let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

TD, fields, billups, 2 future unprotected picks for CP3 and okafor. Supposedly, Okafor is the deal breaker for us. Anyone heard of this rumor?
Isn't that trade impossible for 2 reasons:
1) You can't trade first rd picks in consecutive years, so since 2012 is going to houston and 2014 to Denver, I don't get what the picks are unless they're unprotected 2nd round picks.

2) TD, Fields and Billups make about 16 million combined. Chris Paul alone makes about 16. How does Okafor fit in (he makes 12.5)?

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I don't dislike Billups, and I dont think we necessarily need Chris Paul. I think the Knicks can win with Chauncey, and he won't demand a max contract after this year so we can add other pieces if we bring him back. He plays hard, competes night in and night out, and can run an offense. I could be wrong, bc the team didn't look too smooth on offense last year in the short time they were all healthy, but I think stopping other teams is going to be the biggest problem. I remember losing to the Cavs several times bc we couldn't guard anyone inside or rebound. Would love it if the Knicks got Jeff Foster, but I think he gets more than a minimum, no?
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Pretty sure this wasn't posted yet...
Cant wait
So I'm reading this article in the Daily News about who we need to focus on and pursue before this Friday(training camp starts) and basically all the names talked about are being said to not be willing to leave their team or aren't willing to sign a one year deal. Even Shawne wants something more secure than that.

[h1] [/h1]
[h1]NY Knicks trying to find one-year wonders in post lockout free agent market [/h1] [h2]Knicks looking to sign players to short-term deals[/h2]
BY Frank Isola

Monday, December 5 2011, 1:21 AM



Gregory Smith/AP

Cavaliers guard Anthony Parker is the ideal fiscal pickup the Knicks look to add this season.

The Knicks have until Friday to get their free agent priorities in order. That’s when training camp opens and the free agent signing period begins, so it behooves the Knicks to finalize their roster as quickly as possible, especially since they’ll open the NBA season at high noon on Christmas Day.

The Knicks are fortunate that they have an owner, Garden chairman James Dolan, who isn’t intimidated by the luxury tax. However, the club wants to exercise fiscal responsibility and is looking to sign players to one-year deals. Here are some of the possibilities:

Anthony Parker: He makes a lot of sense: good defender, reliable 3-point shooter. And after Landry Fields totaled just seven points against Boston in the playoffs, the Knicks may want an upgrade at shooting guard. The Cavs are hopeful of re-signing Parker, who would not come to New York for a one-year deal.

Samuel Dalembert: A good, not great, big man who is looking to land a major deal. Price tag may be too high for the Knicks.

* Jeff Foster: Great value for the money, especially if the Knicks can convince the Pacers’ forward/center to take a one-year deal.

* Kurt Thomas: Similar to Foster, although he is a better pick-and-pop shooter. Mike D’Antoni was interested in signing Thomas two years ago.

* Kwame Brown: Buyer beware if you give the top pick of the 2001 draft more than a one-year deal. Brown has developed into a serviceable big man, but it would be unwise to overpay for Michael Jordan’s one-time pet project.

Kinda gave a little less hope of us landing multiple we actually need.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

TD, fields, billups, 2 future unprotected picks for CP3 and okafor. Supposedly, Okafor is the deal breaker for us. Anyone heard of this rumor?
Why would Okafor be the deal breaker?? if NO wants that deal we take that with the quickness before somebody with some sense over there wises up. Yes he's overpaid but what the hell we would get size and Paul. I'm sure Dolan can eat that contract if it gets us one step closer.

