and circumstances that comes with being the poster child of your sport.
I heard he did talk to his teammates after the game though.

Other than that, I agree with you, what he did was wrong. That being said, it's not something that has never happened before. But it's beingscrutinized as if this is the first time it's ever happened.
i guess i didnt need to bump this thread to the top of page 1 again.

26 pages on not shakin dwights hand, unreal
People in here are overreacting. He was wrong, but emotions got the best of him this time (He has congratulated the other team in defeat in the past.) He doesnot put himself above the team because has stated before that he's all about his teammates and his motivation is his helping his teammates. After the game,he just said the team just needs to keep working to improve. It's not like he's demanding a trade if the Cavs don't make any offseason moves, hestill believes in his team.
From my perspective, first and foremost, we have to acknowledge that LBJ has been good for the game and the NBA. Throughout his short six-year career, he'smanaged to keep his nose clean and away from scandals and controversies. He's not only skilled, he's got charisma, has a sense of humor, is a father,as someone else on here also mentioned he's "lowkey." He is very mature for his age, is articulate and says the "right things." Truly,there are no major flaws "off the court" that we are aware of at this day in time. For those reasons, along with a dominant game that continues toexpand, combined with his "selflessness" on the court, MANY, young and/or old (myself included) have grown to enjoy his play in a bit over half adecade. Still, his performance in the Orlando series showed that although near-great, there's LOTS of room for him to improve! At the same time, that is amajor plus since he's young and will continue to get better! But on this one.... I hope he has the right people around him! Meaning those who keep himaccountable, whether he's rich or poor, in good and in bad times!! Those that will tell him: You're WRONG 'Bron!.. realize your mistakes and learnfrom them as you're supposed to, so they simply do not cross your path again! On the meantime, the average fan can only hope he can grow from this onemistake and move on!

But at this time, there's close to nothing you can say on LBJ's behalf on this issue. The ONLY thing that may pass in his defense is: "He'syoung!" So live and learn Lebron! I must state that I am 31, been a player and a fan of the game for decades, been a Bulls' and MJ fan to thefullest!! As of recent years, I've enjoyed James and the Cavs a whole lot!! But more importantly, I am the father of a boy, and happen to be a middleschool teacher/coach in a major US city! So as a responsible adult, there can't be a bone in you that hurts when it's time to own a mistake... So, thestandard has to be the same for this dude... it's a definite NO, LeBron should NOT get a pass! I agree with someone on here that mentioned that OK, he mayhave been hot at whoever, teamate or not, and walked off the court! Immaturity, heat of the moment stuff, etc, etc... But then to try to condone his antics byfirst, not owning up to them, not apologizing and then by saying "I'm a winner and a competitor", that he can't understand how one couldshake the hand of someone who had just beaten them???... THAT to me made it worse, it was bogus! It's was too selfish of a remark! As if he's allowedto do that because he's a winner?? Also, that email sent to Dwight Howard was something that one is to do face to face! But then again, as some of mystudents tell me, "Your Ol' School Mr. X!!"

LeBron James is a professional who plays well over 82+ games a season!! He oughta know whether or not the NBA and its player union hold sportsmanship, classand etiquette as priorities of the game. At the time I saw his interview, I even wondered "Bron, have you been walking off the court and skippingpost-game press conference everytime you've lost a game?? Better yet, have your opponents been walking off the court everytime you and your Cavs havebeaten them?? So Stu Jackson, or whoever in the NBA offices, get your slips ready! I do believe that he's due a fine! Otherwise, The NBA is spoiling itsown child rotten (which has been somewhat of a trend)!! But not only that! In my opinion, they would be sending the wrong message not only to him, but to hiscolleagues, as well as anyone that is a fan or may look up to him... And yes, we live in America and as we all know, we do grow up idolizing sports figures! Ihope that is something that LeBron does grasps, understands and accepts! Now, if he hasn't, I may be one less fan!

But the finals are on the way! lets move on!
at that essay

Originally Posted by belle155

i guess i didnt need to bump this thread to the top of page 1 again.

26 pages on not shakin dwights hand, unreal

L eB r on & M o & Z & e l o n t e & Andy

This donkey brain really compared losing to the Magic with losing a fight?
When youre in a fight, arent you up against someone you hate, while Dwight and Im sure other magic players are good friends or at least good acquaintances.
You tell me HE HAD ALL THIS TIME from when the Cavs were down 3-1 that he didnt think in the back of his head that they might lose to all the way in game 6when the game was already out of hand that he couldnt find time to realize or bring him down to earth that he could/would lose the series, to where it wouldsoften the blow so that he could congratulate the magic?
At some of y'all not getting the bigger picture.YES, folks Lebron is a role model, athletes & celebrities alike are all expected to cater to the crowd and be on their best behavior, at all times. NOW, wethey %+%+ up, they %+%+ up which is normal but what he is doing is not accepting that he $+%!*% up and explaining himself will !+%*%+*$. And yes, they sufferfrom media overdose and bla bla bla but guess what people, THEY ARE MAKING MILLIONS AFTER MILLIONS so they can entertain and who gets them those millions; thepeople. Anyways, who cares right, it's all good, LAKERS & MAGICS are on the way, it should be an interesting series, maybe we'll see someone elsenot shake somebody else's hands...
Which is exactly why they need to fine him. They've got enough problems with the officiating. By not fining him when players are required to stay forinterviews is a complete double standard. No way to fudge that. I mean, it doesn't even have to be a huge amount. Just a fine. Then they can at leastpretend that they care, which is all that the League really cares about here.
[h2]Stern withholding judgment on snub[/h2]

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NBA commissioner David Stern says he has reached out to LeBron James about James' refusal to speak with the media after the Cleveland Cavaliers were eliminated from the Eastern Conference finals.

