let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

We're probably gonna keep losing until we see Detroit at home.
You didn't address what I said at all. How are you trying to put this entirely on Melo being selfish when the coach ran no plays for STAT the entire 4th at a time when we even had the lead? He took no shots in the 4th and got fouled once. What does that have to do with Melo?

Melo was shooting bad all game. He only started making shots with the last 3 min left. So I can understand feeding him the ball then. That has nothing to do with the other 9 minutes of the quarter where no plays were run for STAT. That is entirely on Pringles and his ineptitude to run a balanced offensive system. If he can't do uptempp/SSOL he does bs.
It's not ENTIRELY on Melo but it's a pretty damn high percentage on him.
I seem to remember Pringles running one hell of a balanced offensive system last year before the Melo trade.  I also seem to remember how relieved and happy George Karl was when he got rid of the guy.  No coach wants to run an offense where one of your key cogs does not know how to pass or move the ball or play within the flow of the game (Okay I can imagine a guy like Mike Brown doing ok by just loading up the defense and running a hideous offense where you just let Melo play 1 on 1 all game, but I wouldn't want to watch it).
Son if you just want to put this all on Melo and ignore a coach that can't establish a good offensive system or get players to play the way he's coaching them to they'll gladly receive you in the NBA season thread. If Karl and Pringles can't get Melo to play within the system then they're not good enough coaches to lead a team with star players on it to the next level. It's as simple as that.

If you saying Melo doesn't know how to pass
Blah I think they probably should fire D'antoni, I just wanted to ignore that part of your statement and rant about how much I hate Melo.
But your second statement is wrong man, it's up to GMs to build chemistry just as much as it's up to coaches.  I would think you'd recognize that as a Knicks fan after the Isaiah era.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

We're probably gonna keep losing until we see Detroit at home.
You didn't address what I said at all. How are you trying to put this entirely on Melo being selfish when the coach ran no plays for STAT the entire 4th at a time when we even had the lead? He took no shots in the 4th and got fouled once. What does that have to do with Melo?

Melo was shooting bad all game. He only started making shots with the last 3 min left. So I can understand feeding him the ball then. That has nothing to do with the other 9 minutes of the quarter where no plays were run for STAT. That is entirely on Pringles and his ineptitude to run a balanced offensive system. If he can't do uptempp/SSOL he does bs.
It's not ENTIRELY on Melo but it's a pretty damn high percentage on him.
I seem to remember Pringles running one hell of a balanced offensive system last year before the Melo trade.  I also seem to remember how relieved and happy George Karl was when he got rid of the guy.  No coach wants to run an offense where one of your key cogs does not know how to pass or move the ball or play within the flow of the game (Okay I can imagine a guy like Mike Brown doing ok by just loading up the defense and running a hideous offense where you just let Melo play 1 on 1 all game, but I wouldn't want to watch it).
Son if you just want to put this all on Melo and ignore a coach that can't establish a good offensive system or get players to play the way he's coaching them to they'll gladly receive you in the NBA season thread. If Karl and Pringles can't get Melo to play within the system then they're not good enough coaches to lead a team with star players on it to the next level. It's as simple as that.

If you saying Melo doesn't know how to pass

Yea...I don't know if people have been paying attention, but George Karl is a pretty bad coach. Every coach says they need a superstar then get mad when he doesn't have Durant's personality. We need a real coach. Look at Doc...remember when he had the bench out there in the Finals? and they were cookin? And he left them out there? That's a coach who knows his team and how to play a hot hand.

That takes balls and good judgment. Pringles has neither. He's a can of potato chips.
question tho:
what good coaches are out there?

Obviously not JVG since Dolan would have to leave/sell the team for JVG to even consider coming back.

Phil Jackson? yall really think he would come out of retirement for this mess? 
Coach this, coach that......this team will NEVER EVER WIN A DAMN THING as long as Dolan is the owner of this team.

We had something great with Donnie here and he takes over and makes an awful business deal giving up more players then Donnie wanted, for Melo....now this is what we have.

He forced this move just so he can raise ticket prices, and Donnie left and I dont *%**%@* blame him.

Knicks will and ALWAYS be loser as long as this *%**%@* POS is still here owning this team, he has no damn clue about basketball and any move is strictly for financial reasons.

