let this thread die (NYK)

Alan Hahn: 'Antoni says there's nothing puzzling about #Knicks losing 'we're just playing awful.'
Alan Hahn: Tyson on #Knicks frustration: "You get stops, you get stops and you get stops, but you can't score."
Alan Hahn: Via @Howard Beck: Baron Davis may not be ready for another week. Back is fine, but basketball conditioning is the main focus now.
Alan Hahn:
Baron is 100% right to not rush back. He helps this team at full strength. Why come back early out of desperation and have a setback?
Howard Beck: Remember, Baron hasn't played in a game since April 11. This isn't about his back right now. It's about being in game condition.
I agree that Baron shouldn't rush back and make sure he's fully ready when he returns..I don't want him to return early and the offense is looking good, then he hurts himself and the offense goes back to crap. Plus, we need his 15ish PPG so if he comes back rusty, his jumper is gonna be trash and it's just gonna hurt the team.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

With Curry coming off, we still coulda shipped out Kelenna, Mason, Rautins and Turiaf.
Then signed Tyson, added Shump, Jorts and Baron. Even add one of the China dudes.
And then we probably do that Jamal S&T since TD and Walker are real expendable.

something like...
PG Felton, Baron
SG Shump, Jamal, Fields
SF Gallo, Wil, AR
PF Amar'e, (K-Mart), Purp, Jorts
C Tyson, Mozgov

No real closer, but a very good, deep basketball team.
Donnie stays because we don't piss him off, too.

mibad, I took this too far.

That team is a dream. It's ridiculously deep no way in hell that would've ever happened
There's enough blame to go around for our failures...from D'Antoni to the FO. Melo is partly to blame as well since he forced the trade to secure his money, allowing Denver to rape us in the process. I still feel we gave up way too much in that trade, but oh well
seeing that 4th quarter comeback vid just makes me upset. that team was gonna get better and better and would have developed even more. but to many people/fans wanted to win immediately. . but whats done is done. i think the knicks will get on track, hopefully sooner than later.
Didnt think this pic would have a proper place here at the beginning of this season...

Spoiler [+]
but it does
That team does not ever beat the Heat in a 7 game series. So that means that team wouldn't ever win a chip.

Take it back to the Denver game where Gallo had a chance to make the game more difficult for the Knicks to stay in the game. He chokes and bricks a free throw

I was never a fan of the 3 max contracts, but since we have it we are stuck with it.

The division might be a long shot but they can still make the playoffs. Let's get a healthy Melo & Davis not even for his shot right now. And see how we look the end of Feb
I still have faith... in this short season, it's all about getting hot towards the end of the season, getting into the playoffs and riding that wave as long as you can... this dude knows what I am talking about 

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

I still have faith... in this short season, it's all about getting hot towards the end of the season, getting into the playoffs and riding that wave as long as you can... this dude knows what I am talking about 


This. I don't know what's everyone talking about, we dnt have a bad team. They just get to get on the same page and start sinking shots that normally go down. If we could land Kenyon martin , it will definitely make an impact . We aren't terrible were just slumping right now.
Quick question guys what are the chances of the Knicks signing chandler and martin , moneywise and then maybe Nash in the summer ?
Iman Shumpert is only 21 years old, but 20 games into his rookie season, he's already wearing down. Shumpert has had leg cramps, back issues and problems with both knees and one of his ankles. He wore braces over both knees Saturday night.

"He gets banged up a little bit," Mike D'Antoni said. "I just want to make sure he can recover. For a rookie, it's a rude awakening to come in and you're playing so many games. His athleticism has come down a little bit just because he's so banged up.''


How about giving Lin and Jordan some minutes Mike
how about we hire one of these guys? 

if not ewing...rick brunson (he's an assistant with the bulls right now)

I was one of those people that thought Lin deserved at least 5-10 min per game but he didn't look great yesterday and it's not like he was going up against All-Star guards..Dude was stopping his dribble way too early (like TD does), was forcing the issue sometimes offensively (like Shumpert does) and was turning the ball over a lot (like both TD n Shumpert do)

Overall, he didn't look great and when he came into the game, the Knicks were down by 10..The deficit increased to 20 with him running the point, until the Rockets put in their garbage time players
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

What's really the problem with AI or Arenas right now? I don't see why them dudes don't get a shot.
Allen Iverson hasn't played competitive basketball in 2 years. No reason to expect that a 36 year old 6'0 guard that hasn't played in 2 years will contribute meaningfully to any NBA team.

As for Arenas, would prefer to stay away from the circus that is him. Plus he looked godawful last season.
Every guy in management in the NBA thinks AI is washed up. It's kinda like he's worn out his welcome. It's up to coaches to request him and owners to okay it for him to be back. Many just see him as an aging/old player that's lost it and/or wouldn't be good for their team. He was basically pleading to be on a team last off season.

Arenas I fee was just waiting but ppl may be thinking he's done with the way he played last season. Dude risks fading away the way Antoine Walker did.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke


Who would have thought that was the better team of the two
word... I thought the Knicks had a good squad last year. It was much more balanced out then it is now. We actually played like a team most of the time and could've developed our younger players into great players and still have that team dynamic. Denver won.
No trolling but, seriously? You guys knew what you were getting last year when you were fiending for Melo to "come home." It was highly apparent that you were losing your entire starting squad minus Amare for one player. I don't know why some of you are surprised that Jim Dolan ruined your team. The team you had at the beginning of last season was better than any Carmelo led combo of a team they can produce now. Do you remember the electricity that was running through the city during Amare's 9 straight 30 point games? 
You were only a top PG and decent Center away from truly being "back"... And now look, trade rumors circling around the lone All Star that truly wanted to be here.
Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER


Who would have thought that was the better team of the two
word... I thought the Knicks had a good squad last year. It was much more balanced out then it is now. We actually played like a team most of the time and could've developed our younger players into great players and still have that team dynamic. Denver won.
No trolling but, seriously? You guys knew what you were getting last year when you were fiending for Melo to "come home." It was highly apparent that you were losing your entire starting squad minus Amare for one player. I don't know why some of you are surprised that Jim Dolan ruined your team. The team you had at the beginning of last season was better than any Carmelo led combo of a team they can produce now. Do you remember the electricity that was running through the city during Amare's 9 straight 30 point games? 
You were only a top PG and decent Center away from truly being "back"... And now look, trade rumors circling around the lone All Star that truly wanted to be here.

Your sig disgust me
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

word... I thought the Knicks had a good squad last year. It was much more balanced out then it is now. We actually played like a team most of the time and could've developed our younger players into great players and still have that team dynamic. Denver won.
No trolling but, seriously? You guys knew what you were getting last year when you were fiending for Melo to "come home." It was highly apparent that you were losing your entire starting squad minus Amare for one player. I don't know why some of you are surprised that Jim Dolan ruined your team. The team you had at the beginning of last season was better than any Carmelo led combo of a team they can produce now. Do you remember the electricity that was running through the city during Amare's 9 straight 30 point games? 
You were only a top PG and decent Center away from truly being "back"... And now look, trade rumors circling around the lone All Star that truly wanted to be here.

Your sig disgust me
Despite the sig, he's right though
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Originally Posted by Rudemiester

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts
Your sig disgust me
 All because I'm from here doesn't mean I have to like all the teams we offer... In fact, being a Heat fan goes with the theme of going against the dominant NY teams like the Giants, Yankees and Knicks. I'm still waiting on the Islander to return to respectability.
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