let this thread die (NYK)

SON?? How do u put in a guy that hasn't played one minute??? Obviously hes going to be cold...He's gone I don't care that was horrible coaching.

Exactly what some clowns wanted (while sitting on the bench).

D'Antoni can't win.

Realize this roster is awful, Dolan gutted the team.

Won't beat a dead horse at this point, Baron Davis won't change a thing, he is still going to pass the ball to Douglas, Novak, Fields, Shump.....this is our bench ladies and gentleman (oh wait, some are actually starters).
I didn't catch the first half, but I can't even especially blame Mike for this one...it's the personnel.
We don't a point guard and our bench scored 9 points.

9 Bench Points on 3/16 shooting.........

We would've run away with it if ANYONE on the bench showed a pulse.
I don't know what I'll do after Sunday. All I'll have is the Knicks. This sucks.
Originally Posted by d5

Yea we want Novak to play minutes.  Not come in for the last shot when he hasn't even played the entire game of course hes going to be cold.  THAT IS THE COACH'S FAULT.     

People were saying last night to put Novak in even though he played no minutes.
What about Fields and Shumpert missing? IS THAT THE COACH'S FAULT TOO?

I haven't defended D'Antoni on here as much as I've tried to point out the various other factors to blame too. In this case, it was the quality of our players that cost us those final opportunities.
I do have a problem with Mike playing Lin in the first half and benching TD then playing TD and benching Lin in the second half. Dude makes no sense.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Can't believe you guys are blaming dantoni smfh. He's not the reason we lost that game. Novak was in to attract attention, we had no timeouts left and we had to inbound the ball. I'm 100000% sure the play wasn't for Novak. Giving dantoni the benefit of the doubt last 2 games. The players lost those.

Sidenote: $*%% our front office for not picking up Jamal Tinsley. I could not believe I saw him putting in work for the UTAH JAZZ of all teams the other night
Y'all ++%$$% are incredible sometimes man. The #%@+ be going through your heads watching basketball?


*draws up plays, players miss good shots they should've made*



Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

SON?? How do u put in a guy that hasn't played one minute??? Obviously hes going to be cold...He's gone I don't care that was horrible coaching.
Exactly what some clowns wanted (while sitting on the bench).

D'Antoni can't win.

Realize this roster is awful, Dolan gutted the team.

Originally Posted by What up

D'Antoni has messed up in the past with questionable decisions/tactics. But the last few plays aren't on him.

Boston played Carmelo perfectly, the double team came at the right time, he swung the ball around and Fields bricked it.

Novak could have been a decoy for all we know but Boston again was on point with their defense. Fields panicked and lobed it to Novak who had no position to shoot it.

The Knicks players didn't get it done - Shumpert was WIDE open. Fields needs to make that shot and be a better decision maker overall.
All that needs to be said.

Dumb %!! ++%$$%.
It's also INSANE how they never use Amare in the 4th.  The guy literally doesn't exist in the second half.  Point guard or not give Amare the ball in the elbow and let him do his work.  If Melo can get ISOs Amare should get the same ISOs as well.  Fields and Shumpert should not be options in taking last shots, yes granted they were wide open but the offense should always run thru Melo and STAT not just Melo. 
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Sidenote: $*%% our front office for not picking up Jamal Tinsley. I could not believe I saw him putting in work for the UTAH JAZZ of all teams the other night

the MINUTE I found out Baron wasn't faking his injury I started calling for Grunwald's head.

Our front office has done absolutely nothing that wouldn't have gotten done on it's own anyways.

Close to the worst off-season possible after the worst trade to get Melo possible.
I just hope if Phil comes in June, he brings a gm with him.
Originally Posted by d5

Originally Posted by Big J 33

People who wanted Novak.. There you go.
Shumpert missed
Melo passed.. Fields missed.

The coach has his faults, he's not missing shots, though.

Yea we want Novak to play minutes.  Not come in for the last shot when he hasn't even played the entire game of course hes going to be cold.  THAT IS THE COACH'S FAULT.     
We aint talking about giving him minutes. People in here posted that they wanted him to come in to the game cold last night and take the 3. Pringles puts him in now and he ends up with the ball and now ppl are saying of course he's gonna be cold, completely ignoring that what just occurred wasn't even a play ran for Novak, he just ended up with the ball to avoid a turnover.

Marc Berman: Novak said he was there as decoy and first option was to get ball in Melo's hands.
You could tell by Melo's reaction that the last shot was NOT meant for Novak. He even threw is headband on the court out of frustration
If THEGR8 is angry right now after this losing streak and these past losses I wouldn't even want to imagine the fury of his 10,000 word post.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I done with ranting and analyzing.

We deserve better man.


this how I be feeling.



I was @ MSG last night and watching this from home obviously, but at the end of the day I don't feel like our team is completely incompetent. It's the coach. We got some talent. We've been in the game against the teams that are "top tier" in the East. The players know what's up and are at least coming with it against the teams they believe are the best. But when it comes to actual coaching decisions, rotations, late game strategies, D'Antoni don't got it. I believe he has a place in basketball and he is a good offensive mind.

I can understand that nobody was open and you HAD to pass it to Novak, but WHY wasn't anybody open ?

I was there when Amare took that shot last night against the Bulls and thought !%+?!

I been watching these games like everybody else on here has been watching. I hope the rumors are true and this dude D'Antoni is gone ASAP.

Let's all hope that this takes place, because I believe as a HEAD COACH, Mike Woodson is a WHOLE LOT more competent then D'Anfoni and we can start enjoying some good basketball.

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