let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

What time does free agency n signing begins?

Damn, Hill is getting dumped on over here

Tyson is a bit too expensive for t hat price, IMO.

Forget whatever's happening with CP3, I still have hopes for Dwill
Getting chandler now will help us look even more attractive toany free agent next season.
Not to mention chandler will answer many of our needs immediately
well that signing kept me off guard and potentially grant as well... and if grant doesnt come i could care less... it would be a good pickup but i do have doubts since hes 38 plus and playing 2 guard...but ya this is definitely a good plan... we needed a center for the longest even before the melo trade and now it makes more sense... because before people were saying why trade for melo we need a center well now you got both...i told u the cp3 thing wouldn't make sense... it would have been a pipe dream really but i don't see how the knicks would fill out their roster with the left over money... now the knicks have somewhat flexibility... the only thing i do disagree with chandler signing is how much hes getting... hes a good center but 14 mill a year i dont know about that...and if they can amnesty billups and somehow trade both turiaf and balkman id be happy.... i said all along billups contract should not have been picked up this year but i guess him being amnesty works out just as good...now the knicks need a point and im hoping felton next summer and maybe getting wilson back or even gallo... the old knicks with chandler and melo 
chandler comes I still think we give up 100+ points a game but we'll see though
I'll give Mike Woodson a chance before I start clamoring to fire the entire coaching staff in the middle of the season. So they got 33 games.
D'Antoni & Co have the full year regardless.

Can't fire a coach in a shortened season. Essentially not going to have any practice time during the season.

last year of his contract, so for better or worse..going to be evaluated and have a decision made in the summer.
Lord let some good things happen between now and tomorrow!
IMO I think Tyson is over paid. But I don't think I've been this excited for a role player in my life.
It is a bit too much for Tyson but, if we dont offer that, another team will and we would

Whens the last time an above average Center wasnt overpaid ?
I want Dwight in Brooklyn. Would make for an awesome rivalry. & Keeps him away from stacking the deck in LA/Bos/Chi.

Heat Trio
Rose and ?

would be a fun Eastern Conference and if D-Wade ever has a breakdown...0_o...who knows.
I've always been against Dwight in BK, but I'm changing my tune.. Bring it on. The Nets will still be second fiddle to the Knicks, but might as well make it a good rivalry.

And good point, better there than Chi or Bos.
Right, I woulda said no if Chandler wasn't about to be in the fold. That pairing wouldn't scare me as much now, especially when looking at what else is left on the Nets roster.

Do Kinda actually hope it shakes out like that now.
As the NBA ratified a collective bargaining agreement Thursday to start free agency acquisitions at noon today, Hill openly wrestled with where he will sign as a free agent to close his career. The Suns, offering Hill a one-year, $5.5 million contract, appear to be fending off similar offers from New York and Chicago to keep the 39-year-old swingman.

"Everything is compressed and rushed but this is a big decision," Hill said after working out Thursday at US Airways Center, as he has daily for the past week. "It's probably my last decision so I'm going to make sure I think it through. Nothing's new to report, despite what's been reported elsewhere. I'm still trying to figure it out."

Hill declined to talk specifics about teams but he had plenty of interest before narrowing his focus to a group including the Suns, Knicks, Bulls, Clippers and Spurs. San Antonio was willing to give him a two-year contract. The Clippers offered about $8 million before they settled on a three-year, $24 million deal with Caron Butler. New York, with Hill's original Suns coach, Mike D'Antoni, and Chicago, with title aspirations, are making the Suns' task to keep Hill difficult.

Hill's free agency followed a similar path in 2009 until a Suns contingent flew to Orlando with an improved offer to fend off elite suitors. Hill has proved to be a bargain for the Suns, being paid $10.1 million over the past four seasons -- as a starter. He said this Suns offer is fair.

"It has not been an easy thing," Hill said of negotiations, which have included meetings with Suns President of Basketball Operations Lon Babby, his former agent, in each of the past two days. "I've got to make sure I'm comfortable with whatever decision it may be. I'm not comfortable right now."

"Things have been overwhelming," Hill said. "When I make a big decision, I'm very deliberate. The last week, I've been all over the place."
If Shumpert develops and Douglas improves his offensive consistency, we can have a great set of role players around Melo, Amare, and Chandler (I wouldn't call him a role player..He's just not a big offensive guy)..We'd have Fields, Shumpert, Toney, and Extra E..I like that supporting cast, and if we can incorporate a talented starting PG into the mix, I like our chances of making an ECF run
I haz confuze. Are we out of the running for G. Hill? We we ever in the running to begin with? We've heard this story before.

Acquiring BOTH Hill & Chandler makes the Knicks (at least 1 lineup) very, very scary. We still need a legit backup C (Mozgod
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