Ofcourse this deal obviously doesn't work with Oakfor's and Paul's contracts. We'd need a 3rd team dumping a big contract on NO (and it'd have to be another expiring one).
So apparently CP3 and Howard are gonna get dealt to the Lakers , but like what happened to the Clippers ?
Melodrama 2.0
These Rumors don't even phase me anymore. After the Lebron fiasco and the Melodrama from the last couple years im immune to it . Sports columnist , beat reporters, etc. have no accountability whatsoever dudes could just make up any rumor or story they want with no real "sources" at all and never be accounted for it it's wild.
This Laker thing is devastating, CP3 wants to come to NYC but he will not shy at the opportunity to play with Kobe & Dwight Howard in LA. This cannot happen!! NY needs  championship!
People believe Broussard as a credible source because he told people ahead of time that most likely Lebron ends up in Miami...but they conveniently forget that he also reported that LeBron was going to Chicago with Bosh to play with D. Rose and he was "90% sure" but we saw what happened to that
. I don't believe any "sources say" tweets/articles about CP3 or Dwight, whether or not they involve the Knicks
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

People believe Broussard as a credible source because he told people ahead of time that most likely Lebron ends up in Miami...but they conveniently forget that he also reported that LeBron was going to Chicago with Bosh to play with D. Rose and he was "90% sure" but we saw what happened to that
. I don't believe any "sources say" tweets/articles about CP3 or Dwight, whether or not they involve the Knicks

Broussard has been wrong before, Stephen A Smith broke down the LeBron going to the Heat two weeks before it happened.
However, the scenario does make sense. The Magic wouldn't get a more promising Center in Andrew Bynum for Dwight Howard. I believe Dwight will go to LA, the Magic will not let him opt out, they will take they're assets.

As for Paul, I can't see the Hornets wanting a 31 years old Gasol (with a hefty paycheck), but its not really up to the Hornets because teams will only trade for Paul if he signs a contract extension, in that regard he essentially chooses the team he wants. Would Paul honestly turn down the opportunity to play in LA, with Kobe & Dwight? Would you?

If this happens D12 would get dealt first, then we will see what Paul does. I don't think he would pass on that to come to NY, no way.

P.S. - If this does indeed happen the Lakers will have the "perfect 3". Best Big Man in the game, Best overall PG in the game, and the best finisher/scorer in the league. The Heat would have no shot, they wouldn't be able to match up. LeBron would never get his ring after formulating his own "big 3" (the irony behind that would be epic) and the Knicks could try to push for Deron Williams? But we'd lose too.
I agree that if the Lakers get Dwight, Chris Paul would probably agree to a deal to LA..He wants to play for a winner and be in a bigger market, and you don't get much bigger than LA..It's gonna be tough having to go through weeks/months of rumors but I won't predict anything..I will celebrate or be disappointed when I hear an official word that a deal was done..Dudes were pretty much dancing on our graves last year when there was the news that Melo got sent to NJ and all that needed to get done was an approval from the league
Yea...that's a realistic outcome. I heard dudes trying to say CP3 would go join Dwight in Orlando, because you could put anyone with the 2 of them.

Pau would be a real star they could feature their team around, especially after West is gone. Considering how he collapsed in the playoffs, I'm not sure the Lakers would hesitate to trade him for Paul, when they've got his replacement sitting on the bench and that would definitely be Mike Brown taking strong strides to get away from Phil's triangle offense with an on the ball point guard like him. Shades of the Lakers trading for Artest all over again.

If it's gonna go down like that, I want it to be over with quick, so we can finally move along filling out our roster for real after 3 years of revolving door Knicks.
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

according to my very reliable sources, penny is coming back 2 play for the knicks

It makes sense. If he's healthy now and can give us 15 minutes a night, him + Chompsy ~ CP3. It'd be a really good backup plan. 15/yr for Tyson, that's a top 3 team.
i use to want cp3 on the knicks but now im starting not to care anymore...i think the price for him is too expensive and will effect the depth of our bench which we already lack... if he comes here cool if not i wont sweat it... i think 2 superstars is good enough to win a chip with a good supporting cast at least... its definitely better than the team we had the past decade...i much rather go all in for a center, pg and 6th man wing instead... and anthony parker are you serious? that guy is a scrub and always will be... i rather get jamaal tinsley as our backup point and put shumpert at the 2 with douglas and fields
lol knicks are gonna continue being doo-doo without a point guard and a self-centered player such as melo. Flame on, but its the damn truth dunnies.
I'm usually not pessimistic, but do any of these moves matter?
Jeff Foster or Kwame Brown or Kurt Thomas or Alexis Ajinca?