But Stern is withholding judgment and not ready to makes his views on the incident public until he talks to James about what happened, he said Tuesday on ESPN Radio.

[h4]The Herd with Colin Cowherd[/h4]
David Stern tells us why the league didn't fine LeBron James for not speaking to the media after Game 6. David also covers conspiracy theories, the economy and gambling.

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In an appearance on "The Herd with Colin Cowherd," Stern acknowledged he was not pleased that James, the league's reigning MVP, didn't meet with the media, or shake hands with the Orlando Magic, following the Game 6 loss Saturday night.

Noting that in the recent past, other players and teams have been fined for failing to meet the league's media guidelines, Cowherd asked why James had not been fined.

"I'm in the process of making a phone call or two now to talk to LeBron ... so I don't want to speak to that at this moment," Stern said.

"So you're not happy?" Cowherd asked.

"I think that's fair to say," Stern replied.

When further asked about James' storming off the court without postgame handshakes with the Magic -- and whether one action was more troubling than the other -- Stern said both were important. "One goes to rules, another goes to values," he said. "I think both of them should be followed."

"Everything's big when you follow the NBA, so I'm going to step back and ask not to be pushed too hard right now [on the incident]," Stern added. "I've got a few irons in the fire."

On Monday, NBA spokesman Tim Frank told 1050 ESPN New York's Andrew Marchand that James would not be fined, adding, "We haven't had any issues with him before at all."

Stern was also asked about the NBA's 19-year-old age limit for rookies, with recent allegations involving NBA Rookie of the Year Derrick Rose's one college season at Memphis raising questions about whether talented high school stars should play a year in college before entering the NBA. Rose has been connected in media reports to NCAA allegations that a player on Memphis' 2007-08 Final Four team had a stand-in take his SAT. (Memphis said Tuesday that it was unable to find proof that a former player had cheated on the SAT.)

Stern pointed out that the NBA does not require that young players spend a year at college, noting they're free to play in Europe, the NBA Development League or in junior college. That, he said, gives them a year to play against tougher competition -- and better informs the teams that might draft them.

And despite the success of some players who successfully leapt from high school to the NBA, "there's a long list that I won't mention who didn't make it," Stern said. "The idea that allegations of wrongdoing suddenly get put back on the fact that like all employers we set entry-level requirements ... doesn't make any sense to me."

Stern also offered cautious optimism for the league's long-term economic outlook, saying he expects decreases in revenue next season despite recent record TV ratings for the playoffs. "Our business is affected by the economic downturn but not as badly as some others," he said. "It won't be cataclysmic but it will be noticeable."
Who cares. I'd rather see him mad than be one of these dudes that's joking around and high-fiving the players on the other team after a loss.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

This donkey brain really compared losing to the Magic with losing a fight?
When youre in a fight, arent you up against someone you hate, while Dwight and Im sure other magic players are good friends or at least good acquaintances.
You tell me HE HAD ALL THIS TIME from when the Cavs were down 3-1 that he didnt think in the back of his head that they might lose to all the way in game 6 when the game was already out of hand that he couldnt find time to realize or bring him down to earth that he could/would lose the series, to where it would soften the blow so that he could congratulate the magic?

even fighters congratulate the victor after bashing each others brains in...and they talk to the media, swollen eye and all
Originally Posted by emkay

Who cares. I'd rather see him mad than be one of these dudes that's joking around and high-fiving the players on the other team after a loss.

exactly....teammates falling off and stuff and yall saying he should be genuinely happy

What should he be fined for? (unless its already stated in league by laws, then whatever)
#!!% dude.....he lame for that detroit and my hawks showed loved to him even when they was straight clowning them after they beat them
LeBron James should have manned up and given respect where respect is due. The Cavs came into the Orlando series with a lot of rest and a lot of swagger,and in the end it was Orlando that had more swagger. You only had to watch the first game of the series to realize that Cleveland was overmatched in every waywith the exception of LeBron James.

He should have given Orlando props because they beat him fair and square. He's wrong for not doing that. Shows a lot of immaturity and lack of respect onhis part. Him walking off the court reminds me of when the Bad Boy Pistons walked off the floor refusing to shake Jordan/the Bulls hands, and that's stillall I see when I think of Isiah Thomas, Bill Laimbeer, and the others that walked off without congratulating the Bulls.

It's still wrong, but I would have been more okay with him not giving props to the other team/addressing the media if he/the Cavs didn't do all thosepregame rituals and joked around when they were killing their opponents. This just makes all that look really bad.
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