let this thread die (NYK)

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Just was watching the opening of this ESPN NBA kickoff thing..[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Wilbon: "What's the thing you're most looking forward to this season?"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Jon Barry: "What was it, 1973, the last time the Knicks won the title? Well this year, the New York Knicks (pause) (laughter) NO!"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Professional troll.[/color]


#@!$ John Barry. Always talkin some $#@! out his neck about the Knicks
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Just was watching the opening of this ESPN NBA kickoff thing..[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Wilbon: "What's the thing you're most looking forward to this season?"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Jon Barry: "What was it, 1973, the last time the Knicks won the title? Well this year, the New York Knicks (pause) (laughter) NO!"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Professional troll.[/color]


#@!$ John Barry. Always talkin some $#@! out his neck about the Knicks

You show Jon Barry some goddamn respect! He averaged 5 points in his NBA career! If anyone knows about winning in the NBA, it's this guy..Everyone knows he lead all his former teams to 0 Championships
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

prices are dropping for opener, about to cop the cheapest tix and move down......

I really doubt there will be any space to move down. The Garden is gonna be packed as *%+! tomorrow.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

prices are dropping for opener, about to cop the cheapest tix and move down......

I really doubt there will be any space to move down. The Garden is gonna be packed as *%+! tomorrow.

Someone tell me how crazy the garden will be tommorow!!

Im still tryen to snipe tickets tonight in the 100s
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Just was watching the opening of this ESPN NBA kickoff thing..[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Wilbon: "What's the thing you're most looking forward to this season?"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Jon Barry: "What was it, 1973, the last time the Knicks won the title? Well this year, the New York Knicks (pause) (laughter) NO!"[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Professional troll.[/color]

#@!$ John Barry. Always talkin some $#@! out his neck about the Knicks
You show Jon Barry some goddamn respect! He averaged 5 points in his NBA career! If anyone knows about winning in the NBA, it's this guy..Everyone knows he lead all his former teams to 0 Championships

Damn right.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke


2. Who do you want leading your team: Carmelo Anthony or Paul Pierce?

Henry Abbott, TrueHoop: I'd pick Kevin Garnett or Amare Stoudemire ahead of either of those guys, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Pierce. In part because I recently read an NBA scout's critique of Anthony that said he's an amazingly skilled scorer who will blossom when he learns to make his teammates better on both ends of the floor. That was from 2004. Has anything changed?

Chris Forsberg, ESPN Boston: Melo is younger and his stats are glossier, but Pierce's overall contributions remain more important to his team overall. Boston's ship doesn't go far without its captain. That said, Pierce's age now matches his jersey number (34), so how long can he keep it up?

Brendan Jackson, CelticsHub: Paul Pierce. I know that sounds like a homer pick but I value ball movement over a guy who can "get his" whenever he wants. Having someone capable of going one-on-five is a luxury, not an offense.

Mike Kurylo, KnickerBlogger: Right now, if I had to choose for a single game, I'd take Pierce because of his stronger commitment to defense. On the other hand, Anthony is six years and 229 days younger, so he's the better choice for the long term.

David Thorpe, Scouts Inc.: Neither. Melo is simply not a leader, and Pierce is both long in the tooth and not someone locked in all year 'round to earn my captaincy anymore.
Brendan Jackson, CelticsHub: Celtics. I see the C's firmly in control of the No. 3 seed behind Miami and Chicago. The Knicks traded their third option on offense for their only option on defense. While Tyson Chandler makes up for the Knicks' interior woes, he does nothing to replace Chauncey Billups. Even worse for the Knicks? Neither do Baron Davis or Mike Bibby.


