let this thread die (NYK)

But seriously, Shumpert is the real deal. It was too obvious how much smoother the offense was with him on the court. And on defense he was communicating. He demanded the other team's attenetion on offense which opened things up for Melo and Amare. On defense he was causing havoc.

Favorite player right now hands down.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Douglas should be our 6th man . He thrived in that roll behind Billups and Doo Doo. Once Dantoni realizes that and stops trying to make him a PG he will play way better

The problem is that he was the only option. The first 6 games they really had no other options Shrump and Bibby were hurt.
Bibby will be turn on soon. Shrump shot selection is still ugh. He is lucky they are falling
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Douglas should be our 6th man . He thrived in that roll behind Billups and Doo Doo. Once Dantoni realizes that and stops trying to make him a PG he will play way better

The problem is that he was the only option. The first 6 games they really had no other options Shrump and Bibby were hurt.
Bibby will be turn on soon. Shrump shot selection is still ugh. He is lucky they are falling

Shumps shot selection is still better than Toney's though so idk see why that's a knock on him compared to Douglas at the one. Toney shoots the ball way too much and they are ALL bad shots. Ive seen Shumpert penetrate more in three games than Toney has his whole career. He's a better distributor , ball handler, defender, more explosive , and has a better basketball iq at the one than Toney. He needs to start at PG till Baron. It'll benefit him and Douglas and when Baron comes back Fields can take his seat on the bench also
I think we should sit Melo if he's in any sort of pain. I want STAT to prove to me he still has a little swag from last year. A part of me is afraid he will be completely exposed playing against PF's and not Centers.
^ how bout neither? i think the ideal position would be for baron at pg and iman at sg starting and douglas hoisting up 3s off the bench along with fields... and neither should be playing down the stretch unless they are on a roll... and i hate to admit it because i was a hater but we a need jared back... hes a big help on defense... he collects charges on the defensive end easily... and melo im so glad we got him on our team.... he carries us in the fourth quarter every time... without him the knicks wouldn't be anything... before the knicks just had amare which was good but now we got that luxury with melo and also chandler being a defensive presence too... and i think harrelson should play a max 20 min per game... and him shooting 3s is OD... let him shoot mid range jumpers and thats it...bibby is still trash but tonight he came through.. hopefully this will be consistent of him and he will hit open jumpers... we just need to play with more chemistry, more effort, stop forced shots and play better on defense.... it would also help to not get down in the beginning of the game only to play catch up... also cut down on shooting 3s... no need for 30 3's a game.... its unnecessary really
as far as free agents what do you think about jeff green from the bench next year? hes a promising player at a young age and hopefully he doesnt command a lot of money... and hopefully hes healthy... he would be a great addition for the mid level if he accepts... and if nash can agree to win a championship he will take the minimum with us and worst case scenario jason kidd because dallas will move on and sign deron... what yall think?
Can't really say we have momentum. Melo put the team on his back in the 4th and bailed us out just like against the Celts. This game was different in that Amar'e played well but what happens when Melo shot is off? I think it's time for STAT to start putting in work again before he fades out of the offense and the dominat leadership role he once had there.
^ i agree with what you said about amare... he needs to step up.. he looks lost out there... and im not buying the chemistry issue with melo... because last year they wear a good 1-2 punch... each of them put good stats... and if melo is off amare should pick it up and vice versa...both of them though have enough shots to get their points just because the bench alone is garbage... we got iman but thats about it really
The main thing I've been hearing is because Tyson hovers around the rim him and his defender clog the paint for Amar'e. If that's the case we need heavier doses of Amar'e when Tyson and Melo rest.

I'd be fine with Amar'e just missing cuz eventually they'd fall but his entire game has been off. He's not mixing it up like he use to. I know it has to do more with the pg situation than him being guarded by 4s now but it is still hard to watch. He needs to reassert his confidence at the least. If he's out there missing he should at least be drawing fouls as the threat that he is.
[table][tr][td] Scoring[/td] [td]PPG [/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]

James[/td][td] 1. L. James MIA[/td][td]29.9 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 2. C. Anthony NY[/td][td]27.8 [/td][/tr][tr][td] 3. K. Bryant LAL[/td][td]26.4[/td][/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Douglas should be our 6th man . He thrived in that roll behind Billups and Doo Doo. Once Dantoni realizes that and stops trying to make him a PG he will play way better

Melo has back problems now??!?!! This worries me. 
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

But seriously, Shumpert is the real deal. It was too obvious how much smoother the offense was with him on the court. And on defense he was communicating. He demanded the other team's attenetion on offense which opened things up for Melo and Amare. On defense he was causing havoc.

Favorite player right now hands down.
Man down?

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

NYPost_Berman Marc Berman

Anthony injury is actually lower sore back, Knick official said. Not a groin. Said he'll play.
Melo is injured because he's carrying this team on his back

the argument will always be that he forced his way onto the team and is the reason why the role players suck and we have little room to get new assets. Most people aren't going to be crying for melo.
he's an amaing player but he is partially to blame for the situation.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

NYPost_Berman Marc Berman

Anthony injury is actually lower sore back, Knick official said. Not a groin. Said he'll play.
Melo is injured because he's carrying this team on his back

the argument will always be that he forced his way onto the team and is the reason why the role players suck and we have little room to get new assets. Most people aren't going to be crying for melo.
he's an amaing player but he is partially to blame for the situation.

