Legit check Mars 4's 2006

Aug 26, 2011
I honestly think they are fake. But a couple people think they are legit. 
Here's why i think they're fake. 

First off, I don't see an extra set of triangle support on the red lace holders on the front. People have argued that it might be the angle of the shot. Regardless of the angle though, you should be able to see a hint of the triangle support.

Second, the stitching on the wing is stretching a little too far. After looking at a lot of legit pairs, it's suppose to stop directly underneath the triangular wing, not .001 cm after it.

Spike Lee head is too close to the wing

Toebox is off. A little too boxy. Also the stitching of the leather is pushed too far up. It's supposed to align on the tip of the toebox.

Lastly, the size tag is pushed a little too far up. 

Tell me what you think. Am I wrong or can I can I say I told you so to these guys who are comparing their pair to this pair.
LOL you didnt notice that spike lee has no nostrils?

Added my pic:

it could be the distance of the shoe from the camera. those dots are tiny lol.
Here's another picture.

The heel bump is as little bit more prominent or is that me? I'm afraid to say that I am wrong and that they may be legit. I just wanted to confirm with you guys. There are triangle support in this picture
I was half joking, but theni thought they might be B grades for a second. The right shoe honestly looks like spike is missing his nose. but i dont see any B grade mark on the size tag

Honestly man, they look legit over all. the details you're talking about are negligible really, and will vary from shoe to shoe. You want to be looking for over all shape, stitching, material, etc. Those are most important. that all looks good.

The netting is even grey like it should be. The wings have the correct angle against the netting that they should as well. and on the outsole toebox and heel area is also grey.

I really don't see a problem with these....except spikes nose lol
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