let this thread die (NYK)

Josh playing better D and showing more hustle than Amar'e. I like what I saw in that brief time of Jordan too.

The no jump ball giving Jordan his 3rd or 2nd foul pissed me off.
Mad surprised with this game so far, look pretty good. Tyson is acting like an idiot though. Play ball and stop fouling/whining
We're playing surprisingly well without STAT and Melo.

A few defensive lapses are letting Sac back in the game though
Gotta get back in to the flow of our game. Need a bit more penetration if shots aren't falling
TD not seeing that open pass to Fields in the paint

Thorton hittin TD in the balls with the balls to keep possession
Originally Posted by DubA169

I knew from the start if the game. Threes threes threes. Pathetic

Coach gotta go
Honestly what else would you suggest with a team full of guys who can't drive and have no post game outside of Melo? Like I really noticed how bad the roster is at that when I saw Josh-Bibby-Fields-Novak-Walker out there. Only Bibby began to drive a lil and initiate the pnr but most dudes getting stopped at the foul line when they roll. There's no offensive game plan to get these guys easy shots in the paint when nobody is a threat at penetration.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

^ I suffer from the same reading & comprehension issues as Derrick Rose.
Must be tough out there then, the flaws minus the talent 
. Bad hit, and you a Knicks fan. Ill pray for you bro, keep your head up
I'm chalking up this good offensive play to Sac's terrible defense. Even got Tyson back in the game with TD throwing his lame lobs. I don't know how many times they were gonna let that high pick let TD drive in the paint and dish out to open shooters.

Wanna see some more Jordan.

Josh with a great game
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