let this thread die (NYK)

I know the CP3 stuff might have put a damper on things for some, but I think the organization is doing well.

It's a solid back up plan. You fill the biggest need on the team and now have a very strong front-line going forward for the rest of the perceived window for this team (4-5 years). D'Antoni's not going to become a defensive savant over night, but I'd guarantee Chandler (and just the fact of having a true 5 man) makes a huge difference on that end. (and maybe Mike Woodson helps a bit?)

Have to hope you hit on the Shumpert pick and that in time he can prove to be a solid 6th man (combo guard that can't shoot, so not sure he ever is a starter..but he can be a real asset).

If you make a move on Steve Nash in the summer (or if he asks out at some point this year), then this team really could have a chance.

Obviously, Not a Finals appearing or championship team now, but I do think it's upped the ceiling to the point an ECF appearance isn't totally far-fetched if you land on the Chicago side of a playoff bracket (IMO, Chi/Mia will be 1/2 seeds and us either 3/4 with Boston, so a Boston playoff series isn't likely, I wouldn't think). Before, I thought this team had a cap of the 2nd rnd and no chance of anything else.

Still don't think we have enough on the perimeter (speed and athleticism mostly) to contend with Miami, but otherwise..think we can do okay.
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Who are we supposed to be trading Turiaf to Denver for ? Birdman.. or ?

Spoiler [+]

@ the return of MOZGOD!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

So did cp3 sign the extension with the Lakers?
He's probably just waiting to see if they can get Dwight thenI'm sure he'll sign 

#$@ CP3 tho if they don't get Dwight OKC is still better than them and this is coming from Kevin Durant's #1 hater
Ugh I just hate the Lakers so damn much
That franchise always gets so lucky with the best players.
you know, we are a pretty damn big, strong team

chandler 7-1
amare 6-10
melo ?
fielfds ?
shump ?

where is Jeome Jmes in all of this???

that could be a great back up
Originally Posted by DubA169

you know, we are a pretty damn big, strong team

chandler 7-1
amare 6-10
melo ?
fielfds ?
shump ?

where is Jeome Jmes in all of this???

that could be a great back up
If we use this lineup the shortest man is 6'6
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

not to get anyone's hopes up but whats this about the lakers trade not going through?

It's breaking news on ESPN. LMAOOO plz don't go through. 
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Baron's knees have been done with 6 years, him being here would be a joke.

Knicks were not getting CP3 THIS season regardless, so they still have a shot at the end of the year. I've always made it know I prefer the guy out in New Jersey.

at this thread out to 40+ pages already were gna break the records we set on some wayne gretzky #%$*

anyway just wanted to come in here and say #+$!+@* love bringing over my tyson chandler. Sure we could have held out an maybe have gotten cp3 but why pass up a guy who fits our system so flawlessly for a guy who may not ever have came here. Chandler has many good years left ahead of him and he is the ideal ideal ideal fit for our system and guy you need next to amare. I expect tyson to have a great career as a knick ahead of him and honestly i cant think of another center in the NBA right now who would better fit this team in the entire nba outside of dwight obviously. I mean sure you can throw some players into consideration who may or may not be better overall players than chandler in terms of nba centers, but you gotta think in terms of team needs and for this team, with our roster and system we play, we dont necessarily need somebody with a great post game or a go to 15 footer or some #%$* like that which clearly tyson doesnt have, what we need from our center is a legit 7 footer who can finally make the paint at msg a no go for opposing teams, crash the boards and run the floor. And that is what tyson chandler does better than almost anybody in the league, so as i said considering skillset/age/team needs i dont think i would rather have anybody else in the league at center moving forward more than chandler, and he is coming off a championship season where he owned the heat defensively in the paint during the finals which is just straight old swagger points over that team down in south beach which is nice as well

however on the topic of team needs i would like to agree with my man i quoted above, which is that bringing baron davis over here would be pointless. As we learned from the lakers (forget the exact years but when they brought in malone, glove, and whoever else) you cannot fill out a championship caliber combo (for lakers it was shaq/kobe for us it is obviously are frontcourt right now) with over the hill former all-stars.I dont want to knock on bdiddy cause hes been one of my favorite players of the past decade but filling out a lineup of melo, stat, and chandler with baron davis and grant hill is NOT a good look whatsoever. Im still all for bringing in hill because of what he brings to the table(although i still think we should start landry but thats neither here nor there) but with that kind of front court with 2 of theMost athletic, great finishing big men in the league who both really only had success with an uptemo style of play along with melo of course you need to get your %%! up and down the court. Baron davis isnt nearly good enough for us to slow this team down.

