Lebron's Post Game Antics

Originally Posted by tmukg21

Originally Posted by emkay

Who cares. I'd rather see him mad than be one of these dudes that's joking around and high-fiving the players on the other team after a loss.

exactly....teammates falling off and stuff and yall saying he should be genuinely happy

What should he be fined for? (unless its already stated in league by laws, then whatever)

nobody's saying he should be happy.
but you can show respect and keep it movin. Melo and them showed genuine respect after losin to LA. no laughin and high fivin. they said their piece, andhit the showers....thats how it should be.
Why do people keep saying "he's young" ?

No ... young is 18 . Young is 19 .

Lebron is 24 years of age . If he was in the real world , he would probably be 2 years removed from College .

He would not be treated like a baby ... so why are we expected to ? @@!* ouuttttaaaa here .
I know Isiah was a great player and all, but he's not a guy I would want LeBron to emulate.
LeBron can't blame the team. After all, he thought they were good enough to be making all kinds of pre-game intros and skits with while getting theleague's best record, MVP, and destroying the Pistons and Hawks. Hell, he even got Nike in the Kool-Aid line too. Nobody said "LeBron neededhelp" while that was going on. Being a player and a competitor, I can understand being pissed but you've got to take the bitter with sweet. At the endof the day, LeBron will not only get his inevitable Golden Boy pass from everyone, he'll get the Kevin Garnett pass too, which means: I'm allowed tolook like an *** or a mental patitent because I'm "passionate/competitive". Let's not forget the self-promoting he was doing for 2010 too.
Isiah Thomas was one of the worst sportsman in NBA history. He was the father of the LeBron, played dirty as hell, and of course,engineered/led the MJ All-StarGame freeze-out. He pulled one of those b-i-t-c-h moves that you see scrubs and/or the tired old men at the YMCA/gym/park/rec league do. Batman himselfcouldn't handle a Two-Face like that.
Should he have congratulated Orlando? YES.

Should he have done the postgame presser? NO (he's not obligated).

Can we lock this already? This is obscene.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Should he have congratulated Orlando? YES.

Should he have done the postgame presser? NO (he's not obligated).

Can we lock this already? This is obscene.

he is obligated _________.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Can we lock this already? This is obscene.

no. no reason to lock a thread just because it reminds you about how your hero is really a zero.

just cause lebron is in the title doesnt mean you have to read it. let us discuss.
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

#!!% dude.....he lame for that detroit and my hawks showed loved to him even when they was straight clowning them after they beat them
and this sums up everything exactly. Like that arrticle said , he stayed on the court to make sure they payed respect to him. I knew all thisgassing would eventually get to this guys head.
Glad he is out of the playoffs.
I think this was a bad move at this point. I didn't think of the Pistons when I first posted and now I've seen Superman's reaction to it. Likesomeone else said earlier, Hawks and Pistons had no problem shaking up after getting blasted.

LeBron was wrong! Let's hope he moves forward in sportsmanship as his teams moves towards a championship.
did anyone mention that dwyane wade did the same thing after losing to the hawks in the first around, as well as after being swept by the bulls in 2007. i meannot shaking hands, not sure about the media thing. anyway i think this whole thing is just a hot topic to talk about while there's no bball going on. whendwade did it after the first round we had more games going on the next day, so we didn't have other stuff to wrap our attention around like that. and ithink dwyane wade is a "face of the nba" type of player just like lebron, pretty much 3rd best after kobe and lebron, but no one made a big dealabout him. anyway this is the first time lebron has ever done something like this, probably the only time he ever will, and so quickly is everyone ready tolabel him as a unsportsmanlike player. did he make a mistake yes but he has a pretty clean abstract outside of this incident and i honestly think that peoplewouldn't be making such a big deal of this if the nba finals game 1 started the day or two after.
YO you cant forget that ppl were saying cavs team was trash outside bron in the regular season, they were just playing good so it was sorta swept under therug. But not forgotten
I don't find him not shaking hands as bad as not addressing the media after the game. As the leader of the team, you know the media wants to interview youafter the game and you can't just let your teammates do the talking for you. Not to make this a Kobe-Lebron thing, but we all saw Kobe conducting his postgame interview with the media after getting ran off the court by the Celtics in Game 6 even though he clearly didn't want to be sitting there answeringquestions after getting embarrassed like that.

It's kind of funny to see Lebron saying that he doesn't care for "individual accolades" whenever the media praises him, but it seemed asthough he was putting himself over the team and sort of bailed out on them after that loss. Wearing a New York fitted the next day to make excuses for his postgame antics doesn't really help his situation either.

But just imagine if Lebron goes to NY and somehow takes the Knicks to the finals....a Lakers vs Knicks, Kobe vs Lebron finals would be dope (I can only dreamhaha)
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Should he have done the postgame presser? NO (he's not obligated).
Actually he is obligated.
LeBron is a joke man. Bad enough that he didn't shake hands, speak to the media, address his teammates, or leave with the team... but he then proceeded todefend his actions the next day. Talkin' bout "I'm a competitor... I hate losing" like everyone on his team and in the NBA aren'tcompetitors or they like to lose; as if he's some type of exception that his teammates who stayed on the floor to show respect to the Magic couldn'tunderstand. That's just so disrespectful on a whole other level than even his childish, disrespectful actions after the game...

This guy's attitude and egomania are pathetic...
I am completely against LeBron supporters on this topic. But IMO, that gif above does nothing to help either side of the argument. Who cares if he kicked overa trash can.
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