let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Man his fault or not +%%# D'antoni, he killed my faaaaaather!

what the hell? lol

nooooo....he IS your father...wait...you aint Gallo

Hmm, this would make sense based off his time in Italy, and ridiculous assertion that Gallo is the best shooter that ever lived sounding like guilty fatherly confidence boosters.  Beat Gallo's moms up like "come on come on let's g.....uhhhh".
damn. really tough loss....
another close game

but you play TD in the 2nd half, they make a comeback. that and we werent hitting any shots....
the plays we ran in the 4th were horrible. im not talking about the last couple of possessions we had. our offense was so stagnant

i dont know why we started going back to Melo, just holding the ball....

we have to get the W tmrw...
I have been calling for D'Antoni to be fired throughout this thread, No doubt about it. But these past two games are not his fault. We should have played Lin more tho.
Regardless, let's Fire him now. 
There isn't a coach available who can utilize an in shape Davis (and possibly JR) better than D'Antoni.

I'd keep him.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

I done with ranting and analyzing.

We deserve better man.

Really? Why?

Serious question... why do you guys deserve better?

I have respect for you as a Bulls' fan because I've seen you make knowledgeable basketball posts on NT in the past and you've given the team props when they won good games(a few times)..But this has to be one of the most idiotic questions I've ever seen on NT..You're asking diehard Knicks' fans that have supported this team through horrible seasons why they feel they deserve better than to watch a team with 3 guys making a combined $54Mil go 8-15 to start the season?
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Alan Hahn @alanhahn
JR Smith hits that shot in two weeks. Good ball movement. Open look. Just missed.

He either knows something we don't that he can't talk about (just in case he'd end up looking like a dumb #%% if it doesn't go down) or he just thinks it's a lock that he'll be here. To me the fact that he tweeted it makes me think he knows something we don't.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

what the hell? lol

nooooo....he IS your father...wait...you aint Gallo

Hmm, this would make sense based off his time in Italy, and ridiculous assertion that Gallo is the best shooter that ever lived sounding like guilty fatherly confidence boosters.  Beat Gallo's moms up like "come on come on let's g.....uhhhh".

Since the minute I found out Gallo's was his boy's son, and dude was lurkin around that time...
I rather have David Lee ,WC, and Nate Rob putting their hearts out there than this dysfunctional team...
the reason we lost was that he put in douglas for no apparent reason

he taks so damn long to make adjustments
we had 3 chances to win. Open look my Shump was off by an inch. Fields, a foot. Novak panicked. Second half was terrible. Lin looked real suspect out there when pressured.
i miss donnie. He used to talk to the media every week. it feels like dolan changed back to isolating and shunning the media
JR Smith @TheRealJRSmith
Pick an Roll was nice wit NeNe I can imagine what it would be like passing it to @Amareisreal would be like? #justthinkingtomyself?

JR Smith @TheRealJRSmith
I don't think I can let homie go out like that I'm loyal dude! Plus @carmeloanthony is family! #jerzeystateofmind

I think dudes gonna be a Knick
Has to be the case. He's making more tweets about NYK and hints than other players rumored to be here recently. Won't even be mad if Fields loses his starting job and Shump gets less minutes. I'm guessing Lin gets cut but I wish it was TD. Hopefully JR's arrival means no pt for TD at all.
Tommy Dee: speaking of Christ the King do you think the decision gets easier for Phil when team Kardashian pushes Lamar Odom home to MSG next year?
I remember in the past I didn't even like LO's game much. Didn't think much of him on LAL either but seeing the change in that team after he left and looking at where we're at now I'd welcome Odom to the Knicks.

I aint even mad at Melo for not passing now. He got spurned when he passed it to Jeffries in the playoffs. So in that game against DEN later I can see him having it in his head not to pass and shoot over 2 defenders. Looking at last night, the two guys he aint pass to came up empty.
The good thing about it is that im only seeing him tweet about Knicks or the Lakers and the Lakers can only offer the vet min and we can offer the 2.5 I doubt he doesn't even know that and won't know until he talks to both teams
At this point, I wouldn't even mind JR. he's more talented than every other guard on the roster and at least can shoot the ball. Plus it'd keep him away from other Eastern teams -- Not that it really matters, but just for spite.
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