Wake up.
Originally Posted by 10027

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by 10027

It's not ENTIRELY on Melo but it's a pretty damn high percentage on him.
I seem to remember Pringles running one hell of a balanced offensive system last year before the Melo trade.  I also seem to remember how relieved and happy George Karl was when he got rid of the guy.  No coach wants to run an offense where one of your key cogs does not know how to pass or move the ball or play within the flow of the game (Okay I can imagine a guy like Mike Brown doing ok by just loading up the defense and running a hideous offense where you just let Melo play 1 on 1 all game, but I wouldn't want to watch it).
Son if you just want to put this all on Melo and ignore a coach that can't establish a good offensive system or get players to play the way he's coaching them to they'll gladly receive you in the NBA season thread. If Karl and Pringles can't get Melo to play within the system then they're not good enough coaches to lead a team with star players on it to the next level. It's as simple as that.

If you saying Melo doesn't know how to pass
Blah I think they probably should fire D'antoni, I just wanted to ignore that part of your statement and rant about how much I hate Melo.
But your second statement is wrong man, it's up to GMs to build chemistry just as much as it's up to coaches.  I would think you'd recognize that as a Knicks fan after the Isaiah era.
You 100% correct about management. As far as I'm concerned Donnie came here did some good things, messed up huge in the end and then bailed on us. Glen tried to make the best out of a piss poor situation and managed Tyson but overall we'll be hurting for years with the rest of this roster with the moves made by Isaiah (trading all of our picks), Donnie (succumbing to Dolan and trading most of our assets. I feel he should've took a stand and resigned immediately and distance himself from the trade asap instead of pulling the trigger, standing by it and then trying to duck out the back door), and now any incoming GM has nothing to work with and any good plans would involve trading both of our stars or somehow bamboozling other teams to give us picks or their good players for the bums we got (not named Shump).

I agree Melo has to take a lot of blame. Son jacked up a bunch of bad shots most of the game and only heated up/became clutch when we needed it. I don't hate his game though and I can't blame him when our roster isn't good enough to be decoys and no plays are run for STAT.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by you go boy

have you watched amare all year? im not counting the guy out and say trade him but he has played garbage this whole year... his jumper is nowhere near last year... melo has had a bad stretch the last 5 games but he did hurt his wrist... amare is healthy and nothing is wrong with him... its not like he doesnt get the ball at all but when he does he struggles to get his points
Wrist hurting so bad he's gotta put up 30 shots.  Oh? 

There is nothing but idiotic and selfish basketball being played by the Knicks.  Coaching is part of the problem...but so is the fact that Amare/Melo have to figure out how to make it work with one ball. 

Do any of us come into the Wizards thread and say John Wall is a bust ? You coming in here after every defeat to critique how poorly our "stars" are playing is really lame and transparent . Your adding nothing to this thread everybody knows our issues stem from our coach not having a real offensive system for a team without a HOF PG and ends with him. Go waste bandwidth elsewhere b.
Tonight was a tough loss and I hate to ask this at this moment, but it would be greatly appreciated, so don't burn me.

But I was wondering what is the cheapest/best way to get Knicks tickets? I want to possibly go to the Lakers game coming up soon, which are expensive I know, but would appreciate if you guys have any good recommendations on how to get tickets for cheap. Also are the 400 levels bad? If not the Laker game, I wouldn't mind the Jazz game or Kings game, or anything coming up pretty soon.

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

question tho:
what good coaches are out there?

Obviously not JVG since Dolan would have to leave/sell the team for JVG to even consider coming back.

Phil Jackson? yall really think he would come out of retirement for this mess? 

I really think Phil's gonna go coach the Clips
If not them, then us.

Watch us end up with John Calipari or something.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Coach this, coach that......this team will NEVER EVER WIN A DAMN THING as long as Dolan is the owner of this team.

We had something great with Donnie here and he takes over and makes an awful business deal giving up more players then Donnie wanted, for Melo....now this is what we have.

He forced this move just so he can raise ticket prices, and Donnie left and I dont *%**%@* blame him.

Knicks will and ALWAYS be loser as long as this *%**%@* POS is still here owning this team, he has no damn clue about basketball and any move is strictly for financial reasons.

Wake up.

Co-Sign all of this..Dolan didn't even wait till the Knicks won a playoff game before throwing the ticket prices through the roof..He will keep signing big names without addressing the needs of the team..The Knicks needed Tyson but Dolan wanted him here more because he was a popular player around the league, not because he was the best possible center.