.......Not really sure what you're laughing at. Besides the part where he says a motivated Baron Davis can't replace Chauncey Billups everything stated is the truth. You know there's a difference between being a better leader and being a better scorer right? Stop thinking people are just hating on the Knicks.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

I cant think of any other teams that these guys disrespect like that
ESPN is full of Knick haters 
 Jon Barry is by far the worst tho 
Can't wait for this season to start so they can prove everyone wrong 
Paul Pierce is allegedly not gonna play tomorrow..if this is true and not just the Celtics trying to trick the Knicks into expecting a cakewalk of a game, Carmelo is gonna drop 40+ on whoever else is designated to cover him
Heard Celts signed Pietrus, not that Melo wouldn't go off on Pierce anyway.
i hate the fact that I lurk this thread every day but I never have anything to contribute...like ever....
&& ayo cyber, info in the chick in your avy
"@Oakcliffbully_: What ya'll think about me in a Knicks jersey this year!! Just a thought people"

Kenyon Martin's twitter.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Cyber Smoke wrote:


Kevin Durant

Marc Stein
Kevin Durant

J.A. Adande
LeBron James

John Hollinger
Chris Paul

Chris Broussard
ESPN The Mag​
LeBron James

Chad Ford
Kevin Durant

Chris Palmer
ESPN The Mag​
Kevin Durant

Michael Wallace
Kevin Durant

Brian Windhorst
Chris Paul

Jalen Rose
Kevin Durant

Larry %@%!
Chris Paul

Henry Abbott
Kevin Durant

Kevin Arnovitz
Kevin Durant

Scoop Jackson
ESPN.com P2​
LeBron James

Justin Verrier
Chris Paul

David Thorpe
Scouts Inc.​
LeBron James

Maurice Brooks
LeBron James

Keith Lipscomb
ESPN Fantasy​
Chris Paul

Chris Ramsay
Chris Paul

Tim MacMahon
ESPN Dallas​
LeBron James

D. McMenamin
LeBron James

Tom Haberstroh 
Chris Paul

Zach Harper
Daily Dime Live​
Kevin Durant

R. Shelburne
LeBron James

Chris Forsberg
ESPN Boston​
LeBron James

Nick Friedell
ESPN Chicago​
Kevin Durant

Jon Barry
Kevin Durant

Tim Legler
LeBron James

Jeff Caplan
ESPN Dallas​
LeBron James

A. Kamenetzky
Kevin Durant

B. Kamenetzky
[td]Results: Kevin Durant (12 votes), LeBron James (11 votes), Chris Paul (7 votes).

More motivation for Melo.

Melo will never win MVP. Ever.

My dude melo could average 40 ah game and they still wouldn't give it to em
The league just won't let dude be great
I agree with people sayin that the role Melo has on the tean can earn him an MVP. But idk if its gonna happen.

I think it may be CP3
I personally don't believe Carmelo will ever win MVP based solely on the fact that he's playing in the same decade as dudes like LeBron, D Rose, Wade, etc..that are just incredible basketball players.

However, it annoys me that people consider Durant an MVP contender but will laugh if you mention Melo's name..Durant is not a great defender..He is a good shot blocker because of his length but otherwise, he's not much different than Melo.

Let's compare stats from last season just for argument sake.
Carmelo: 25.6 PPG, 2.9 APG, and 7.3 RPG
Durant: 27.7 PPG, 2.7 APG, and 6.8 RPG

This shows that Melo is a slightly better rebounder, and most surprisingly, a slightly better passer...Durant gets the nod for scoring but everyone knows Durant has a huge weakness when trying to post up due to his slim frame

So basically, Melo and Durant aren't all that different in terms of who they are as players...You can't say Melo doesn't pass because if that's the case, you can say the same about Durant...You can't say Melo doesn't play defense because Durant is an average defender, besides his shot blocking around the basket..In fairness, you can't say Melo doesn't have what it takes to be an MVP yet believe that Durant has the necessary tools to do so.

Also, let's not forget the "Clutch" factor..Melo has hit numerous clutch jumpers in his career..Obviously it's unfair to compare it to Durant's career since he hasn't really been around all that long for his career game winners to be comparable..However, I would personally trust Melo with the game on the line over Durant
Paul Pierce wasn't a "leader" or a good defender before the arrival of Doc ,KG, and Allen . He is not the scorer or rebounder Melo is and was known as a poor defender before KG and Doc came on board. You put Melo on that Celtics team with Doc , KG , Rondo , and Allen and they would've won more than just one championship and would've been overall a more dominant team. Championship or not Pierce is not on the same level as Melo period.
NYK better win this, especially with Pierce most likely sitting out this game.

Melo will have at least 30.
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