let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Can we talk?


Sweetney had a game winner though...

Spoiler [+]
still doo-doo, just saying 
Originally Posted by arrjae2

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Can we talk?

Sweetney had a game winner though...

Spoiler [+]
still doo-doo, just saying 
Against the Pacers right? I remember that game
Originally Posted by petermans

Do we have any draft picks for 2012?
Nah. Well, the Rockets receive the Knicks' 2012 1st round pick (top 5 protected). The Suns own the Knicks' 2012 2nd round pick (Amar'e). Basically, we have no draft pick this year. 
Originally Posted by d3simet

Originally Posted by petermans

Do we have any draft picks for 2012?
Nah. Well, the Rockets receive the Knicks' 2012 1st round pick (top 5 protected). The Suns own the Knicks' 2012 2nd round pick (Amar'e). Basically, we have no draft pick this year. 
yeah, iw as just looking it up and was like dang, we dont have any draft picks.
Tonight's game was the most energy I've seen the Knicks play with all year..They've lost games where they were in it late with a chance to win, but they looked like they had 0 confidence and after every mistake, they hung their heads and tried to play hero ball..But with Lin in the game, when the Nets would make a run, they still looked confident and they seemed to really enjoy playing together..That chemistry is building.

I don't believe in "moral victories" but the Knicks had a great shot at beating the best team in the East on Thursday and should have won last night's game against the Celtics. If this offense keeps rolling and Lin gets decent minutes, this team can turn things around...And no, I'm not just saying this because we beat the Nets
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Prior to tonight, Knick fans, what were your thoughts on JLin?
Another bum but he can do some nice things and should definitely play before Toney Douglas. His earlier games he was a whole lot more tentative even in garbage time and he can be clumsy/sloppy. When I heard he had a triple dub in the d-league I didn't think much cuz it was athe d-league but I was a bit surprised I was even hearing good things about him.
the only negative is that dantoni gets to stay even though hes a !%$+%!@ moron

even when he makes a good decision its month later than it should be
Wow Lin really willed us to get that win, but I dont feel like he will keep playing at this level he'll eventually cool off and the knicks will probably still struggle until the all star break
After the break I see our team getting their *$!% together and playing high level basketball
Jonah Ballow: 'Antoni liked the composure & D from Lin last night, which led to the increased minutes tonight #Knicks
Jonah Ballow: 'Antoni joked that he will digest this gm b/f deciding if he wants to start Lin on MON #Knicks #NBA
Jared Zwerling: "This is all new to me guys!" Amare says as he's walking to his locker and it's mobbed because Lin's is right next to his.
Jared Zwerling: Tyson on Jeremy Lin: "When we play 3-on-3, he kills. He's a problem. It wasn't just 1 guard. It was all the guards. Coach had to play him."

@ Lin killing all of our !%%#++ guards
lin played a great game and single handedly won the game for the knicks but at the same time i dont think he should be a starter... i think he can be the perfect 6th man off the bench who can play long minutes if he plays well... and then use douglas on the depth chart after him as far as 3rd point guard going in to the game... i still think shumpert should start because he plays great D and is athletic... he just needs to find his role within the team and its tough for him adjusting from sg to point in his rookie season but also difficult in a shortened season.... but for my knicks fans why is it an excuse this team is playing garbage because we lack a pg? van gundy was a great coach and would be dope for this team but he hates dolan so it aint happening... my point is he was a great coach in his tenure as knicks coach and even brought them to a championship with childs and ward as a starting pg who are both garbage be honest... and back then the knicks only had 1 great superstar in ewing and now the knicks have 2 legit superstars in a melo and amare so there really is no excuse...and chandler is no superstar but hes good enough to say the knicks have a good 3 on their team..so ya the blame still goes on dantoni...our team sucks because of him and the point guard excuse is not valid
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Prior to tonight, Knick fans, what were your thoughts on JLin?
Another bum but he can do some nice things and should definitely play before Toney Douglas. His earlier games he was a whole lot more tentative even in garbage time and he can be clumsy/sloppy. When I heard he had a triple dub in the d-league I didn't think much cuz it was athe d-league but I was a bit surprised I was even hearing good things about him.
I know what you mean. In all fairness, he never gets good consistent minutes (even with us), so it's a little harsh to label him a bum (Although, I'm sure there are better players ahead of him so...Meh).

I do hope he gets more PT in the near future. He hustles and makes right plays, however, there are times where it's frustrating to see him just "dribble dribble pass" and be so unproductive.
Lin gets penetration that's what he excels at. The most reassuring thing, is that he scored off of layups and made good passes. I'm not saying hell score 25 a night or even score 20 ever again but this wasn't a fluke night. A fluke night is Walker vs the Heat and Douglas last year against the Bulls.
Originally Posted by d3simet

Originally Posted by arrjae2

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Can we talk?
Sweetney had a game winner though...
Against the Pacers right? I remember that game
i remember i got all hype over this dude after. 
 then the next couple games were just pure doo-doo-ness aha
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

Lin gets penetration that's what he excels at. The most reassuring thing, is that he scored off of layups and made good passes. I'm not saying hell score 25 a night or even score 20 ever again but this wasn't a fluke night. A fluke night is Walker vs the Heat and Douglas last year against the Bulls.

I don't think it was that much of a fluke. Lin was mostly penetrating hitting layups and drawing the defense. Douglas and walkers nights consisted of being on fire from 3 with almost 0 penetration. If Lin earned his 20-25 min a game then I'll be more than happy if he can put up 10-4-4 on a nightly basis
Lin does what the Knicks need, which is set up the offense..It's just like the Lakers with D Fisher..They have a great front line in Pau and Bynum, and D Fish is just expected to get them the ball when they're in a good position to score..Lin is not a great PG by any means but when you have guys as athletic as Amar'e n Tyson, if they know you'll get them the ball when they're open, they'll make sure to attack the rim and all Lin has to do is lob the ball and let them do the rest.
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