Jamaal Tinsley or Anthony Parker or Chris Childs?

whoever gets picked up are going to be bums no matter what at this point. 45-50 win team regardless (& I'm not complaining). But, Only a guy like Cp3 changes much for this year.
We need to get CP3, there won't be a better point guard available. And we don't need to do too much with our bench. Add a shooter, a rebounder, and a shot blocker.
Goodbye to DeAndre Jordan (as if we had any real chance), Clips offering him $40 mil/5 years

what we really need to happen more than anything else in the world right now is for some young center to just blossom outta nowhere and do the kind of %+!! DeAndre does. If we can have a center in place who can just run the floor, play d, and board, for a cheap price we would be %%$%+*% golden because that would just make ph + additional depth our only needs and depth is not hard when you are a contender, and we have the cap space for a franchise pg-- just not a pg and center with melo and stat on the books

You may call me reaching for the stars and maybe i am, but keep in mind that if you have the physical gifts it really is not THAT hard to do what deandre jordan does or tyson chandler, serge ibaka, etc

Sure you need to have certain instincts/talents but developing into a beast shot blocker/finisher when youre 7'0 and can jump 30+ inches is MUCH easier to develop than lets say a go to post game, which fourtunately we do not need our center to need

I mean keep in mind that all of these dudes were not lotto picks. Serge was a late 1st rounder in 08 and deandre was bought for next to nothing by the clips in the 2nd round (cough Jerome Jordan cough). Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of develOpment + being put into the right situation.

Deandre jordan didnt burst onto the scene until he develoed for a year or 2 and than was stuck in at center next to blake griffin who handled the scoring and things that deandre couldnt do. Ibaka needed a few years and than being hoisted into a talented Thunder lineup turned him into what he is today. Even tyson chandler was on the verge of being a bust after being a top 5 pick in chicago, it wasnt until he was paired with cp3 and the hornets in new orleans where his anility started to show, and he even regressed in charlotte before taking over the paint on this championship mavs team where he played alongside dirk nowitzki.

If those kind of results can happen to those kind of guys i dont see why we cant find somebody to do that here without overpaying for somebody in free agency who took advantage of a good situation. We just need somebody, anybody Jerome Jordan or someone else to take advantage of a great oppurtunity like those guys did. We have the ideal situation for that mold of center to be successful, playing in an uptemo system surrounded by melo, amare in a paint, and potentially chris paul, making the centers only job to run the floor, block shots, grab boards, and besides the occasional alley oop or put back- to stay the *#*% out the way on offense.

If a guy like deandre jordan could do that after being a second round pick and being paired with BG, after a year of euro play/training and playing on the team we have i honestly dont find it unrealistic that a guy like jerome jordan can come in this season and do the same kind of thing. I mean deandre was loaded with potential and i was dying for the knicks to buy a 2nd rounder when he fell back in the day, but from what i am hearing about this Jordan kid, he is a similar kind of player and its hard to argue that playing center here is even better than in LA next to griffin, possibly even better than what serge/chandler had in OKC/Dallas.

Again im not calling for this kid to lead the league in blocks, im not even sayin that jordan will definitley be the answer. What i AM saying is that with the roster/system we currently have in place, even without cp3, it shouldnt be that hard to come in and do A cervicable enough job to be our franchise center, its not like were lookig for the next shaq.

As for chris paul, i honestly believe if we handle what we can handle the best we possibly could (number one priority being a center to fit in the starting 5) the rest of the pieces will fall into place, but maybe im just an optimist
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm usually not pessimistic, but do any of these moves matter?
Jeff Foster or Kwame Brown or Kurt Thomas or Alexis Ajinca?

Jamaal Tinsley or Anthony Parker or Chris Childs?

whoever gets picked up are going to be bums no matter what at this point. 45-50 win team regardless (& I'm not complaining). But, Only a guy like Cp3 changes much for this year.
I'm with you... unless it's a young guy like Shumpert or even Jerome Jordan getting minutes and contributing, I don't care about the filler right now. 
I care about the fill-ins. I would like to make as much progress as possible to convince other players who aren't a CP3/Melo that they can definitely fill a role here. We're fortunate enough to be a big market/great location but we still need to show that we're on the way up, IMO.
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