The team is not playing well at all right now, but they did have a good game tonight..And to the people that don't wanna put too much blame on D'Antoni,
...Bill Walker was 5-5, 3 of them being 3 pointers..2nd half, dude misses a shot and makes a defensive mistake, and he gets no playing time the rest of the game
Then, we have Harrelson playing good defense and when Tyson fouls out, he puts Jeffries in instead of Jorts even though Jorts is much better offensively n could hang physically with NeNe. Novak once again gets no playing time even when Melo was getting double teamed in both OTs which would have led to easy 3 pointers. D'antoni is not a good coach..No way around that
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Coach this, coach that......this team will NEVER EVER WIN A DAMN THING as long as Dolan is the owner of this team.

We had something great with Donnie here and he takes over and makes an awful business deal giving up more players then Donnie wanted, for Melo....now this is what we have.

He forced this move just so he can raise ticket prices, and Donnie left and I dont *%**%@* blame him.

Knicks will and ALWAYS be loser as long as this *%**%@* POS is still here owning this team, he has no damn clue about basketball and any move is strictly for financial reasons.

Wake up.
That's the thing though coaches and GMs can be fired. I said it in this thread earlier but if we're gonna just look at it this way we might as well stop watching the Knicks until Dolan sells the team (not likely after renovation) or dies (any fan wanna take that charge for us
) outside of that if that's the view on it can't complain until after that. I mean it's not like Dolan is the only owner that's not a hands off owner. Dude pours so much money in to the team this past decade of course he's gonna meddle when he sees an opportunity to finally make more money than he loses and actually has a legit reason to raise prices. Outside of that I fault him for keeping Layden around too long and letting Zeke sweet talk him in to a debacle.

Just said it in my last post but Donnie should've immediately quit after Dolan forced that trade and publicly state he had nothing to do with it. All that talk about he's gonna finish what he started, that he stands by the trade and put the Knicks in a good position and dude ends up leaving anyway.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

question tho:
what good coaches are out there?

Obviously not JVG since Dolan would have to leave/sell the team for JVG to even consider coming back.

Phil Jackson? yall really think he would come out of retirement for this mess? 
None. Doubt Phil comes middle of the season unless he wants an extra year of pay and just blames how this season turns out on Pringles. There are literally no experienced coaches available that would seem like the right choice. So we can hire Ewing or wait to see who else gets fired after this season.
you cant win with knicks fans... when we had the youngsters and they played bad last year it was like trade everyone except amare for melo and now that we play bad with melo its a bad trade... and what has donnie done that was so great for this franchise? he cleared cap space and drafted a few good players... but lets not forget the bad things he did as well... he brought the knicks 2 bad seasons until last year which was a 42-40 season....passed on jennings to draft jordan hill, traded hill for jeffries for cap space but also traded draft pics along with it...he failed to get lebron which was the main goal of clearing cap space and also was the main reason we hired dantoni...i love donnie but lets not make it seem like he was a great gm... better than isiah obviously and definitely turned the franchise around but going from a garbage team to a mediocre one isnt exactly great...
as far as coaches out there the list is short... so as much as i want dantoni to go its hard to replace him... you cant be serious with herb... lenny wilkins got fired in halfway during the season and herb took over and absolutely did nothing... and phil jackson might stay retired... but hopefully sloan will come around and get out of retirement... 
Mez is right.

Dolan's not going anything. I remember reading that this is the most profitable franchise. He has no incentive to leave.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by you go boy

have you watched amare all year? im not counting the guy out and say trade him but he has played garbage this whole year... his jumper is nowhere near last year... melo has had a bad stretch the last 5 games but he did hurt his wrist... amare is healthy and nothing is wrong with him... its not like he doesnt get the ball at all but when he does he struggles to get his points
Wrist hurting so bad he's gotta put up 30 shots.  Oh? 

There is nothing but idiotic and selfish basketball being played by the Knicks.  Coaching is part of the problem...but so is the fact that Amare/Melo have to figure out how to make it work with one ball. 

Do any of us come into the Wizards thread and say John Wall is a bust ? You coming in here after every defeat to critique how poorly our "stars" are playing is really lame and transparent . Your adding nothing to this thread everybody knows our issues stem from our coach not having a real offensive system for a team without a HOF PG and ends with him. Go waste bandwidth elsewhere b.

