let this thread die (NYK)

Reggie Miller… Chris Childs… Doug Christie… Raja Bell… dude should have BEEN thrown hands at all these people.

We all know that athletic rich kid that can't fight but knows that he has to act like it.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Reggie Miller… Chris Childs… Doug Christie… Raja Bell… dude should have BEEN thrown hands at all these people.

We all know that athletic rich kid that can't fight but knows that he has to act like it.

Don't forget Ron Ron.
Originally Posted by you go boy

you can call melo selfish all you want but he is clutch down the strech whether its hitting a game winner or carrying this team on his back in the fourth quarter but he can get buckets.
Anyone that thinks Melo is selfish is an idiot..Melo took 14 shots against the Lakers while Amar'e took 17..And yet Melo had double Amare's points..Kobe took as many shots as Carmelo and had a great game as well.

Against the Warriors, Amar'e also had more shot attempts (one more) than Carmelo..Carmelo had a really bad game but he took less shots than he usually would..He took 13 shots which is very low for a guy with his offensive talent..In comparison, against the Warriors, Melo only took 2 more shots than Toney Douglas (smh)

The one game where Melo shot considerably more shots than Amar'e was against the Celtics where he had to come into the game to carry the team, and finished with 37 points on 17 shot attempts, which is incredible..That's over 2 points per attempt. Extremely efficient offensive game..Only thing is, Carmelo gets looked at under a microscope because he demanded a trade to be on this team...D Wade had 13 points the other night and nobody opened their mouth because his game winner erased their memory
I watched that game and the thread... seriously have nothing else to say you all haven't said already.
Stat is my man but him constantly forcing to the rack when he has 4 defenders in front of him pisses me off.
All them turnovers and offensive fouls definitely make me wanna buy a front row ticket and curse him out.
Like what is his problem?

He's playing like a fool.

Toney Douglas .... Next
Carmelo ... look like he's trying to do it all on his own.. for no reason.

It sucks that half our roster is somehow injured .
The hell happened to our effort on defense? What is their problem? I mean we cleared out most of the roster from last season and its the same old story. I'm disappointed. We better not lose to Sacramento. Ty Evans looks like he wanna toast us every time he sees us.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by DubA169


i don't see crazy trade proposals. I see real problems that seem fixable for the most part. system, coach, game plan is what most people are complaining about. 

this team has no identity. Hasn't for years. A huge problem is that nobody know their role. nobody has a role. 
I demanded a trade of Melo and Stat, but i was trollin'.
Like I said, clowns. Maybe I gotta step up my trolling comprehension? You dudes are some sad pathetic sports fans though, who woulda thought this was the same arrogant crowd all in our thread last season
. But on to a serious note, I never thought that trade for Melo was a good one, yall coulda had a solid squad had you kept building around what was working.

stay in your team thread and pretend wade doesnt bail out Lebron all the time.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

I demanded a trade of Melo and Stat, but i was trollin'.
Like I said, clowns. Maybe I gotta step up my trolling comprehension? You dudes are some sad pathetic sports fans though, who woulda thought this was the same arrogant crowd all in our thread last season
. But on to a serious note, I never thought that trade for Melo was a good one, yall coulda had a solid squad had you kept building around what was working.

stay in your team thread and pretend wade doesnt bail out Lebron all the time.
Wrong team playboy 
Jesus.. live in FL so I'm watching the game on the League Pass preview, except the sound is all messed up. It's as if everything is being played through an arena PA system, crazy echo.. this is absurd.
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