let this thread die (NYK)

stat just answered all yall complaining about him
Wow...what a dunk by Amar'e

Offensively we look weak. Bad shot attempts, bad passes, bad decisions overall.
Originally Posted by dts939

stat just answered all yall complaining about him

not really. 2 points is 2 points. I say the same about Blake and Bron so I cant be a hypocrite.
But listen its a work in progress. I like what I see on D and on the boards tonight. In general I like what I see on D.

As far as announcers go I find almost all out of state to be extremely unprofessional after hearing ours

JJ in. I would e happy as !%@@ to see a glimmer of talent
Jerome Jordan should be getting Harrellsons minutes, I hope this coaching staff doesn't sleep on him. Hes 7 ft tall thats enough to put him in the rotation but hes also athletic. I hate that the only real chance he can ever get is an injury in the front line.
I'd almost praise Fields for playing so free if it wasn't for the TOs. Maybe he showing out cuz he in his home state.

Would've felt happy for Jordan if that shot counted. Wonder if we'll see him in the 2nd half.
outside of that dunk and the runner, I'm not too impressed with Fields.

It'll be 6 seconds left in the clock, he'll get the ball wide open from three, dribble and pass.
Over and over.

Then the turnovers, some of that bad D.
1st half was sloppy and not officiated well. I know our offense can't get any worse though. Eventually the iso's with STAT and Melo will work for us.

I feel sorry for yall that have to listen to those GSW announcers
It might be NY bias but most of these local announcers suck and Clyde and Breen are at the top when it comes to quality. No homerism, critique the team well, and are balanced, if it wasn't for me every now and then getting tired of Clyde's 10 year old rhymes he'd be the best. It's really love/hate with his commentating style. I could barely get through that Spurs game, Sean Elliot is the worst and Brevin Knight is pretty annoying.
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