let this thread die (NYK)

It's like they like to keep games close.
Great win especially since they got 2 tough road games next.

Don't know why they insist on making these games so close down the stretch tho
Win was ugly in the end but I loved how we played earlier.

The defense looked good when we needed it. I'll take it.
Without Josh we have no bench scoring and we lose this game. With Bibby injured and I'll just assume Novak is too (otherwise I'm not sure why Pringles aint playing him other than liking Josh and Walker more).

Turnovers killed us too. I can let Shump's tos slide but Melo playing  Point-forward might not be best the way this team was giving it up as Big J's advanced stat post mentions.
Couldnt watch the game, I'm currently in Heat country down here in Florida. Good sin I guess, but we seriously didn't score a FG in the last nine minutes? Reall bro?
Knicks are so predictable in the 4th.  Pretty much give the ball to Melo and let him chuck his shots.  Amare doesn't see any offensive in the 4th.  Something has to change.  Defensive is really becoming a routine thing now which is good of course.  6-4 I'll take it 
Originally Posted by d5

Knicks are so predictable in the 4th.  Pretty much give the ball to Melo and let him chuck his shots.  Amare doesn't see any offensive in the 4th.  Something has to change.  Defensive is really becoming a routine thing now which is good of course.  6-4 I'll take it 

i agree wit u they should feature stat in the beginning of 4th an let melo finish
Glad we got the W tonight. Shump is a star in the making. I hate running multiple Iso plays to Melo down the stretch in the 4th quarter
just git back from the game. Garden was paaacked. I was having a blast until the 4th quarter. But hey we beat a very good team

Our defense was amazing for most of the game. Flat out awesome defense. Melo hit some straight up kobe shots. Sometimes you are just in awe.

I dont understand why walker or novak doesnt p;ay over walker. He's a very dumb player.

Agreed about Amare in the 4th. He should have gotten the ball more. Our offense is way to easy to predict.
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