Nobody wanted to gut the team man, everyone was complaining when we gave up both of our SG's and wanted to at least keep Gallo.

Donnie did more positives than we had for a decade and we had a nice foundation, and did not want to give up too much for Melo...because you know what? If that trade did not go through, he would have gone with an alternative or waited until the off-season

Dolan just sabotaged the franchise yet again, I can't give that scumbag my money.
MokeHamilton Moke Hamilton
Josh Harrellson fractured his right wrist and he is out for 6 weeks. From bad to worse for #Knicks...

JaredZwerling Jared Zwerling
Josh Harrellson has a fractured right wrist. Out approximately six weeks.

TinaCervasio Tina Cervasio
#Knicks Josh Harrellson.... Fractured Right Wrist ... Will be out approx 6 weeks after time of surgery. (Not scheduled yet) Fell in 3rd q.

Right after he was tripped by Miller.
enough with the Donnie slander. I can conspiracy all mistakes except for the Houston trade away from him.

He didn't hire D'antoni. The first thing he said was the Knicks need to stress defense and wanted to hire Mark Jackson. Dolan and Isiah stepped in and pushed Pringles through, because that was a big name who played exciting basketball. And the first think Walsh says is that the Knicks are gonna lose for 2 years, but that's what it takes to clear cap space to sign big names. Then his scouting team %!%$*# up with Jennings. Then the Houston trade. They legit thought T-Mac had his legs back and was ready to play. They bet wrong. And nobody stood a chance of getting LeBron. Not since 2008, so enough with that...but most important of all was the Melo trade. Donnie did NOT want to trade for Melo, he wanted to sign him or if the Nuggets caved enough trade late for him. Dolan and Isiah hijacked the trade talks and gave Denver more than they even asked for....

Do you honestly think we're gonna have another gm we trust as much as Donnie again? mistakes and all? Grunwald is just Dolan's pinky toe.
All my Knick's hate aside....

*%* is going on in NY.
This team should not be this bad with Melo, Amare and Chandler.
You mean tripped by Harrington. Didn't even bother to check the tweets after this loss but that is another bad thing going against us.

Maybe Novak gets some pt now.
Carmelo says he's been shooting too much. He's 35-105 the last three games. no %!@. But the team depends on him too much to score. Amare is a shell of his former self.
I do not believe Pringles was not Donnie's choice for coach. If that was really Dolan pushing that then Donnie is a punk $%* {[]}. You mean to tell me he got forced to hire D'Antoni and forced to make the Melo trade? If that's the case I'm not mad at Dolan I'm mad at Donnie for being a !$%*$. I don't want a GM making moves for our team that lets the owner mess with his plans for the team any time he feels like it. If that's the case Donnie was just collecting a check.

If that's how it is then we're really waiting until Dolan is dead
Frank Isola: Carmelo Anthony may shut it down to rest his body. Also said after the game he may be shooting too much. He's 35 for 105 in last four games

Really Melo? Now you think you're taking too many shots?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

I do not believe Pringles was not Donnie's choice for coach. If that was really Dolan pushing that then Donnie is a punk $%* {[]}. You mean to tell me he got forced to hire D'Antoni and forced to make the Melo trade? If that's the case I'm not mad at Dolan I'm mad at Donnie for being a !$%*$. I don't want a GM making moves for our team that lets the owner mess with his plans for the team any time he feels like it. If that's the case Donnie was just collecting a check.
Really? You tell me what GM in the history of ANYTHING over-rides the owner of a team and lasts more than a week.
What kind of business establishment has a hired employee over-ride what his boss/owner WANTS?

You know what happens in that case? Termination.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Nobody wanted to gut the team man, everyone was complaining when we gave up both of our SG's and wanted to at least keep Gallo.

Donnie did more positives than we had for a decade and we had a nice foundation, and did not want to give up too much for Melo...because you know what? If that trade did not go through, he would have gone with an alternative or waited until the off-season

Dolan just sabotaged the franchise yet again, I can't give that scumbag my money.

all of this.

I remember all the non-Knick fans running in on some, "what are you guys #%#*#-ing about?! You got Melo for some scrubs and picks. He was going to NJ, bros."

and Jorts
Dude was becoming my favorite Knick...
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