let this thread die (NYK)

This sucks

Wow this is a comPlete joke. If d Antoni isn't fired after this game I'm completely done with this team. Hope others feel the same
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Hopefully tomorrow we wake up to news that Dantoni is fired.

We already seen two coaches fired this year? I don't understand how especially in a place like NY.. D'antoni's job is still safe..
Damn, Knicks really are living and dying by the 3. Jordan Hill sucks, Knicks could be abusing him while Dalembert's not on the floor

Oh well
Lmao @ this sorry pathetic team. And we actually thought we could actually compete for a ring with all these overpaid heartless athletes what a joke

Lin is better than Bibby on both ends, but that's not saying too much.
Toney Douglas would leave with a penny every time on Deal or No Deal.
Walker sucked, Fields sucked, Douglas sucks, Novak sucked, Bibby sucks, Balkman sucks.

at least we're in the East.
Not saying that Jeremy Lin is good or anything...
But I notice such a big difference (a positive one) when having a TRUE point guard out there on the floor...He is setting people up for good shots and penetrating the basket etc.

hopefully baronGOD will be the savior
Lin with 9 points 6 dimes and 3 boards in 12 minutes
I like the way Jordan moves and catches the ball also dude has soft hands .
There has to be a way we can utilize our front court. The guards suck so we shouldn't be a 3 point first team
the 3's need to stop but Amare nor Tyson are back to the basket guys, so I don't know. Without a PG they're screwed.

but the 3's need to stop. we're not a good shooting team, so stop shooting them.

No Pg, no guys who can create off the dribble, no back to the basket scorers..a coach who relies on pick & roll pieces (which we have 1/3)..tough combination.
were 7-13 20 games in. For us to reach the playoffs in this short season we probably will have to go like 30-16 from here on out.
Just wanted to point this out...
How does he let a lineup of lin,shump,bibby,chandler,jefferies out there for such a significant amount of time when we needed offense in the 3rd quarter. $+*?
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