let this thread die (NYK)

I have been preaching to fire D'antoni since they hired him. He couldn't win a championship with the Suns and that squad was beyond loaded with Nash playing like he was possessed. Any decent coach would have had 2 championships from 04-07 with the way that squad was playing. Jerry Sloane has done a lot more with a lot less. You have this much talent and you can't win games? Yeah there are pieces missing but you can't tell me that you can't get a win against the Bobcats. I always thought they gave up too much for Melo. He is nice but not worth that much or giving up that much of your roster. You suck for a decade and you can't build a team by drafting decent players....oh that's right we give away picks or keep a player only for half a season. Damn this team and it's management sucks.
Originally Posted by xilegacy

I have been preaching to fire D'antoni since they hired him. He couldn't win a championship with the Suns and that squad was beyond loaded with Nash playing like he was possessed. Any decent coach would have had 2 championships from 04-07 with the way that squad was playing. Jerry Sloane has done a lot more with a lot less. You have this much talent and you can't win games? Yeah there are pieces missing but you can't tell me that you can't get a win against the Bobcats. I always thought they gave up too much for Melo. He is nice but not worth that much or giving up that much of your roster. You suck for a decade and you can't build a team by drafting decent players....oh that's right we give away picks or keep a player only for half a season. Damn this team and it's management sucks.

same here 
Originally Posted by xilegacy

I have been preaching to fire D'antoni since they hired him. He couldn't win a championship with the Suns and that squad was beyond loaded with Nash playing like he was possessed. Any decent coach would have had 2 championships from 04-07 with the way that squad was playing. Jerry Sloane has done a lot more with a lot less. You have this much talent and you can't win games? Yeah there are pieces missing but you can't tell me that you can't get a win against the Bobcats. I always thought they gave up too much for Melo. He is nice but not worth that much or giving up that much of your roster. You suck for a decade and you can't build a team by drafting decent players....oh that's right we give away picks or keep a player only for half a season. Damn this team and it's management sucks.

These post frustrate me the most. No sense in crying over spilled milk, we traded the players  away for Melo now can we move on??? GOSH!!!

Hopefully a Loss tomorrow will seal the deal in pringles being gone.

Woodson isn't much of an upgrade but these guys need a new voice. As amare mentioned players arent reading the "Board" and the "Gameplan" so hopefully a new voice and strategic plan might wake some of these guys up.

Can't lie I don't even defend my team anymore just let people bash us willingly because really how can I respond?

I keep thinking this is a bad dream and will wake up with a winning record and Pringles gone and Toney Douglas sent to the D league.
Sorry about the repost. Didn't look far back enough...I think the Knicks ills would be cured if they got a decent PG. Baron Davis is not the answer. I don't think he'll help at all. Wish the Knicks could've figured out a way to keep Felton. He was really starting to come into his game. The Knicks are so hamstrung now cap & trade wise. The only chip they have is Amara & he's all broke up looking. Is he really playing hurt or is he just playing uninspired due to the losing?
Tyson is actually playing at a higher level than I expected..He's a great offensive rebounder and defensively, I've yet to see a big man do work on him..Almost every center that he defends scores less than their season average.

If Melo played like he did in Denver and Amar'e played like he did last year, the addition of Tyson would make that a tough matchup for any team..But of course when Tyson comes through and plays better than expected, Amar'e can't hit a jumper to save his life and Melo couldn't shoot a tennis ball into a swimming pool.
it's been a rough stretch and almost unbearable to watch at times, but nothing we can do at this point, i mean I'm sure Giant fans was feeling like we did before they made this run to the SB, only thing we can do is hope people get healthy and we get on a roll, Which we WILL but its a matter of time at this point, i know baron knows how to upset teams going in to the playoffs and after all last lockout we did make that magical run and this year so did the giants, #NY state of mind, lollll (crosses fingers) (que picture for kid praying to god)
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Tyson is actually playing at a higher level than I expected..He's a great offensive rebounder and defensively, I've yet to see a big man do work on him..Almost every center that he defends scores less than their season average.

If Melo played like he did in Denver and Amar'e played like he did last year, the addition of Tyson would make that a tough matchup for any team..But of course when Tyson comes through and plays better than expected, Amar'e can't hit a jumper to save his life and Melo couldn't shoot a tennis ball into a swimming pool.
that's such a big word. We have a good 2k team. It's easy to get Melo and Stat their shots in a video game, but our PG's are horrible.changing our coach mid-season won't change that. In a triangle offense the point guard is almost useless, ie. BJ Armstrong, Paxson, Hodges, Ron Harper, Fisher
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Tyson is actually playing at a higher level than I expected..He's a great offensive rebounder and defensively, I've yet to see a big man do work on him..Almost every center that he defends scores less than their season average.

If Melo played like he did in Denver and Amar'e played like he did last year, the addition of Tyson would make that a tough matchup for any team..But of course when Tyson comes through and plays better than expected, Amar'e can't hit a jumper to save his life and Melo couldn't shoot a tennis ball into a swimming pool.
that's such a big word. We have a good 2k team. It's easy to get Melo and Stat their shots in a video game, but our PG's are horrible.changing our coach mid-season won't change that. In a triangle offense the point guard is almost useless, ie. BJ Armstrong, Paxson, Hodges, Ron Harper, Fisher
I agree that STAT needs a PG but Melo doesn't...Carmelo should still have been effective offensively even with the injured wrist..When he first hurt his wrist, he was attacking the rim knowing his wrist wasn't strong enough to hit perimeter shots..The last few games before he sat out to heal his injuries, he almost never posted up or drove to the paint..That's because D'Antoni doesn't mind his best players camping out on the perimeter..A more aggressive coach will make sure his star players are staying aggressive.
Ny better not trade any of our 3 stars.
We should trade Dantoni before any of our big 3.

Ewing as a coach would be very interesting.

What about jeff van gundy........again?
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