let this thread die (NYK)

Checking in for the season
Originally Posted by DubA169

miami should have won. point blank.

we watched lebron disappear. that isn't normal. it isn't going to happen over and over as they add talent.

we can't spread 13 million dollars much better than getting CP
either way what i'm saying is ridiculous is us caring about the well being of the rest of the league. screw them.

As they add talent? $#%?
Can Kurt Thomas play the defense he played against Shaq when he was forced to be a center on Dwight? If he can then yes.

I honestly don't want it to be a choice between just Kurt or Oden. I'd pick Kurt every time. Oden is the Brittle Man.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

what do you guys think is a better fit: kurt thomas or oden?
Oden hasn't been cleared for practice involving contact, let alone playing a NBA game.

Plus, I think Portland will re-sign him to a short term deal since they're capped out.
I'd roll the dice on oden if he were available

High risk. High reward.

Just amnesty him if it doesn't work out.
Just by reading the tweets posted in the season thread, Oden hasn't even been cleared for contact practices. I think we should kill all that talk. Makes no sense even offering him a one year contract when he may not even play half the games in this shortened season.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

So he'd leave only 74 million on the table.
Why is it only you salty Bulls fans who hover around this thread? Sorry, you guys are going to be stuck in the same place for a long time cause y'all went and splurged on Carlos Boozer.
The funniest thing about the Bulls' fans is they criticize Knicks' fans saying things like "You can't buy championships" even though when there were rumors that Lebron and Bosh might go to Chicago, these dudes were hype as hell
Even if you think that the Knicks have no shot at getting CP3 what difference does it make to your life? Let us live. And if you think a dude shooting 42% on jumpshots is gonna beat Lebron and Wade, good luck with that
I can't fault them. They see us on the rise, we have no ceiling with what we're willing to do to get better. That's why they want to call us delusional. They'll hate as much as they can now cuz soon they gonna have to go back n hide in some hole.
I would have never even been in here except for Gossip Girl Proph's headlines... Dude said Chicago was in here so I had to check it out.

Carry on.
Phone buzzes...huh what? ESPN alert ... oh Rondo's up for grabs?

I think about it for a sec...put Dolan's wallet away and say %*%! Rondo in the face, we can do better. And %*%! the Celtics in general...I'm happy they're "rebuilding."

20 minutes later.

ESPN Alert: Celtics say Rondo is on the trading block for Chris Paul.

I get that feeling back from when Amare's gamewinner 3 didn't count against the C's.
Yo stop watching ESPN, I been done with them for a while when it comes to sports rumors provided by their "insiders"
I'm not buying that Celtics/Hornets trade rumor. It would obviously benefit the Celtics but how would it benefit the Hornets? You're essentially trading a good passer n shooter for a good passer n garbage shooter...I feel that the Celtics would obviously only make that trade if CP3 agreed to sign an extension but then he'd probably just do what Carmelo did and just keep saying no to an extension.

Not trying to be a homer but what would he accomplish with the Celtics? Lebron>Pierce...Wade>Ray....Bosh>KG (only because he's old..a younger KG would demolish Bosh) So I don't see why CP3 would wanna be in that situation. Lebron is definitely a better defender than Carmelo but they're both equally good scorers and rebounders...Wade is better than any of our guards by a mile, but STAT is a better scorer than Bosh and with CP3, he would be way better than Mario Chalmers.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm not buying that Celtics/Hornets trade rumor. It would obviously benefit the Celtics but how would it benefit the Hornets? You're essentially trading a good passer n shooter for a good passer n garbage shooter...I feel that the Celtics would obviously only make that trade if CP3 agreed to sign an extension but then he'd probably just do what Carmelo did and just keep saying no to an extension.

Not trying to be a homer but what would he accomplish with the Celtics? Lebron>Pierce...Wade>Ray....Bosh>KG (only because he's old..a younger KG would demolish Bosh) So I don't see why CP3 would wanna be in that situation. Lebron is definitely a better defender than Carmelo but they're both equally good scorers and rebounders...Wade is better than any of our guards by a mile, but STAT is a better scorer than Bosh and with CP3, he would be way better than Mario Chalmers.
I agree with the last part that CP3 does NOT want to go to a team that's rebuilding or attempting to rebuild on the run and remain competitive. He'd rather go to a team's somewhat a sure thing and are clearly on the rise. That's why I can't completely disregard the Clippers rumors cuz to me they're a few pieces away from competing in the West.

When it comes to the Knicks to me he obviously wants to be there ut it's all about that paycut as the last thing holding this up from being a lock.
Yeah it's gonna be tough making CP3 work out numbers wise but until I hear he got traded and agreed to sign an extension with another team, I'm not gonna hold out hope. I was skeptical about Melo and he got here so who knows.

Rumor mill has been churning today though...CP3 to the Clippers, Howard to the Nets, and Rondo allegedly on the trading block...One of the trending topics on Twitter is Rondo to the Knicks? It's obviously twitter so I take it with a grain of salt, but where did this rumor come from? I don't see Rondo coming to NYC because the Celtics are in our division and we have nobody to offer them. Celtics aren't about to let go of their franchise PG for some role players

Also, allegedly the Knicks are interested in Mike Miller? How do you guys feel about that? I'm personally not for it because he choked in the playoffs last season..And he's very injury prone..If we get him for the MLE and for cheap, I wouldn't HATE the idea, but otherwise, no thank you...Since there's a slim chance the Knicks can get Dwight, why not go after Nene? Can play well in an uptempo system and proved he can play defense. Plus, he's had experience playing with Carmelo so the chemistry wouldn't be an issue
Just thought I'd share this article, it's directly related to yall.

So Near the Garden but Still Miles Away


ESPN.com reported Tuesday that the Hornets’ Chris Paul wanted to play for the Knicks.

The images were irresistible, too: Paul and Anthony, working hand in hand Tuesday at a Brooklyn Boys and Girls Club, four and a half miles from Madison Square Garden. A short time later, they would put on a basketball clinic for children. For added effect, LeBron James and Dwyane Wade — co-conspirators in the Miami heist of 2010 — were there, too.

The scene unfolded in the context of a community service event, but it felt like an exercise in subliminal advertising.

(Chris Paul.)

(Carmelo Anthony.)



Hours earlier, ESPN.com had reported that Paul, the New Orleans Hornets’ star point guard, wanted to play for the Knicks. On Sunday, The Daily News — with some skillful photo manipulation — put Paul in a No. 3 Knicks jersey on its back page.

From the moment the lockout ended early Saturday morning, Paul’s future has been the N.B.A.’s top (speculative) story.

“I try not to pay attention to all of that different type stuff,
funny how melos greed costed us valuable role players and now in an ironic turn can cost him having his boy cp3 join who would make the team instant contenders.

hopefully we do find a way to get that third superstar.
All to keep $5.8 million...

But yall keep forgetting that we can blame Isaiah for this too. It's 2011, but that's never going outta style.
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