let this thread die (NYK)

I said it before I highly doubt ORL is gonna take STAT for D12. The brittle Bynum deal is better.

As far as Tyson's impact. People need to keep in mind he changed the defensive culture in Dallas but he didn't make that team a defensive juggernaut. IT wasn't the best defense in the league. I'm not sure they were even top 10. They just had a presence in the middle that made it difficult for penetration and got stops when they needed it. So us still letting teams score a 100 game is not surprise this early in the season.

Can't pay attention to some of these articles and their stats so early. Let 30 games pass by first. Tyson needed training camp too to get some of these players minds right about defense.

Frank Isola: Number of reasons why D'Antoni is holding off starting Shumpert. One reason is he's worried about Landry Fields' fragile pysche right now

Makes sense
Especially since it's Fields who earned the starting spot last season. Wouldn't be surprised if he became worthless if another rookie took his starting job. Don't understand why he wouldn't make TD come of the bench though.
I don't think Orlando will trade Dwight to LA because Bynum is a free agent next year . I'm quite sure there will be more than a couple teams offering him a Max contract . I doubt they want to go through the same thing again next season . In my opinion Stoudemire (all star , one of the top scorers in the league) Tyson ( 3rd best defensive center in the league , anchored a championship team defensively) Landry Fields (a young glue guy who thrived in a fast pace offense) is the best offer they can get considering talent coming back and years they are locked up . I'm all for taking on Hedo's horrible contract IF that gets us the best center and arguably best player in the NBA . Baron , Shumpert, Melo , Kmart / Anderson , Dwight makes us a REAL contender .
Put shumpert at PG, let TD come off the bench and jack up 10 3s, he'll be alot more effective that way. i dont care.
When I say Bynum I assume between LAL and ORL that they'll eventually have to cough up Pau too and take Hedo and maybe even Jameer. I don't think Bynum being a FA next year means anything. Losing Hedo's contract and Dwight's will give them space to offer him more money than any other team can since they'd have bird rights after the trade. Getting Amar'e instead of Bynum doesn't make sense for ORL even with his injury issues. At the end of the Bynum is younger, is better defensively, and can be just as good offensively as STAT if he's the #1 option. The other pieces don't matter much but with the way Fields has been playing he wouldn't be a plus, ORL would probably demand Shump the same way DEN demanded Gallo and Will. I just don't really see ORL really calling us up for STAT and Tyson. I think rumors of it gaining traction will just remain rumors.

I don't think Bynum would just up and leave ORL if traded there but then again I haven't given that much thought. I mean leaving a chip winning team in LAL and then going to ORL where they could build a team around him where he could be the man or leave them to go where exactly?

Also for us, getting Dwight would be great but our roster outside of Melo still sucks and we have Pringles as coach. That trade doesn't address our other issues. We probably still wouldn't be that great on defense somehow. Wouldn't make that much noise in the playoffs with w/e is left. We need to clean house with this roster man.
I agree with starting Shumpert at the 1. Let Toney come off the bench. And don't give me the "but Shump isn't ready to run the offense", cause he won't have to. He can do what Toney does, which is pretend to be a PG. Neither are capable of running the point right now, but I think Shump would make better decisions. Might as well go with the taller/more effective combo-guard.
I think we should start shump when we play the bulls & other high scoring pg's because of his defense but other than that, tony is OK... Until Baron is healthy
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Put shumpert at PG, let TD come off the bench and jack up 10 3s, he'll be alot more effective that way. i dont care.

All jokes aside this is truth.BEEN saying start Shumpy and let TD cook off the bench. He'd be way more comfortable with that role. Shumpy just wants it. You can tell he can handle the responsiblity and is more capable of pushing the ball. Shump gets the ball and outlets or pushes the ball. Baron comes back and you move shump to the 2. Fields to the bench where I feel he will also benifit from not having the "responsibilty" of being a starting 2.
About to give the Wizards their W 
. This is unbelievable. Amare playing like a bum lately.
down 14 to the winless wizards? and wall and young are already cooking?
FUUUUU Knicks! lol damn....

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