let this thread die (NYK)

Adding Paul to Stat & melo would make the eastern conference playoffs ridiculously entertaining.

Fans are guaranteed a MONSTER 2nd round & ECF matchup for the next few years
Would Paul have to take a non-max deal to come to NY? How would it work? I'd run the numbers but I'm behind on my reading regarding the new CBA.
Paul would have to take less cash than Melo and STAT to come to NY. I'd rather Nash n Dwight over CP3 but what people are failing to see is that CP3 has said he's willing to take a pay cut bc he WANTS to be in NYC. However, Dwight wants to be "The Guy" on a team and wants a max contract. CP3 is a humble guy n chills with Melo on the regular, so the egos won't bump heads. But Dwight won't be able to deal well with having to share with Melo n STAT. He got really frustrated when there were certain games in Orlando where he felt he wasn't getting the ball enough, but none of his teammates said anything bc they had no right to. But when he's saying 2 perennial all stars need to shoot less so he can score more, it would be drama
Well, the cap for next year is estimated by some to be 61 mil. 25% of that is 15.5 mil, which is the max salary.

NYK will be somewhere around 45 mil next offseason with the big 2, shumpert, balkman, toney's team option, & cap holds.

So they could sign paul for the max, but they would be extremely thin.
Just wanted to say that I love this Knicks team in 2k12.

All I do is shoot 3s. 
I really hope this CP3 talk doesnt go on the whole season. If he comes he comes if not we move on, but lets worry about getting it done this season first.
broussard already claimed the knicks are his first choice and he will wait until the off season. So yes it will be a distraction the entire year. sprinkled in with a few dwight articles.
Originally Posted by DubA169

broussard already claimed the knicks are his first choice and he will wait until the off season. So yes it will be a distraction the entire year. sprinkled in with a few dwight articles.
I truthfully don't want Dwight. A servicable Center and a Great PG > *

hey i was just on the knicks website trying to purchase single game tickets, but they are not for sale on the website? Anyone know when tickets will be available?
"So if Paul really wants to go to New York, he can go -- as long as he's willing to give up, at a minimum, forty million dollars to do it. (The same, incidentally, applies for Deron Williams or Dwight Howard.)"

Carry on.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

hey i was just on the knicks website trying to purchase single game tickets, but they are not for sale on the website? Anyone know when tickets will be available?

Prob the day the deal is actually done.
I don't understand while yall are dismissing D12 like that, do yall know of the last 30 or so NBA CHAMPIONS all of them had HALL OF FAME power forwards or centers except for about 3 + the bulls first 3peat, that's roughly 25 of 31 championships. I honestly like D12's defense and rebounding which could be championship caliber over what CP3 provides. Oh btw, the three that didn't have hall of famers had DPOY Ben Wallace and Andrew Bynum playing the best basketball of his life.

Just saying, looking at it head on, CP3 looks like the the lovely choice but I prefer D12
Originally Posted by HankMoody

"So if Paul really wants to go to New York, he can go -- as long as he's willing to give up, at a minimum, forty million dollars to do it. (The same, incidentally, applies for Deron Williams or Dwight Howard.)"

Carry on.

Truth is no one real knows what the cap will look like next summer. It's all speculation on both ends.
What do you mean, you people?

Forreal though...can we worry about the 70-whatever games we've got this season. We need a center tomorrow...Unless yall think Jorts and Jeffries are those short term dudes.

So what is it? Pryzbilla if he's healthy? Human garbage Kwame Brown? Or did Jerome Jordan get better?
i dont even know how you guys can even consider jeffries an option at center this year 

and yes any 1 guy out of the 3 (cp3, dwight or deron) will have to go here under the max regardless of the cap... remember we still have to fill the rest of the roster out... if we go into next year theres only like 4-5 players max melo, amare, iman, balkman and douglas if we pick up his option... any of those 3 guys can sign anywhere for max money.... but will they have the best opportunity to win a championship like the knicks? if the knicks sign 1 of those guy they are instantly better than they are now.. they would obviously need a few pieces to really win it all... like a serviceable big man and for the knicks to play defense and not just offense
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HankMoody

"So if Paul really wants to go to New York, he can go -- as long as he's willing to give up, at a minimum, forty million dollars to do it. (The same, incidentally, applies for Deron Williams or Dwight Howard.)"

Carry on.

Truth is no one real knows what the cap will look like next summer. It's all speculation on both ends.

More so one side...Like I said, carry on.
I may be the only one that doesnt want CP3 or dwight on this team. Much rather have CP3 go somewhere like the thunder and dwight go to brooklyn. Makes the NBA alot more balanced than having 6 of the top 15 players on 2 teams.

Split up that max money on nash and tyson chandler plus our current bench and I think that's good enough to become legit contenders.
$%+! that garbage competitive balance argument. nobody cared about us being terrible for a decade. i want a chip by any means. i couldnt care less if it takes 4 teams getting contracted.

these herbs in miami started that collusion stuff. we gotta fight fire with fire.

haven't won in 40 years. i couldnt care less about any other team. nobody cares about us when they try to rape us in every trade.

people talk about balance but miami will have the big 3. there will be no balance unless we make our own.
@DUB Miami hasn't won anything yet. Everyone thought they have the next 5 championships on lock. They probably will eventually win one, but as of right now that formula doesnt work. Sorry I dont consider getting to the ECF 10x in a row and losing in the Finals as "winners" either.

@8pm Nash is the best conditioned player in the NBA. He can avg 10+ assists and hit an open shot until he's 40+ IMO

All I'm saying is that we dont need a dream team to win it all. With a defensive C and a top 10 PG, we're better than Miami. Even last year, I've always said we can beat Miami in a 7 game series before we can beat the Celtics, Magic, or Bulls.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by HankMoody

"So if Paul really wants to go to New York, he can go -- as long as he's willing to give up, at a minimum, forty million dollars to do it. (The same, incidentally, applies for Deron Williams or Dwight Howard.)"

Carry on.

Truth is no one real knows what the cap will look like next summer. It's all speculation on both ends.

More so one side... Like I said, carry on.


@Dub Boston started the big 3 nonsense blame them for the trend... but the collusion... yea I'll give you that one
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

All I'm saying is that we dont need a dream team to win it all. With a defensive C and a top 10 PG, we're better than Miami. Even last year, I've always said we can beat Miami in a 7 game series before we can beat the Celtics, Magic, or Bulls.

You can't make a statement like this and not give examples
. For one, which available top 10 PG would we be able to get? Most of the talented PGs in this league are either under contract or will only cost a few mil less than CP3 to have on the squad, so it would be pointless to have them over CP3...And where can we find a defensive center at, because the Knicks have been looking for one for awhile now
Getting Nash for the vets min would be great for us. One of the few players where age doesn't matter much.
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