let this thread die (NYK)

Damn, Douglas

Melo playing like %+%$ tonight tho
Melo used to be my fav player, this *$+++ only care about scoring. Soon as he is having a bad offensive night don't expect %%!@ else
i heard the fire dantoni chants. they just sound terrible. chanting fire mike would sound better
man i know its early, and we gotta hold our opinions till our squads 100% healthy, but man it's so irritating to see d'antoni's stoic #@* face on the bench. i feel like he doesnt even know whats going on.

easily the worst coach when it comes to calling time outs. never nips a run in the bud.

im not saying fire him but he needs to COACH !
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

What is Landry Fields purpose on the floor?

1. To plays good D
2. To hits open 3's
3. To play with energy and get rebounds
4. To play smart (don't turn it over)

He no longer does any of those

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