let this thread die (NYK)

Im sure theres a way we can get douglas involved. He just has to have a better defined role... as a shooting guard. Def not a pg. we should just waste him tho as others have said

beating down trash teams is a good step forward. Just gotta chill with the 3s because we look sooo much better going hard in the paint. Amazing just some penetration by Shump helps everything so much
Watching all these Douglas interviews, he seems like such a cosignable dude.. I feel bad for all the flack he's taking for the Knicks woes.. I feel like he can contribute, but he has zero confidence at this point.. give him time to get back in to his role of coming off the bench and knocking down those three's.. Starting point is out of the question and it seems like he was an option simply due to a lack of depth.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

TD getting no burn during garbage time, i like it. 
But why? I'm happy we're winning, and I'm by no means a huge Douglas fan, but what good does Douglas not getting time during a blowout do?
Letting Shumpert have more experience is a positive, but I don't get why Knicks fans are so spiteful and angry towards Douglas. He's struggling and playing poorly in an ill-fitting role, I get that.. but he was one of many reasons we were struggling, not the only one. The way people talk about him it's like he's yelling at Melo on court and fighting with people in the crowd then throwing his team under the bus to the press.

If Bibby continues this "sold my soul to the devil" string of performances, if Shump plays well, if Davis comes back healthy, then I see why Douglas doesn't play.. but if any of those don't work out perfectly, then we need Douglas still and yes.. he can shoot and he can play defense, he just seems lost right now. 
I thought Douglas played well for us last year, don't know what's up with him this year. He's not the only one on our team this year playing awful.
if this is what we can expect from shump and bibby, when davis comes back i dont see TD as the odd man out. i see someone like walker getting regulated to the pine. itd be the 5 guard rotation of shump,davis,landry,TD,bibby
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

TD getting no burn during garbage time, i like it. 
But why? I'm happy we're winning, and I'm by no means a huge Douglas fan, but what good does Douglas not getting time during a blowout do?
Letting Shumpert have more experience is a positive, but I don't get why Knicks fans are so spiteful and angry towards Douglas. He's struggling and playing poorly in an ill-fitting role, I get that.. but he was one of many reasons we were struggling, not the only one. The way people talk about him it's like he's yelling at Melo on court and fighting with people in the crowd then throwing his team under the bus to the press.

If Bibby continues this "sold my soul to the devil" string of performances, if Shump plays well, if Davis comes back healthy, then I see why Douglas doesn't play.. but if any of those don't work out perfectly, then we need Douglas still and yes.. he can shoot and he can play defense, he just seems lost right now. 
Excellent post, kinda what I was getting at on the last post of the last page.. Toney is simply not the guy to be starting point, he always has been a scoring guard. I'd like to see him suceed on this team, but it will require some good games which will help his confidence back up.. It's completely unfair that Toney has taken much blame for earlier games where it seemed evident Coach D amongst other things were also huge problems.
Good win... Feels good man. Balkman balling.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

TD getting no burn during garbage time, i like it. 
But why? I'm happy we're winning, and I'm by no means a huge Douglas fan, but what good does Douglas not getting time during a blowout do?
My main thing about TD is he NEVER learns from his mistakes. EVER. Keeps making the same bone head decisions. Benching him for a one or two games should send a message to get his !+@ out of his dumb head. He may be a great dude off the court, but I hate his decision making. Three years in the league and i see no improvements. Gym rat? lol. 
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I want to see TD excel as our 6th man.
Me too, ofcourse i wish the best to all of our players. I just dont see him excelling. He'll have 5 good games then 10 straight bad ones.  
Should've contacted Bogans earlier but we'll see how he fairs here. I'd prefer an effortless joining to the team. Probably would like to start him over Fields. Better defender, better 3pt shooter.

Would like it all to work out for when Baron is healthy.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I don't get why Knicks fans are so spiteful and angry towards Douglas. He's struggling and playing poorly in an ill-fitting role, I get that.. but he was one of many reasons we were struggling, not the only one. The way people talk about him it's like he's yelling at Melo on court and fighting with people in the crowd then throwing his team under the bus to the press.
If Bibby continues this "sold my soul to the devil" string of performances, if Shump plays well, if Davis comes back healthy, then I see why Douglas doesn't play.. but if any of those don't work out perfectly, then we need Douglas still and yes.. he can shoot and he can play defense, he just seems lost right now. 
It's cuz he's a bum. Nothing over exaggerated as far as extra shh. It all has to do with his play on the court for me. I mean if his role isn't clearly defined he needs to get in where he fits in and if that's at the end of the bench as a cheerleader so be it. At best the guy is a scorer but honestly his offensive game is basically a floater and 3s. He's not a threat penetrating nor does he create shots for his teammates or himself. Son is not a real 6th man in this league. I never seen him as a good defender either except for the noticeable drawing of chargers but then again I wanted him gone for a while now and this poor start just reignited the flame. Not to pile it all on him but there's other dudes I'd get rid of on this team too but for now it seems as long as other players play well in wins they kind of get drawn in to that atmosphere and play better themselves (Walker, Balkman, etc.)

If he's lost I hope another team finds him.
So we're going to have 2/4 of the starting back courts of the Eastern Conference Finalists from last year.

At least it sounds good.
Shump is a great player..He was essentially the last thing Donnie accomplished before leaving, and it was a great way to go out..Shump gets no national attention but I like it that way..Catch these squads off guard
Douglas is one of the biggest reasons for our defensive struggles though.

He can't keep his man on the perimeter to save his life.

Opposing PG's drive by him like hes not even there, causing everyone else to scramble out of position to cover.

You can see the immediate difference with Shumpert in the game.
If the Knicks get Bogans, that's huge defensively..Not every night the Knicks will be down 10+ needing to make a comeback, or be up 10+..So for games where the Knicks have a slight lead on a team and the starters need to rest, you just put Bogans and Shump in, then either keep Tyson in or play Jeffries (when he returns) and that's a great defensive team out there..Which allows the stars to come back into the game not having to worry about making a comeback bc that second unit played like garbage and gave up 20 points in 5 minutes
Didnt watch the game, good win. I still just want D'Antoni to stop being stubborn and open up the rotation man. We've got players who can contribute somewhere and get better man. Especially with this shortened schedule.
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