First off, if we stop runnig we severely limit amare's skills and we cancel tyson chandler's entire offense out entirely. Chandler is not a scorer by any means but he is a freak athlete and can finish on the break as well as anybody in the nba. Not saying baron cant run anymore but i honesty think that the go to move in this situation is to. Start shumpert out of the gun and move forward fromm there and i think thats what the knicks had in mind with this deal.

First off im gonna just go out and say it: you can have jordan playing the 2 and replace chandler with orlando shaw and youre still not getting a ring with toney douglass starting at point. I respect what he brings to the table but he is really a bigger, less athletic nate, keep him in hos spot off the bench.

Anyway back to shumpert, this trade essentially means we are no getting paul obviously, but there is very little chance if any were getting a deron, etc etc either. Giving what $ we had left to a center instead of a point (our 2 obvious needs) basically means the organization is putting faith in shumpert to be our pg moving forward. I am a fan of Iman and i think he has he potential to be one of the top players fom this draft, he is 6'6 with a 42 inch vert yet he can play the point, very high ceiling for that kind of player obviously, but why i think hes underated is because kind of like russel westbrook his game is suited for an uptempo style nba gamr more than college. He was an all american in high school but did not put up mind blowing numbers at gt and this i think is more due to the fact that collegate play is slower and limits hos athletic ability and he was on teams with very little aroud him forcing him to be a #1 option kinda guy which isnt his game

Yes he has things to work on but i think him starting for us this season would be great for his development and therefore the team's development but alsO with the best interest of this season, at least more than baron. Im not saying he is a better basketball player than baron because realistically he isnt but a pg with shumpert's athletic ability opens up this offense te way we need it to. Just like for a center we didnt need a low post kind of guy, we dont need a pg who can score at will necessarily either. Yes it would be ideal for shumpert to improve his outside game but he is young and shooting is easy to develop. But the only benefit i really see davis being a significant upgrade to iman for this team is his outside touch. Iman is tough and i feel like he has the ability to handle the challenge of starting right away and ifeel like nyc will embrace him for it. Juat like for a center we needed a guy who can run, block shots, etc for a pg we need a guy whoCan come in here, get the ball to our go tos, run the break, and play lockdown d... All of which i think shumpert can handle better than a vet like baron

Shumpert will turn into more of a distributor over the scorer he was forced into being at gt which will be great for his development, also for a pg with his skillset is there any easier job than running the fast break, toss up ally oops to his athletic big men and if all else fails just let melo do what melo do best. And than theres the fact that he is a lockdown defender. I really like the idea of starting shumpert, remember landry started last season as a 2nd rounder and could have possibly stole roy if bg didnt miss his first year and i think this will be an easier transition for iman than landry and he was a higher pick

This kind of reminds me of boston when they got their guys in 08. They could have went for a random filler ring chasing veteran to operate the point but instead they stuck with the raw unproven rondo. All rondo had to do was give the ball up, play d, and he turned out to play an essential role for them and they probably wouldnt be where they are now nor do i think that rondo would be having the kind of career he has had if boston didnt put that kind of faith in him. Sometimes you gotta take chances in players and i think shumpery will be worth the risk, especially when the other option is just baron davis who wont give us much more than iman at this point even if iman doesnt pan out.
I'm happy as hell Chauncey is gone

Good signing with Tyson Chandler. He's not what everyone hypes him up too be, but he is a good, solid defensive big man.

We missed out on Paul but I'm not too upset about it. Our plan b isn't too shabby right now in my opinion.

Any young PGs you guys think its possible for us to pick off from another team?
I just heard the thief that is Eddy Curry, signed with the heat...good riddance. One of the worst signings in NY sports teams history
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