If we had Felton , Gallo , and Moz on this team your right he wouldn't have to do EVERYTHING . He wanted his money though
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

NYPost_Berman Marc Berman

Anthony injury is actually lower sore back, Knick official said. Not a groin. Said he'll play.
Melo is injured because he's carrying this team on his back

the argument will always be that he forced his way onto the team and is the reason why the role players suck and we have little room to get new assets. Most people aren't going to be crying for melo.
he's an amaing player but he is partially to blame for the situation.

If our owner wasn't James Dolan and he didn't have leftovers of Isaiah on his chin, I'd agree completely.

Melo did what he was supposed to do and it got played well on Denver's end and completely %@%*!# up on our end.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

The main thing I've been hearing is because Tyson hovers around the rim him and his defender clog the paint for Amar'e.
One possible way to work around that would be by posting up melo at 15 feet on either side, clearing out, positioning Tyson outside of the paint on the polar opposite side of Melo, & bringing Amare for a PnR. At that distance, the help D would only have time to foul Amare on his open drives to the lane. If Tyson's man overhelps, Tyson can cut to the rim.
Shawne Williams is an idiot hed average at least 2 threes a game here, look what hes doing in nj
hopefully my FiOS will be installed in time foe the game tonight (6-8 hr installation for this ballerasshdandinternet)
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

hopefully my FiOS will be installed in time foe the game tonight (6-8 hr installation for this ballerasshdandinternet)

Is that really how long it takes? They supposed to be coming to install on Wed.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

hopefully my FiOS will be installed in time foe the game tonight (6-8 hr installation for this ballerasshdandinternet)

Is that really how long it takes? They supposed to be coming to install on Wed.
thats the absolute longest it will take. The tech got here around 9:30 $*! and he's just about done now (1pm)
Damn. That's cray. Let me know how that jawn looking when its done.

...I think Fields should go to the bench, but I think he also is benifited by a guard that can get out in transition and get him easy baskets. He had 2 points and it was off a steal and was cause Shump got him the ball when he was supposed to. Landry can still be effective for us.
Fios says 6-8 hours but it's more like 4-5 hours from my experience. I had it @ the old crib and my parents house and both took less than 5 hours. Effin Verizon now they say it isn't available in my building...yet. They been saying soon since last year.

Couldn't watch the game so not much to say. Only thing though is going by the score line and what I've read, we let Washington kind of pissed the game away. That shouldn't be happening.

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

The main thing I've been hearing is because Tyson hovers around the rim him and his defender clog the paint for Amar'e.

So sick and tired of hearing "well people say Tyson and Amar'e can't play together" business or the whole Douglas botched the Charlotte fiasco. Obviously I'm not happy Toney %#%%@% up the play but all y'all know that on a team, no one is gonna throw their teammate under the bus and say oh so and so %#%%@% up. You even saw immediately after the game how Melo covered TD by saying he took that quick 3 early, and whatever else his explanation was. Especially all y'all that have played ball, even if you don't like your teammate, 99 times out of a 100 no one is gonna throw someone under the bus over a mistake like that cause over the course of 82 games (66), stuff like that is gonna happen. Kid isn't a PG to begin with and he %#%%@% up the play, plain and simple. It was the #@!@$@@ 5th game of the year. At the same time I do think that should never happen, and it did piss me off at the time but in the 5th game of the year should that be something that even makes it into the papers? Probably not. Especially when the coaching staff is even saying things to the media like it's a work in process with TD playing point. Something can be said to TD behind closed doors, at practice or some #%$!, but that doesn't need to make it to the papers, that type of #%$! is handled in practice and the locker room.

Now this whole, "Tyson is taking up Amar'e space on the block" whatever this #%$! is. Get that out of here. You got LMA and Camby in Portland, does Camby ever take up LMA's ability to work on the block? How about Griffin and Jordan? Now that MozGod starts out in Denver, does he take away Nene's game on the block? You think when Houston got Hakeem and they already had Ralph Sampson, someone on the coaching staff went, "*++#, I don't know how Hakeem is gonna operate on the block cause we got Ralph Sampson." That's all about the coaching. The coaches make that #%$! work. That's what they're paid to do, put your players in the best position to win basketball games. #%$! shouldn't even be a valid argument IMO. What, does Tyson just stand by the basket and never move? Or he's unable to stand on the perimeter? *++# that. Any kind of coach is gonna make the best out of the pieces at his disposal aka, find a way to make it #@!@$@@ work. Unfortunately our coach doesn't do this. Teams should be getting steady diets of PnR's of Melo and Amar'e/Tyson all day. Amar'e and Tyson should be playing high-low all day with Melo on the wing. It's pathetic that Pringles can't even put in a few plays to do this. Just swing the ball on the perimeter, occasional pick on the ball, yea that's the way to run an offense

Sick and tired of these "inside source" rumors being fed to the media. Whether the higher ups at MSG are trying to protect Pringles in this last year cause they don't want to fire him, or this is one of his stupid %@# buddies on the bench (Phil Weber, his brother) talking to whoever, this #%$! needs to stop. The poor man management, lack of any kind of knowledge, this is @@+#*!$$. This guy is a #@!@$@@ joke.
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